Thursday, September 23, 2010

Peer Ee Udh

The process of this blog is sometimes I have a need to post something, like after coming home from my Mom's physical therapy on a Thursday, the 16th, and in reaching out to the Holy Ghost for Inspiration, He Graciously in a few seconds puts a column into me as an answer to some solution which needs solving.

In that, there is not going to be satire here, as this column this time will be serious in a complete desire to assist these United States of America and the western allies, as I at this moment have personally had it with NBC veil covered reporterettes talking to Ahmadinejad while Rush Limbaugh opines that in Iran, they kill homosexuals for societal crimes as this is the greatest Karl Rove sin anyone can perform, compared to the thousands of Heroic Americans slaughtered by Iranian communists with IED's the past years.
Compared to nuclear Iran plotting to vaporize a million American souls in New York City.
Compared to nuclear Iran plotting to make all Jews radioactively encased in a thermal sea of glass from Bashan to the Sinai.

Yes there are a few things more important than people being outed for sex acts and Iran stopping the spread of HIV and other costly gay diseases in running their regime the way America used to be run not 50 years ago.
Yes these same Letterman cocktail crowd Cynthia McFadden types in the 1950's made judicial sport in courts accusing their husbands of being queer. Now the liberals just make Anderson Cooper jokes while promoting gay suicide to deal with their problems.

I digress, but yet I do not digress, because that is what is wrong with the Obama body politic which includes blackberry Limbaugh with his blonde pubic hairs joining Karl Rove unctions that sodomy and soddeny is now the main concern in Ahmadinejad affairs and Castle affairs.

What ever happened in this bunch of multi millionaire kooks who think America is an 8 on the scale of good times in this Super Depression with dealing with a nuclear terror state about to vaporize Jewish nations and American cities, and what comes to their mind is gaydom?

Elton Blonde come blow your horn
The Limbaugh's in the meadow
The Rove's got a corn
Where is little Elton tooting bleep bleep
Why he's cuckle Obama in bed fast asleep

What I digress to is the issue of these Iranian communists holding American hostages. Jimmy Carter was nothing but a uterine female with his Brzezinski communists and B. Hussein Obama has left Americans seized by these Islamocommunist to rot in prisons in Iran.

This blog says, "ENOUGH!"

For the sake of New York City and Jews, I advocate that a tactical force of 700 US Soldiers be landed inside Iran for the expressed purpose of freeing not only the 2 Americans still held hostage, but the entire prison population in that prison.
I advocate that as much bombing, bloodshed and mayhem be requisitioned to accomplish this safely, along with a new Roman custom of the freed prisoners all be armed with Saddam Hussein AK 47's and dropped off in the northern Kurdish regions and told they are Iranians, so prove you are not criminals and shine some Kalashnikov light in the darkness of that communist state.

The expressed purpose of this would be to take out the Russian SAMS, expose Iran as the dickless wonder it is, to show America under Obama is not land of the uterus and home of the ovaries in foreign policy, to free Americans anywhere imprisoned and to show the world that America is not Predator assassination rampaging maniacs under B. Hussein.

The Iranian communists have now for 30 years chosen hostage taking as their first line of foreign policy to humiliate the west. I say let it end, and in exposing Iran as gutless, it removes from them the propaganda of using nuclear weapons in a sneak attack.
Understand this in by freeing Americans and imprisoned Iranian Patriots on the reform, that this is not bombing Iranian nuclear bomb factories, but a clear issue of freedom of Citizens in protecting them anywhere they roam.

Thomas Jefferson marched to that Marine band against Muslims in Africa. It is a simple tune, and if a nuclear terror attacks happens after this, the Iranians will know they will be fingered for it and wiped out.
Iranians are communists and they always desire someone like Syria or Hamas to die for their sins. Take that away from them and one does that by running an operation inside Iran and freeing the American hostages and the hundreds of Iranian Patriots in prison.

It will be the last time Iran captures Americans in any form for hostage terrorism.

This should have been done in 1979, before Carter attempted it, which ended in the Ayatollah pissing on the charred remains of a US Soldier. This caused the Marine slaughter in Lebanon, the kidnapping of CIA resources and torture, Iran Contra and the thousands of Americans dead from Persian IED's.

Barack Hussein Obama is a 3rd world despot. He hides behind palm trees like Ahmadinejad and never comes at anyone in a stand up fight. It is time the US military move on this plan and inform hisself that this operation will be carried out, and that includes clucking Hamrod Clinton who then can take credit for the rescue carried out by brave Americans.

This would be the most simple of operations to secure a 4 square mile cordoned off area, secure the prison with Special Ops in 15 minutes, various air cover for support, and to jump across the border. The entire operation from a secure airfield would take no more than 1 hour and 45 minutes, with no more than 30 minutes for the rescue operation from evacuation aircraft touchdown to lift off in the LZ.

This is the message which America must send while Obama takes a pull on this Marlboro man, Karl Rove kitty fights hisself over gayness and Elton Blonde admires his pubes in blackberry fondling mode.

Peer Ed Udh.

Not so hard being an American when this is not your mind on gay.
