Barack Hussein Obama is in need of some Muslim advice or Mooselum advice as he pronounces it and defines hisself as a black radical Islamist.
Around the world Muslims are begging Obama to recite his most beautiful sound on earth in Islamic call to prayers at Ground Zero, have Obama declare hisself Caliph Coordinator of the world and demanding he run Jews into the sea, and time and again B. Hussein runs away from his Isalmic roots defying his starring Kuntakintae role in this Alex Haley book in Dreams of his Obama.
For the entire summer liberals begged Obama to go to Church, to even just drive by and steal the money from a collection plate for another Obama program, and Obama would only go golfing, much to the chagrin of his maniacs.
Then Obama is said to show up in a Church, slapping Isalm in the face when Obama needs it most.
The problem in this is Obama is not a happy Muslim or Mooselum like his ideological leader in Louis Farrakhan.
One only has to watch Louis and see how pleased with himself this Louis X is. He smiles, is happy wearing bowties and really gets into his speeches, because Louis believes them.
I mean when Obama wanted to scare white reporters into line, he parked them outside Farrakhan's mansion and Louis sent out some very happy black Mooselums to happily smack around some white liberals to scare them into line.
Obama in the meantime was hiding out eating barbecue, not couscous or goat, but hiding in Chicago with the tan folks, and not having any of that Farrakhan fun flexing his Islamic muscles.
That has been the problem with undocumented Obama from the start. He hides in Hawaii his heritage. Hides he is Indonesian. Hides he is Kenyan. Cowardly says his British blackness has expired and then bows to Arabs, Chinese and Japanese.
Louis Farrakan, Dr. Zawahiri, Sheik bin Laden never bow to anyone, and certainly never bbq while the boys are out thrashing Americans. These Muslims are hands on bully boys and ..........
Well the best Obama can do is wear boy shorts playing with his balls and can only use profane ass kicking and plug the damn hole in trying to look tough.
The Muslim men never use dirty talk to try and look tough, and Obama all he does is talk dirty and when he gets into trouble he runs away from being a Muslim even more to a Church he has no idea what it is for.
B. Hussein needs really to take a page from his Islamists to get his happy back. Obama needs to get rid of the Marlboro cigarettes and smoke hisself a big Saddam Hussein cigar.
He needs to get hisself a big ole Turkish moustache as Obama is thrilled by Islamists destroying the secular military in Turkey.
Obama needs to get hisself a little hat and tunic to wear, and borrow some of Louis Farrakhan's Nazi dressed soldiers.
Obama needs to get hisself an AK 47 and rip off a few clips on the White House balcony as Sheik bin Laden would do.
I would advise him to get a horse, but he would probably fall off the thing and he has been flat on his face too much for Muslims around the world already.
Every time Barack Hussein Obama tries to be what he is not in a native American, he gets into trouble. He started out ok like Louis Farrakhan in changing his name from Bearick to Barack, but every move he makes now just looks gay, while Ahmadinejad acts like a girl in Iran and looks manly, because he has all that Isalmic thuggery to back him up.
Obama has flown to high. He should have been like Louis Farrakan and just ruled from a mansion or been like Sheik bin Laden in ruled in a foreign country as then you are the exotic guy among the natives.
All these Muslims are quite fine with their allah of doom, hell fire and no Jesus to save them. They are going for their gold here and now as that is all Islam has.
Obama went for the gold in plundering America, but he never had any props to keep his exotic mojo for him like a turban or an assault rifle.......not even a golden dagger like bin Laden.
Obama to get his happy back, has to not go left, as he is already so far left the Peking communists know he is nuts.......all that is left for Obama is for him to go hard Muslim in public, instead of hiding his Islam, as it is just not working. American is unhappy with this foreign fraud and Obama is unhappy with all these Christian foreign Americans he does not understand.
This is no longer an Islamic birthday party for 8 year olds where Obama can show up and the star for being tan and toothy. Obama needs to leave his teleprompter soul, announce he has been a Mooselum all along and get on with the tyranny as he is just an unhappy gay guy now, and Louis Farrakhan is having all the fun.