Thursday, July 8, 2010

Dead is Dead

would emily procter be alive if not for DDT

For those who have never bothered watching the old footage of how the world saved itself from plague, it is shocking to modern eyes which have been Obamanized by the green movement which seems to think eating meat is bad, but never conjures up from their Rothschild money backing that being poisoned, irradiated and burnt in their "medicine" is a good thing.

What is shocking is the way doctors used to dust people with the infamous DDT which made them look like chicken hens dusting on a hot day.
That remarkable insecticide had those people looking like they were covered with flour. It was in the air in a haze and even at those absorption levels it never harmed people.

The term crop dusters comes from that ear in airplanes actually used dust on crops to kill all those pestilence insects which were starving humanity off the planet.

DDT showed up in quantity in Africa, South America and the American South where it killed all those nasty malaria and yellow fever mosquitoes breeding an entire new generation of humans.

I can recall one of the early 'green scare scientists" papers in the early 1970's lamenting that in the far off Galapagos Islands, that they had even found traces of DDT there.
What they did not mention was that DDT does not break down in the environment, like the wonderfully magical atrazine which kills every weed on the planet, but acts like a fertilizer in corn.

Richard Nixon's gravest mistake was he banned 1040 which was not your IRS form, but a pesticide for the worst of predators in coyotes, and of that era cyanide was also put on a short leash.
America is losing it's wildlife because green dolts shut down fur harvesting and lethal methods of killing predators. Predators eat meat daily, and that meat is baby animals and those animals are turning out to be people's pet cats, dogs, pigs and goats just because the killers in nature were deemed more important than the rest of nature.
Mange, distemper, rabies and hosts of other horrid contagions kill off surplus predators after they have eaten everything and are starving, and humans catch those diseases.

It is in that genre, observing Bono and other liberals whining about malaria in Africa, that it is time to bring back DDT in it's perfect pesticide form. DDT cleaned up the world and cleaned up America so Americans were not a filthy diseased people dying or wanting death from all the itching they were doing.
DDT is what stopped the plague of those bloodsucking bed bugs, which are now returned, because all those 3rd world Obama border busters were staying in hotels spreading that vermin around.

DDT is the salvation of mankind, and it should as it seems apparent to actual conditions, be utilized worldwide akin to an Israeli Jubilee period every 50 years, and used for around 7 years to literally kill every vermin in the majority areas of the planet.

It is beyond possible and one has to ask why the big Obama backers have not produced like DDT products, unless the globalists fully intended to kill off people as Bill Gates admitted to, that a newer version of DDT could synthetically be produced which might not weaken egg shells which was the glitch scientists stated with DDT in harming nature.

In that, DDT and poisons should be brought back in wholesale quantities and used liberally around the world to clean up the pestilence and plagues killing people. Those things now taught to be feared are the saviors of humanity which everyone alive now is alive, because governments were being responsible in killing pests instead of killing people.

The elite who live in Connecticut can afford in their million dollar lifestyles to contemplate toxins while they burn natural gas instead of coal, as people in the Dakotas have to suck that yellow brown soot for those other elites in Chicago, but for the Africans dying of malaria the question is being polluted with HIV and malaria is not a choice of life, but it is one of dead is dead.

Obama liberals have that luxury of worrying about cancers or some other disease Rockefeller doctors will Ginsburg cure them of. The problem is always for the poor people in the world that they don't get a chance to worry about cancer developing 50 years from now, because some damn mosquito killed them or a damn locust ate their millet off and they starved to death under some Obama Marxist dictator.

Bring back the toxins of life which kept baby elk calves alive, baby kittens alive and baby people alive in 1040 and DDT. The scales need balancing again and it is past time to effect that balance in a safe way.
