Tuesday, June 1, 2010

More Obama Bad Omens: This Time Abraham Lincoln Thunders At Obama

Yes when it rains it pours upon B. Hussein Obama's parade of bad omens.

We all recall sports fans how Obama decided he was going on vacation, instead of honoring the American War Heroes, and then as a vacation thought, was going to Abraham Lincoln something or something as Lincoln's name would sound good on Memorial Day to give Obama cover.

Cover though was of a different sort of Barack Obama, as he ran for it, even more so than when the Mooselums of Louis Farrakhan ran him out of the neighborhood chanting Islam, Islam, Islam.
The reason being is once again an incredible storm blew across Illinois and Obama could not use Abraham Lincoln, US Veterans or their families for a photo op to hide behind his continuous vacation spree.

Readers will recall last year that freak storm which struck the West Wing of the White House and toppled a European Larch as a bad omen for Obama and Europe, and, readers will recall how Obama was almost stuck by lightning in 2008 as an early omen that all was not well in Dodge for the Obamster.

This time Abraham Lincoln, the real American, was thundering from the clouds in God's omen that this kind of Saulite bastardization and whoring of the sacred is not going to stand.
Obama had to flee to Washington, when as a stop gap measure, he was rambling something at the air base he flew into.

Is not that priceless?


It has been quite the memory laden weekend memorializing Obama perfectly. First Obama make war on his Gulf Gusher and it flips him the bird and starts spewing more gas and oil when Obama shows up, showing God's mother earth is more powerful than an Obama.
Second, Obama gets run out of Chicago by real black folks in Farrakhan's Moosselum's.
And third, B. Hussein Obama has Abraham Lincoln turn on him with God's good weather not allowing America to be whored for an Obama photo op.

Amazing ain't it how George Bush had God working for him 24/7 and B. Hussein Obama has all of these delightful Col. Klink events constantly pouring rain on his halo head parade.

Hey, when it tar balls it pours.

Instead of drill baby drill, it is Obama's mantra in "Tar ball baby Tar balls".

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PS: Did you notice that even Matt Drudge was leading with "The Gods must be Angry"?, even if he was intellectual joking, the reality is soaking in.
Affirmation, confirmation, and influence of what goes on here by Grace directs the world.