Sunday, July 18, 2010

Race Bait

Now that the racist comments of Muchelle Hussein Obama have had a moment to quiet down and all them white folks have missed the reality of Muchelle telling the NAACP to be intense, as in to throw down on whitey to scare them the way Obama did those reporters when he parked them by Louis Farrakhan's mansion, it is time to set the record straight as only this page does consistently, as what is written here is Inspired from God and not a money portfolio.

The first statement which is fact which the elite are too afraid to admit to is that the majority of "black" people in America are by majority of bloodline white.
The black liberal leadership will never admit to that, because it means without race they have no place to extort money and power from.

I in not in any way mean to pick on Jada Pinket, or Mrs. Will Smith, but she is the majority example of "black" people in America. She is in the 75% range of being white European and 25% African negroid.
I chose her as she is pretty and I much rather appreciate looking at pretty things in life than the ugliness of Mrs. Obama, who too is white as the name Robinson is Norwegian as exclusively detailed here, and there are no Norwegians in traditional Africa.
Muchelle Obma though is in the mulatto class of "black" which is skirting the 50% white and 50% black. You can see this in her and all of these people's skin tones. She is like Will Smith, in being ethnically European and African in almost equal proportions.

When one gets into the Val-erie Jarrett and the Obama regime power brokers one starts even surpassing the lovely Mrs. Smith as she is "black" by comparison in Val-erie Jarrett has been part of that Jack n Jill group which has been "passing" and by selective breeding with their disdain for blacks darker than brown paper bags, refusing to ever marry or mate with people of darker skin tone than they possess.

The numbers on Barack Hussein Obama have been reported to be Mr. Obama is 50% Dunham white, 38% Luo Arab and around 12% black. In revealing something only found here, the American Indians of the welfare reservation, meth drug rings and casinos only receive welfare BIA checks based upon the amount of Indian in them.
The reality is most full blooded Indians disappeared from the lower 48 United States by the 1890's. The first waves of Phoenicians after the Assyrians captured the Samarian state of Israel came to America it is found in cave writings and created the eastern civilized tribes. Numerous American tribes in the central plains had Nordic Viking blood in them in the Sioux, Mandan and Shoshone.
The interbreeding between French and Anglo completed the diluting of the American Indian to what they are forming into as Mexicans are hiding out on reservations making American Indians into what a Mexican is, an Indian of Anglo and Spanish peon blood.

In the reality check of welfare checks, the poverty level of payment would be $20,000 for a full blooded Indian. If Barack Hussein Obama was made to adhere to that standard as a black male, he would for a yearly check based on his negroid blood, only be eligible for $1,800.
Or in Nobel Prize million dollar terms, if the Nobel committee paid Obama not on accomplishing nothing, but on black terms in what Obama was awarded the prize, that million would drop to just 180,000 dollars.
That in Government standards does not make Mr. Obama very black at all, and it fits with liberal David Remnick who says Obama had to read books by "blacks" to learn how to be black.

The problem therein is that Mr. Obama was reading Malcolm Little's book, and Mr. Little by his Obama sr. appearances was indeed Anglo Semite in his background too, so David Remnick was in racism stating that Mr. Obama who is white, was reading a book by Mr. Little who was also half white, so in that, did Mr. Obama ever learn what it was to be a black man as even Malcolm X's perspective as a white American male free from being eaten by lions and dying of plague on the Ivory Coast, can that ever speak to what black is?
For the record, Louis Farrakhan is filled with white genes too as are all of his handsome congregation members, so Mr. X was not alone in the Nation of Islam in being a white organization following a Semite Arabian religion based upon Jewish and Anglo Moses Levitical Doctrines handed down by God.

There is nothing wrong with being any of these crosses. In fact, it helped build America immensely as races have inherent flaws which make them die easily. When one like hybrids in tomatoes and melons, starts crossing the genes naturally, the best of both gene pools develops a hybrid vigor which overcomes disease and produces a larger specimen that dominates the plant world.
The same is true for Michael Jordan to Heinz Ward in professional athletics. Yes Jimmy the Greek was correct and was fired for it in stating that masters bred large black slaves to each other, the same way draft horses were bred, but as time went on, the white bloodlines produced a mulatto people which was healthier than the original Africans in both mind and body.

Those are the kinds of Truths which just make the elite roll their eyes and about pass out, as the white liberals don't want to admit that black people are white as it means black people are genetically like them and black people do not want to admit they are white as it takes away their intelligent excuse of blaming race for their station in life.

All those names like King, Jefferson, Jackson, Washington, often note they were in a pecking order of being owned by the elites. Some families picked up Biblical names, some families picked up the Norwegian Robinson to have their pecking social order of being white.
That was the method until this aboriginal Obama clique started being promoted by communists like Frank Marshall Davis to separate America into classes for power structures which Mr. Obama has exploited horrendously much to black Americans demise as they are run over by the Obama white bus.

Oddly with the advent of all of this Obama breeding going on in Peggy Noonan jungle lust, those numbers of Jada Pinket and Val-erie Jarrett people are surging as white women are having numbers of 75% and up "black "babies. If that trend continues, America will resemble in their "black" race the northern Africans which are the product of barbarians kidnapping white slaves out of Europe, mingling with them and producing the Algerian type people who are now listed as white which the lovely Jada Pinket fully resembles as that is who she has become.

So that is the secret which is out, and is why the NAACP can not term itself legally as the National Association of the Advancement of Black People, because all of their membership would be banned as there are very few original black people in America, and in Africa considering the mingling which has gone on there for centuries, most of those immigrants are Khadaffi in nature too.

One does wonder what Muchelle Hussein Obama was talking about in these mulatto people need to become "intense".
Maybe it is like Bill Clinton saying Barack did not have the............well you know the word he coded for intelligence and you know it was the same way he used "bright boy" and the same way Bill Maher used black and the same way Spike Lee used black.

Sure are a great deal of elitists telling there mulattoes to act native, so that probably proves the above that black Americans are acting too white not from being civilized, but because they actually are just acting European because that is what they are in majority of their bloodlines.
