Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Obama guilty of 1812 Felonies

With news having broken that almost 2000 Veterans were exposed to the dangerous HIV plague, via a dirty dentist drill at a VA Hospital, some facts need to be recorded.

Eric Shinseki is a political officer of the Obama regime just like the old Soviet Empire. Why should he be bothered with oversight of his post when Obama sets the example of vacations and non stop parties while the Gulf is tar balled?

On the 4th Obama spent a whopping 15 minutes with some Veterans families, and sent Biden to Iraq which was extremely inept as it got Muslims killed as they like making statements when a US leader is hiding the Green Zone.

This is a criminal offense in exposing people to dangerous diseases. 1,812 counts to be exact. Obama always states the buck stops with him, so he is going to resign over this or put himself up for trial?
Of course he won't, but the fact is Barack Hussein Obama was involved in a criminal cover up of multiple felonies. That is the stuff which made Richard Nixon resign and got Bill Clinton impeached.

Do not think for a second this is not linked to Obama pushing Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal. That is why this was covered up from the top down in an HIV infected soldier started this, and Obama did not nor did his subordinates desire this to be exposed to derail another of their political agendas.

This is multiple felony crimes and Mr. Obama's political hands are all over this.

Ask yourself the Rules of Engagement which Obama worked out with the Muslim mafia so they could redeem themselves in murdering over 1000 Americans now in Obama's Afnamistan with a count still growing, just in time for Obama's 2012 election and victory dance.........

If American Soldiers for over a year were put into shooting pits to be slaughtered at outposts, if terrorists were allowed to be imported from Pakistan, all to murder American Soldier who can not even load their weapons with bullets..........

How far of a reach is it that HIV was the quid pro quo with terrorists to assassinate Veterans who have served America in these terror wars? Is HIV Obama's final solution on Veterans?

It is a certain that Obama covered this up to push his sodomite policy of killing gays off in the military as gays somehow think the military is some shower scene with the Village People, which is criminal in Obama covered up crimes for political reasons just like in the Gulf sabotage, so how far does this go?

Where is the grand jury and military court of inquiry in this?

One thing for certain, I want physician, Lt. Col. Terry Lakin investigating this and not some Obamite investigating hisself as Obama did in the Blagojevich crimes Obama committed, with Obama declaring hisself innocent.

Indict B. Hussein Obama.

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Obama's HIV Solution for those Veterans on Napolitano's Watch Lists