Saturday, July 3, 2010

An Apple a day keeps Obama spying on You

Rush Limbaugh noted that he never has any problems with his cell phone or the Apple products he is so richly endowed with while countless others using Apple's new gizmo are having problems like so many others, that did not seem to show up in the lab rat experiments of antaneas but only do on the street.

The problem they say is human hands touching the on board anntanaes which is shorting them out. Fascinating is that, because the human body is a radio receiver and actually the current in the body from electro chemical reactions does enhance reception.
That is why people get struck by lightning.

Today for a number of hours, my radios in my home were whining in high pitch buzz. This comes and goes, and it has nothing to do with my servers or any other electrical appliances in being unplugged.
It does indeed change pitch though when my server or monitor on the computer comes online.

I will add that interestingly there is a higher interference rate on right wing radio. Fascinating eh what not?

I will not build a great deal of anticipation in this, as the reason Apple and other phones are losing signal is because the massive Escheleon sweeps are grabbing signals out of the air to such an extent that this is what is cutting off phone conversations.

My work area in the reason I have all of these spikes, and one has just occurred as I am typing this, are from satellite sweeps bombarding my GPS position with a rather massive amount of radio frequency signals.
This current situation started with Obama's yellow underwear shared with Frank Marshall Davis which was exclusively exposed here.

Now I am completely aware that the NSA and numbers of intelligence agencies know when satellites are in use in specific areas, and that includes the military.
These radio beams can be pinpointed, and the problems with them is they repositioned in orbit and earth rotation.
I "lose" them when revalent targets are being focused for national security as being an enemy of the state for simply loving America is now a crime.

The cell phone users are in area sweeps which are designed into all the towers and around military bases to grab signals when key words are in triggered.

This is the worst Big Brother world all of us exist in as we are all being bombarded by these microwave signals which is not good for any living thing, and that is what the Obama regime has turned loose on all Americans.

So that is why Apple is having problems. It is becoming a bigger player and is being hit by Bill Gates benefactors. If Jobs who is a liberal twerp would simply turn over all his operation to the globalists, instead of just parts of it, his phones would perform must better........except if the user is a targeted American.

Do you really think a computer system which is a skyscraper underground in size, doing multiple billions of calculations a second, that they do not know who you are, monitor your every move like an ant, and have every word you speak recorded?

That is why some people have problems in this and why some do not. They are watching you like a bunch of migratory birds with a RFID tag on your leg.

Enjoy, as I record this so when others who are puzzled by the strange things which occur in their electrical lives, they can stop being puzzled and thinking they are not in their right mind.

Obama is simply spying on you, illegally. That is the answer.

Oh ask yourself why Rush Limbaugh and none of the other media types never have any problems in broadcast or their appliances.

Pretty simple answer there too.

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