Wednesday, September 15, 2010

"It's hell being a lady first" Michelle Hussein Obama

How absolutely repulsively childish, the fickle Mrs. Robinson Hussein Obama is in complaining to Carla Sarkozy that it is hell being First Lady of the United States and Michelle Obama hates it.

One wonders exactly what the gluttonous Muchelle hates with an ass as large as two zip codes?

Is it a staff larger than most nations Presidents have?

Is it endless parties?

Is it non stop vacations?

Is it trips to Europe costing taxpayers a fortune?

Is it eating kobe beef from Japan and endangered lobsters at Martha's Vineyard?

Is it having old fossils like Paul McCartney make moon eyes at you while singing "Michelle" as everyone in the world gags at how ugly you are and no one, not even a 12 lifetime sentenced rapist, having ingested a truckload of viagra, would ever find you attractive enough to sing to?

Just what is it about living in a mansion, having people serve you, indulging every whim, does this 8 year old brat named Muchelle Obama, hates about being First Lady.

Perhaps it is the LADY part, as what LADY would ever fall for a political climbing dimster like Bearick Obama who has to change his name to Bah Rock to impress idiots.
No Lady would stay married to an exotic tan guy who has his penis sucked by gay males, and then comes home and shoves it into the wife to get revenge on her, as that tan guy attempts post birth aborticide on his marriage, as he is too much the coward to be a man.

Perhaps it is the FIRST part, as a loser like Michelle Obama wouldn't comprehend that being first is a good thing, as all she has ever done in affirmative action is have things awarded to her like her Nobel Prize awarded husband for just showing up.

Hating the job of First Lady..............

Martha Washington set the stage for elegance in all a First Lady should be.

Dolly Madison set the stage in saving the White House most precious items as the British burned the mansion.

Jackie Kennedy set the stage for making that role the envy of every leader on earth.

Nancy Reagan set the stage for the refined etiquette of who an American Lady is.

Laura Bush set the stage in being able to lead in the most partisan of times and be respected by all.

Strange how the position of First Lady of these United States brought out thee very best in all other women, but somehow that position is something that the big boned, horse faced, ugly, American hating epitome of Obamaness can only hate.

Representing the hundreds of thousands of United States Soldiers in combat and Michelle Obama hates it.

Representing the United State Flag and Michelle Obama hates it.

Representing the epitome of American Womanhood and Michelle Obama hates it.

Representing these United States of America and Michelle Obama hates it.

Michelle Obama is not ugly to the bone. She is ugly to the soul down to a pit of hell.

Congress can you not assist Mrs. Robinson Hussein Obama out and impeach her criminal husband and set her free from the America she hates.
