Friday, July 9, 2010

What cha doin' with that white baby there Mrs. Obama

Are ya gonna eat that baby Mrs. Obama?

Pictures are worth a thousand words normally, but when it comes to the Disasters in Chief one photo is worth ten thousand captions.

While Obama packed Joe Biden off to Iraq to get Iraqi's killed by his presence there, the Obama's were having a huge party again for them normal folks, in which the Obama's generously shared 15 minutes of their time with the mob of hotdog suckers they imported, before they went off to the real party which was serving kobe beef again probably.
No Obama children were seen either, as I suppose the Obama's do not want their cherubs mingling with those infested masses where normal might rub off on the royal duo of Queenie and Sloven.

Apparently there is some screening process to get into the White House as people must at least look like a celebrity. In the above photo, the black kid who looks like Gary Coleman in "What cha talkin' bout Willis?" appears to be terrified that Muchelle is going to eat the fat white baby.
Or maybe, the little boy is terrified white babies is what Obama and the wife will be serving.

No such delecacies though as common folks only get hotdogs, burgers, chicken, tater salad and corn on thee cob. Yum Yum.

Then I noticed that Chelsea Clinton is off to big ass Muchelle's right.

What in the heck is Muchelle wearing though? It looks like a dingo done gnawed off her genuine African bush dress, and I am so pleased, she has those huge horizontal stripes around her humongous ass to make it look even more humungerer.

There was also that black guy from Jericho and now on Human Target who is a wonderful actor with his Gary Coleman son.

Next to Muchelle is that actor who is the horrid neighbor on According to Jim. Howard Dean is holding the baby Muchelle is trying to eat with Gladys Knight without the pips in the corner.

I think the tall white guy is a serial killers look alike, but I can't be sure, it is either that or he is wondering how Muchelle can carry around that many bracelets and hoop earrings, or, he is wondering why all the Obama's painted all the black kids in the crowd with jungle face paint so they look like aboriginals.

Maybe Barack did that so the liberal white folks would not get confused in black people all looking alike to the Letterman cocktail crowd, and Obama without his teleprompter doesn't want to be confused with black folks and being ushered out by the Secret Service with the mob.
Got to mark them black folks I guess in Obamaland.

I do honestly wonder though in the celebrity look alikes only the Obama's let in and can only give 15 minutes of their time, just what kind of people after all the destruction Obama has done to America, show up for free food which America is in debt over, are grinning like skunks eating excrement after what Obama did to the Gulf, and how Obama is about to enlist not his Super Depression, but an Obama Super Duper Depression next year from all his Marxist policies.

These creatures have such a dose of the demoniac that on the 4th of July their love is for the Obama's and not their Country.

I personally would not go near this regime, even if I was afforded hours to explain to Mr. Obama and his ilk the legal ramifications of their knowingly destroying America and using catastrophes to implement their anti Constitutional mandates, for the simple reason, Gov. Brewer could not make any headway with this brainwashed bonehead, so there is no getting through to Carroll O'Connor, nor any of these piglets feeding in a frenzy at the Obama hog trough.

The fact is the majority of these piglets are going to have to be like Ed Koch in his people almost being exterminated by Obama before any of them wake up. But one will notice that Ed has remained silent on Elena Kagan, so no matter what happens to Obamites, they are bitten and will always stick with their own even as the abyss closes around them.

I guess that is why I was not with the Hollywood look alike crowd on America's Birthday. I was with America.
