Saturday, September 18, 2010

Masters of the Realm

I once listened to a person castigate Pontius Pilate as someone who was the worst person in history over the death of Jesus the Christ...........which was being intimated that this robe wearer would have saved Jesus by setting Him free, which is not what God intended in the least ever as Jesus had to die in human form in order to pay the price of eternal death for all.

I actually am an admirer of Pontius Pilate as he was a remarkable person in the worst of situations, as he bent over backwards to appease the Jewish ruling class and all he got was more trouble than any Roman appointee ever deserved.
Rome finally figured out that these Jews were the problem in destroying Jerusalem as Christ predicted.

These sons of Judah are just like Americans being a problem in they strove for liberty and would not be ruled over. In that one admires them, but I also have a compassionate outlook on any leaders shoved into impossible situations and then having some front bencher judge the guy in the most ignorant of terms, the way George W. Bush was judged by so many dolts.

One of the rulers I do have an admiration for is Herod the Great. Considering that he slaughtered babies, this sounds horrible, but when one examines the reason he was in that position in trying to execute the coming King of the Jews as the Wise Men told him had just been born in Bethlehem, a self examination by every human reviewing the facts would have them honestly doing the same Hutatree or tar ball the GOP Gulf things.

Herod started all of his when the Greeks ruled the Holy Land in a tug of war with the Greeks who ruled Egypt as it passed hands from the Ptolemy Greeks in Egypt to the Selucid Greeks of Syria, so named after the divisions of rulership in the death of Macedonian Greek, Alexander the Great.

When the first anti Christ, Antiochos Epiphanes made the Temple desolate by sacrificing swine on it to Zeus or satan, a religious fervor swept the Jews and a revolt occurred under the priestly family of the Hasmonaeans headed by Mattathias.
Mattathias had 5 sons, the best of them was Judas Maccabaeus, who was a guerrilla warrior who trounced the Selucids of Antioch time and again.

Those victories made Antioch agree to Jewish religious freedom which set the stage for Christ's return and the redication of the Temple in Hannukah.

Judas died in battle and his brother Jonathan took over the battles, but a time of stalemate occurred as the Hasmonaeans had usurped the sacred Zadok line which King David installed as Priests.
In the unrest Jonathan was trapped and put to death by the Selucids, and was succeeded by his brother, Simon who went on to secure Gezer and the Citadel in Jerusalem from the Greeks.

Simon would be assassinated by his son in law, and Simon's son, John Hyrcanus would become leader of this free Jewish movement.

He literally would build Judah into the borders of Solomon and David's time with his military victories.

His son, Aristobulus I would continue the conquest of the Holy Land, but only survived a year, when his brother, Alexander Jannaeus, took leadership and married the widow of his brother, Salome Alexandra.

Alexander was brilliant as a military leader, but was no spiritual leader who the Pharisees were offended by.
On his death after a most brutal reign, his wife was regent for 9 years and bestowed the priesthood on her son, Hycanus II.

After Salome died, her sons, Hycanus and Aristobulus, engaged in a civil war for power, but the real leader was an Idumean named Antipater, who astutely assessed the entire situation, and as Rome became involved Antipater who was an Esau decedent progressed his rising star.

Upon Antipater's death, Aristobulus seized control and tried to wipe out Antipater's family. The most gifted son fled to Rome and was named by the Roman Senate as King of the Jews, his name was, Herod.

Herod was sent by Rome to reacquire the Holy Land for Roman dominion. He did a remarkable job in fighting, but had immense problems with Cleopatra as the Ptolemy line once again wanted the Holy Land as their satellite state.
It would be Octavians' (Augustus) rout of Mark Antony and Cleopatra which would provide Herod the breathing room to build his Roman loyal state. Herod would though suffer immense problems with his own family and with the Jews who rejected this Edomite Esau ruler over them.

Herod the Great actually ruled and managed Palestine much better than a Roman governor would for Rome. He built cities and glorified Rome and was well rewarded.

In noting that history of the bloodbaths, treachery and mandate he had received from Rome, it is easier to have empathy with this Edomite ruler of the Jews in upon hearing that his throne was in jeopardy, knowing Rome would not condone such a thing, that he went on his murderous baby slaughtering spree in trying to exterminate Jesus in the manger.

Herod died around 4 BC and his son Archaleus ruled Judea, and was busy appointing like his father and the Romans later, the Jewish high priest. If one comprehends this, one sees the turmoil Pontius Pilate was installed into and what Jesus was born into.
It was foreign kings ruling Jews, who were ruled by Jews appointed by the government loyal to Rome.
Interestingly the rabbi's in charge of the Israeli state today are appointed by the state, which gets it's orders from the Rothschilds who are Ashkenaz and rule from the central European axis cartel.

So the "Jews" who executed Jesus were Roman in loyalty looking after their own interests, as was Herod and as was Pilate. It was a kangaroo court and Pilate knew it, and in order to preserve peace, allowed the murder. In that, this is why Herod 2 and Pilate were comrades after this as they were watching this Jewish intrigue of spite and is why Pilate deliberately placed King of the Jews over Jesus cross to vex these political Jews of the Sanhedrin.

As a sort of parallel, America had appointed from the central European axis, B. Hussein Obama as their cruel joke on the Israelite Americans. Americans though are figuring out like Herod was to the Jews, that Obama is a foreigner and has absolutely no loyalty to them as Obama rules for European cartel and Muslim mafia oil interests.

Christians though will note that from this a resurrected Roman empire is prophesied to arise in Europe and Herod Obama will bow to the real anti Christ, who must be alive today and ready to take power as all of these events unfold in God's order.

This time though the Lamb of God has already taken away the sins of the world and He is coming back as a Warrior King to install His perfect Government of Peace. This Roman order only gets to execute Christ once. Christ's second coming is Armageddon as is prophesied and Jesus is the One ruling after that.

All events lead back full circle, and even when one sees abhorent misbehavior in a Herod, one sees the stage they have set to act out upon, and they really can not do anything but follow their programming like some reading a teleprompter.

Greatness though will never be something entitled after beloved leader Obama. He had failed before he started as this blog predicted in January 2009 before he took office.
Obama's benefactor is still to arise in Europe. Like Antiochos Epiphanes, that creature will be a most interesting specimen to observe.

There is a quote in the Bible in Ezekiel 32 of Pharaoh being comforted in is grave from all the slain who join him.

Pharaoh shall see them, and shall be comforted over all his multitude, even Pharaoh and all his army slain by the sword, saith the Lord GOD.

For I have caused my terror in the land of the living: and he shall be laid in the midst of the uncircumcised with them that are slain with the sword, even Pharaoh and all his multitude, saith the Lord GOD.

One wonders in the comfort of the masters of the realms have when Rachel weeping for her children is the only symphony heard.

Thus saith the LORD; A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, and bitter weeping; Rachel weeping for her children refused to be comforted for her children, because they were not.
