Friday, July 23, 2010

metatron's Enticement

shhhh snowflakes

Sacred Geometry is covered here as it is the stuff which is the resonant frequency of the building of this dimension based upon God's Light and the dimensional clues to the inner workings of God.

Chaos is impossible as even in random chance, there is not any chance as patterns still form, meaning order does not evolve from chaos as the illuminated state, but chaos is ordered by Law to become an orderly pattern, as this is Who God is.

One of the most interesting sins ever provided to humans is the original sin which satan sought Eve to partake of, but God caught the devil in it's own trap.
See there were two reflective trees in the Garden of Eden based upon the originals in Heaven. One was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and the other was the Tree of Life.

satan was caught in this trap as it could not have Eve partaking of eternal Life without sin or there would not be enmity to God. If disobeying the order of God to not take of these Trees had no understanding as in Good and Evil, then how can condemnation come to the innocent mind so conviction can provide repentance?
So knowledge had to first be obtained, but in that the line in the sand was drawn and people were barred from the real plan of satan to create an eternal physical and spiritual race who did not need God for Life, and could never be redeemed as spirit is cemented in place and can only be exiled to torment in hell fires.

It has been this Tree of Life which the demonic have been initiating into humankind since. A demon of the high order named metatron provided the original geometric plan for the recreation of a Tree of Life. The problem is though is that this Tree only is operational utilizing God's perfect frequency of Life. Initiate it into people with a reflective frequency of this world of consumption or the destroyer darkness and a human is destroyed.
Only a repentant human growing toward God will this Tree of Life operate correctly. God's frequency is a consuming flame to any other.

The Tree is most interesting as it's patterns are in the pyramid, pentagon, the unending circle of round linked to the 90 degree lines of the square. The square actually becomes the sphere and the sphere becomes the square.
The Tree of Life is perfection in geometric code. The dodecahedron, or as you would know it in the soccer ball black and white shapes, is found as the literal patchwork sphere of the universe and it with all shapes are found in the Tree of Life, as the code or DNA resonant frequency of God as He repeats in revelation to all who will see.

My reason for exploring the cube again is as certain as the crop circles are the same codes of communication of these "light engines" and the placement of the planets to generate or activate these power generating sources to accomplish various actions.

While no Christian would ever activate the Tree of Life for a purpose which only Christ and the Holy Ghost exist to transform humans from immortals to eternals in perfect union with God, it was Inspired in my mind that the radio frequency which can be utilized to cure illness in humans, actually could be utilized in the Tree of Life in activating it appropriately with God's energy, a healing conduit human spirit, and directed to renew all parts of a human not to eternal, but to regenerate it exactly the way Jesus restored withered hands or stopped blood flows in women which lasted years.

Of course this is a Pandora's box and would be used by some demoniac for their eternal doom, but there is a miracle machine out there, the illuminated of satan have already built it, but are processing humans in changing the children of Light to a darkness DNA frequency in an attempt to make this all work for satan's plan to make what his original sin was in making a race of his own as a false body in duality of the Body of Christ in the Church.

That is why so many people have these auto immune diseases and cancers. They are rigging the DNA to a false frequency and cancer is their experiment in how to create fast physical regeneration.
As I always say, isn't it amazing how all of these old patricians never die? They have operations and return at 90 looking like someone 50. They have solved longevity, and only require now the False Tree code to activate to make this their perpetual planet of eternals with satan ruling here.

This is why this group of illuminated have been so busy trying to stop resource use as they need these resources to last them until the planet runs out. That is why they require the cropping of humanity so as to preserve the resources for the elite clique.
This False Tree or the satan code initiated in it, destroys human physical body structure as the Bible reveals in what is coming, but my purpose is curiosity in activating this crystalline machine once in Eden and still in Heaven, which could work miracles of healing and restoration in people when used on a minute scale.

That same Light frequency which put the image of Christ in three dimension on the Shroud of Turin is what the Tree amplifies and would if unleashed change even dead bodies into eternal Beings as the amplification is so complete or omnipotent.
This is a great deal like the Ephod structure, the Temple, the Prophets in being conduits for God's power. Simply building this, using a child of God as the will drive to activate the geometric harp this is in empowering it with God's Energy, focused on healings would make an end to doctors, hospitals and pharmaceuticals.

Counter the destructive forces of satan as when Michael the Archangel binds that creature on Christ's return, and people will not age at the rates known now and death will be unheard of, as dying young will be several hundred years old, and the thought will be it will because they were extremely sinful.

It is too much though for people to play with, but it is why these enlightened schematics are in crop circles and why this cube has been provided to those who have been leaving it's mark all over the world.

It is a science, a sacred science, of vast historical meaning that everyone can see before their eyes. The benefactors of Obama understand those secrets and why they are utilizing him, even if he can not form a sentence as Obama's emails prove. The ignorant trained are in bliss, while the owners of the sheep only need to know why the sheep walk on their paths.

So much to know, and the only reason to know it, is to know it for a witness, as being spoken it is the conviction of the minds who will not see, because they are not of God and asleep in their souls, and those of satan who do know, have this evidence against them for the time ahead.

agtG 272Y