Conflicting edits
There was more than one attempt to edit this resource at the same time. This may have been because you double clicked on a link or a button or because someone else is also editning this blog or post.
There was more than one attempt to edit this resource at the same time. This may have been because you double clicked on a link or a button or because someone else is also editning this blog or post.
I would suggest that readers click on the above photo screen grab of my blog and take a close read of it, as while posting on July 19, 2010, I was greeted by this strange flag page from Google.
As I was not double clicking links nor anything else, it means exactly what Google has stated that "someone" was editing my post as I was posting it.
I have posted evidence in how the spiders are grabbing entire sections of emails I have sent or posts I have posted in they have disappeared, to the extent that the sentences grabbed have been highlighted in color.
As this blog is exclusively secure in what is posted here, this means that my First Amendment Rights have been violated. This means that my "right to privacy" as in liberal abortion rights to privacy have been violated in illegal search and seizure of my free speech.
Now I have not been served with any warrants, because I am a Citizen simply exercising my Right to Free Speech and various other numerous legal rights. I am legal and yet some Obama entity is spying upon me, as I have noted I have been spied upon by Obama intelligence for years in daring to expose hisself.
Now if this was a foreign entity, this means this blog has been breached by an act of espionage, which is an attack upon these United States, as in an act of war.
Google having to post this page, means that there is so much spying going on in grabbing blog pages there, that they have to alert people to the problem, as the Washington Post is alerting Americans to all the Obama spying going on Americans, including liberals, that has gone completely out of control.
Someone else is editing this blog or post......
This is a regime out of control in either not upholding the twice taken oath in defending Americans from outside spying or this regime is as the Washington Post has noted is so spying on Americans that as I type this blog, as I have noted before, the regime is literally live picking each letter as I type it, and now, it is being exposed as editing pages.
These are impeachable offenses as it is offensive to the Constitution for which this Nation stands.
These are crimes and none of this was happening under George W. Bush. This is all started under B. Hussein Obama.
Come on FBI, CIA, go into your Google who is grabbing information for you, and simply start tracking the government computer links spiking on these innocent blogs loyal to America and completely legal, and arrest these Obama spies whether they are contractors offshore in China or hiding in their windowless bunkers spying for Obama illegally.
It is the Constitution and America under attack here.
nuff said!
agtG 261
854,000 Obamite stooges have top secret security clearance