Sunday, July 25, 2010

Where is Obama's Moral Leadership

With the Obama regime coming off a Maine vacation, coming off a golf holiday, coming off a Chicago vacation and various bbq's, concerts and only Obama knows what in living like Mr. and Mrs. Marie Antoinette, the White House in tar balling the GOP Gulf States in now a new river of oil forming in their propaganda capping of the well, American now have Obama back in the White House for a Nathan Lane Broadway thing.

The White House has ceased to function and is nothing now but a whorehouse of entertaining the brothel of the Obama's deviant 10 year old gluttonous minds of not in Oliver Twist asking for "May I have some more please", but demanding that, "Pillage the poor by order as I demand my third cherry pie, paid with more of Grandma's Social Security checks".

One wonders how many people are dead in America just because the Obama's have imploded and bankrupted the economy so much that health providers have helped by coughing flu on the sick to empty beds for Obama's economy minded rationed death.

Ronald Reagan elevated America to the absolute position of moral authority. It was not Saudi dollars, the Pope's press, the German Lutheran stoicism and Margarette Thatchers will which brought down the Soviet Union, but it was Ronald Reagan was believed when he called the Soviet an Evil Empire which must be destroyed as it was purely evil.

No one could deny when Bush 41 declared Saddam Hussein someone who must be checked. No one could deny when George W. Bush stood in New York on 9 11 that soon the world would hear American New Yorkers the way he was in war.
No one for all of the Bush years ever could question every policy he engaged in was not about himself, was not about the good for America, and while the European Obama Marxists howled in Bush taking their Saddam bribery from them, even they could never question George W. Bush's moral authority in a war on terror, for terror was evil had had to be checked.

The world though under the Barack Hussein Obama regime has changed.

Wasn't Obama to be the good will peace messiah meant to change how the world looked at America from warrior George W. Bush?

Yet it goes now without some week that someone in the 3rd world thuggery is not accusing Americans of being some nefarious source, and the world is not only listening, the world is agreeing that it has to be Obama checked as he is the evil in the world.

The Europeans are in complete mutiny with Obama spending as it is not in any way to conduct sound economic policy. The communist Chinese lecture Obama about being too radical left for even them, a Chicom group who harvests organs from inmates and works little girls to cripple status sewing clothes for Walmart.

The most influential Persian Islamocommunist, the mind who actually is Islamocommunist in Ali Larijani, a Marxist Muslim featured here previously, in he is the brain who paved the way for this new Islamofacsim which Obama actually is made up of, in Larijani combined German Emanuel Kant, Islam, Hitler and a few other dogmas to come up with a Muslim Brotherhood Baathism of "the ends justify the means".
Larijani, the Iranian Parliament leader, just went public in stating that every international agency is nothing but a tool for American policy.

If that does not sound that bad, B. Hussein Obama just put sanctions which are not sanctions on Iran which do no good, and Ali Larijani just put on intellectual sanctions on the world debate of who is evil and who is good, and Larijani's sanctions are sticking as everyone knows Obama raised not one finger to save Iranian Patriots nor Chinese Patriots, but simply said just keep the checks coming.

Could you imagines Andropov or Gorbachev ever saying Ronald Reagan used agencies as tools against the Soviets? People would have laughed themselves silly in replying between gasps of, "Yes but Reagan is saving all those Russian people in gulags!"

The world reacted with scorn when Ahmadinejad spoke of wiping Israel off the map and having propaganda photos of shattering America. Now the world passively listens with affirmation in the Age of Obama as his regime is so out of control and insane that the world looks at Obama and knows he is not a good thing for the world.

I mean, the British are seizing private bank accounts which are not in use to try to stop their implosion, and there sits Obama with sodomite Nathan Lane and a cast of first dates brought from New York, so Obama can feel important and do a little relaxing AFTER VACATIONING with the elite and the rich in Maine.

People can't afford to start building homes, people have lost their jobs and quit looking for work, people are still losing their homes, businesses are in dire straights, the world is at war with terrorists Obama is creating like bunnies in a bunny mating spring, and all Obama can do is stand around like a despot grinning away, thinking about the entertainment he is going to have Americans pay for him and the wife.

Let it be known, the world is in dire straights and Barack Hussein Obama has become the spoiled brat poster boy replacing Marie Antoinette on her worst let them eat cake day.

That is what America has is a spoiled brat in the White House. Obama is a juvenile delinquent, selfish to monarch standards and debaucherous to Caligula standards.
He is Joseph Stalin rapine in a suit as his Ukraine are the GOP Gulf States.

Stalin made war on Soviet farmers and Obama is making war on American farmers in destroying their crop prices in illegal price rigging measures.

Stalin made war on Russians and Obama makes war on Americans.

Iranian butchers are now setting the moral authority of the world and are condemning America as the Obama Evil Empire.

That would not have happened under John McCain.

nuff said.


Islamocommunists now calling the Obama not black but evil