For all of the conspiracy surrounding Barack Hussein Obama being noted by the front benchers in speaking attacks on banking, auto industry, insurance industry, medical industry, and finally noting it has been Obama sabotage in the Gulf to ruin the GOP States there, the biggest attack on the least vestige of Free America has been occurring silently and none of the geniuses have spotted it, because they are all so urban, their sources are urban, their media is urban, that they never have seen Obama has been killing off the American food supply in those who produce it.
To explain this to the front benchers, from my God Inspired vanishing point in areas they will not be journeying to for months or years in comprehension of Thought, the prices paid the ranchers in beef has been dropping since Obama took office.
The only money now to be made is in sheep which is not a great deal and in goats.
The real point in this is Obama has shaved 15 dollars a hundred off of beef on average. For those who do not comprehend the above, beef, sheep, pork etc... are all sold by 100 pound monetary units with a slaughter steer weighing in the range of 1100 pounds live weight.
So with George W. Bush a beef would range in the 1.15 cent per pound and has now been dropping to the 90 cents per pound range for absolutely no reason other than there is a war on meat suppliers in America as that margin is what gives these ranchers and farmers the money to buy union made cars, appliances and to buy the things at your working place to employ you.
Obama's regime has taken this money supply away from the rural GOP States, driving them back into poverty wages.
One has to understand that on a beef steer that there is not 1100 pounds of beef on the animal. There is hide which around 45 pounds, suet or fat, bones which are in the 300 pound range, blood, intestines, all make up a living animal, so that is why your hamburger is 2.49 a pound to make up the difference as "tankage" which is what gut, bones and other products while having value as bologna casings, fertilizer etc... they are sold under the 90 cent per pound auction price.
This has been expanding in the Obama regime to literal criminal tracking now of absolute certainty. Currently Obama's Agriculture Department has been denying the corn harvest is off by 10 percent which would drive prices up for farmers. Obama has rigged the figures that the Chinese will not be factored into buying corn prices.
All of this in the Chicago syndicate where Obama hales from is reducing prices for farmers and ranchers impoverishing them, all to keep Obama inflation down and to keep these GOP States from literally having additional money to buck the regime.
Obama is making slaves of Mexicans and serfs of the American agriculture food producers.
In this, I have been holding back for some time a strange event I was monitoring as just like General Mills when they had that "problem" of food poisoning in their puffed wheat plant in Minneapolis which literally shut down supply, as there is now only the Quaker plant and a Red Mills plant in Washington I believe, that the Russians have been experiencing in their shipments the same food poisoning, which is keep Moscow wheat cheap in sales to the Egyptians which in turn are driving down American wheat prices just as Americans are in the process of harvesting their crops.
I have maintained that for years now there have been terrorist attacks on the American food supply in gauging distribution methods and supply disruption. For those who actually grew up in agrarian surroundings, those people used to eat dirt on their fresh carrots out of the garden, had rat poop ground into the cereals and no one ever even burped from such filth, but all of a sudden hard cereal grains which never had problems with contamination are suddenly making people sick.
What it all appears is toxins sprinkled into the food supply. I know for a fact from real evidence that after the General Mills events that the Quaker Oatmeal had something put on it, because people were complaining about bleeding rectums, swelled intestines and numbers of health problems where rolled oats had never bothered them previously.
As was exclusively covered by this blog, that all points to some agent sprayed on grains to counteract the botulism toxins which are being infused into the grains.
What appears to be going on in the current grains sales is Obama is impoverishing America people deliberately in reducing their prices, so he will not have inflation in his massive spending and keep them from free of his regime's mandates.
The Chinese are being rewarded with cheap American corn, in this deliberate regime criminally manipulating corn crop data, along with the Chicago Board of Trade.
The Russians have had their food supply spiked with toxins which is driving down US markets, which is interesting as there is a bug which is infesting American wheat which showed up and is being sprayed for, and that should have a wheat panic driving up prices, as should the Russian toxins, but it is having the absolute opposite effect.
Can you observe all that oil supply disrupted by Obama, and the prices in crude have not spiked over 100 dollars when speculators should have driven those prices up. It is all the same crooked operation and Obama has targeted the American food supply and done it so silently that all the front benchers who are so removed from cow crap and cabbage moths, they have no idea the rapine which is bankrupting the rural states where their listeners are, and it is deliberately being accomplished by Obama.
That is the monetary rape of American agriculture by the same frankenfood and poison manufacturers who are Obama's benefactors in their globalist schemes to seize American lands.
This group has been plundering India and Africa. It is now in the process of Stanley Ann Dunham's microfinance which this blog exclusively exposed years ago of being implemented in America.
The problem at times with being a front bencher expert is God always has some little fringe person driving the stories months before the front benchers are even hearing about them to comment on them. God makes fools out of the wise in this world as His Wisdom is beyond this world.
It is why I give full credit to God, because without Him nothing gets noticed, and it is a bit pompous in being breathing clay which only breathes because of God, to act like I am worth something. There is a great deal of clay and God replaces the haughty with the mundane in teaching lessons of humility.
Obama is destroying the food production supply and is criminally manipulating food supply data to impoverish American farmers and ranchers.
Those people made a great deal of money under George W. Bush and Texas agriculture policy, and Obama has made them serfs.
Odd how the experts are always missing the obvious.
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