Friday, July 2, 2010

Obama Security

At times people require education on subjects, because they do not comprehend the entire historical and current weight of what a policy or social "tradition" is based upon.

With Obama bankrupting these United States, the issue of Social Security which does not exist, as Democrats have looted the fund for the "general fund" in earlier rapine.

If you are reading this, it means you are alive, and it also means that you were never ever meant to receive Social Security. That might be a shock to many people who believed the propaganda, but the fact is ask yourself why retirement benefits were set at 62 years of age and 65 years of age?

The reason is that most people 50 years ago died at around age 64 as people worked themselves to death earlier in manual labor.
Some fortunate people got to retire and get in a few years of benefits, but the statistics all pointed to the reality that everyone died. 70 was the Biblical cut off and the few who reached age 70 were dead soon after that age too.

So you have to understand that retirement ages were not just pulled out of the hat of compassion. The first statistic which placed that number at age 62 was the fact that people were burned out at age 60 and businesses could not afford to have people with bad joints, bad hearts and needing naps to be employed any longer in the 1950's on.

So that is why that age was chosen as people were used up and would shortly thereafter die. Social Security was a national government kill old people policy, so that their children would not have to take in parents who raised them, pawn them off on poverty wages and then shuffle them off to old folks homes to die out of sight in institutionalized death.

This all changed in the past 30 years, not in policy of death, but the policy of people are not dying any more before age 65.
My dear Aunt is age 90 and remarkably healthy. She though had diabetes a few years ago set in due to the food and preservatives infaming bodies which in turn inflames the pancreas and destroys B cells there. She would be dead now as another friend I just heard now needs dialysis for her kidneys 3 times a week.
All of these people now are going to doctors several times a month, are getting heart operations and joint replacements which are bankrupting the entire system as no one is paying for this, and those who think they have a right to it, never paid for any of it either.

This might sound harsh to reveal that reality here, but into this the Rockefellers have been running a burn, slash and poison torture medical system all designed to glean money from people via the insurance companies.
When Bill Gates blurts out that these folks are using vaccines to murder over 1 billion people in the next 10 years, it reveals what ghouls this entire system is geared to treat people like animals.

There is not enough funding for everyone to continue in the system. This is what bothers me most in there are people in my community who never use government programs. I watch one guy I have knows since childhood limp on his bad knees, because he can not afford an operation and would not take the government money to fix himself.
For every person like that, there are 10 Mexicans sucking off the system ruining the future for hundreds of millions of other Americans.
I personally take care of my Mother daily and would not have it any other way. I pray over her nightly in blessing her and make certain she is stimulated daily in things to keep her young.

I adore having my Mother around. I have never been a person who was so weak that I didn't want old people around who might tell me what to do. I actually enjoy it even if I don't act like I am listening. Everyone needs someone to keep them in line, that is what my Grandfather told me and he was right.
We are our family's keepers literally. Honor thy father and mother is one of the 10 Commandments, and, as is noted it is the first one with promise as it states that it may be well with thee that thou mayest livest long on the earth.

Certainly people who reach invalid status or suffer from senility require greater care, but my Mother speaks of her Grandmother laying in bed during her last months in the family taking care of her.
She was blind and lived alone for years, and my now 90 year old Auntie used to have to herd her geese for her as that is how she made her way in life before Social Security.

America is in massive trouble. I watch simple trends in how fast seed potatoes fly out of stores in people buying them. They disappeared this year in a days. It is almost impossible now to get an incubator without a wait, as people are hatching their own chickens.
For the record in this, farmers are without markets the more people need to grow their own food which makes them more poor.

Obama has shattered a broken system, and people are going to have to learn to care for their loved ones, and Obama is rationing death now with willing doctors, one of which just wrote to me after telling me several years ago to go off and die or go into massive debt.
I chose to go to God and didn't die nor did I go into massive debt.

The way Obama has set this system up now, is the way it is going to be. People are going to either have to care for their loved ones or people are going to have to start working themselves to death.
There are better ways, but this is the Obama Security America now is inflicted with.

The GOP can not fix this without people understanding the situation, production and expansion, no Mexican slave labor, and Conservatives governing with a rule which is going to require arresting and imprisoning people like B. Hussein Obama for the criminal rapine he has been a part of.

It is a rock and an Obama place, thanks to the Obamites as President Bush tried to fix all of this and was abandoned in 2005.

