Sunday, August 8, 2010

8/8/10 Some Advice for Tiger Woods

I honestly do not care about Tiger Woods drama, saga or man whore tales, but for God's reason, here I am moved with no time in my care for my Mother schedule to reach out and inform Mr. Woods what is required in the life God gave him.

See Tiger is now slumping and not playing golf very well. I recall in his man whore confessions that he said he had to get back to Buddha, to which I recoiled, and now it appears that a dead old fat guy from Asia isn't helping out Tiger with his mojo or whatever else demonic garbage false religions lead one astray in, because Buddha has not blessed the Tiger.

What Tiger Woods needs to do is find Jesus the Christ, thee Son of God, the only Way to the Father, as every human has one life given on this earth to choose and grow in God, or follow some Obamaness into the abyss and end up held in Hades for Judgment to which if they are a plain old soul they are destroyed in Gehenna where spirits are sent in torment.

Mr. Woods is required to have a personal relationship with Jesus, Who only forgives and allows a human to let go of the guilt and be set free of the demons destroying their lives, like making golf God or acting out as a chronic man whore.

It might surprise Mr. Woods that he in finding Christ will find the real thing God wills Tiger Woods to fulfill the life God provided him. God has all sorts of interesting plans when one submits to Him completely which in my case has never been a life not on the edge. I never would have planned the life God has given me, and would have cringed and detested it, but it is the best journey for me to fulfill my destiny in the Kingdom to come and in eternity.
That is what Tiger Woods has out there as I doubt God decided to put a little boy on this earth to hit a little ball all his life as that is ridiculous and does nothing. That is why Tiger Woods was out being a sex pervert as the little balls just do not fulfill life. King Solomon in Ecclesiastics noted this that all one can do in life will just be in vain, as some idiot inherits your work, and all you can do is enjoy what you are doing, and in Proverbs which is the Spiritual counter to the earthly Ecclesiastics, reveals that the beginning of Wisdom is the fear of the Lord, and the fear of the Lord is to hate evil.

So Tiger Woods calling might be a farm in the Gulf raising shrimp or he might be a President of some nation, one never knows until one gets right with God, which is what Tiger Woods is going to have to do, as he has proven what a screw up he is like most people in this world.

It is tough being a big shot and having to change careers. St. Paul was the up and coming rising star in Judaism, but Christ had other plans for him at Damascus, to which Paul renounced the world religion, became an Apostle of Christ, changed the world in the Holy Ghost writings of the New Testament and died willingly a martyr in Rome.
Paul would be rich and Paul would take a job as a tanner which is one of the most stinking jobs in the world. In all of it God fed the spirit growing in Paul seeded by the Holy Ghost, and to his death, Paul set the tone which I daily strive for in, "Just one more revelation from God".

That is the Gift in craving with a driven thirst and hunger to listen to God and learn of one more insight to assist God's humanity to find salvation in Christ more readily by what is more information from God.

So that is the gift to you Tiger Woods, and any other lost soul wandering about thinking life here is your life, when it is not. Life here is God's and either one faces God now and comes by Christ, or in death, one faces the Christ one denied and is judged for it.

My life is one I would will on not even an enemy, but it is the most fulfilling of lives as God is constantly carrying me, and here am I constantly in communication with God, which is the most special of lives which nothing in this world can compare.
I rarely have any doubts as I know immediately in discernment most situations. In some like when my Mom was hurt, it takes some time for the Holy Ghost to explain things, as it is part of my growth process too.

Tiger Woods though might be told to sell all he has and give it to the poor if that is his god. He might be told to keep the money and get a real job where God will work through him. He will not know though joy, peace, fulfillment, forgiveness and Wisdom until he invites Christ into his life.
It is the most simple of things in just calling on Jesus, admitting you have no idea how to proceed and Jesus always provides a way to His Way.

So that is the free advice Tiger, advice which you could never afford to pay for, but advice which is more precious than anything.

You are lost. It is time you find Christ and have Christ teach you who Tiger Woods is supposed to be.

God help Tiger Woods in Jesus Name. Amen
