Saturday, September 4, 2010

Time for Mr. B. Hussein Obama to Resign

In 2008, this blog was the first to tell John McCain to quit, go out to pasture, join the old women around the campfire grinding corn, and to find a nice glue factory. This might sound odd as this blog championed John McCain in the 2008 elections, but that championing was only due to Sarah Palin, a real American Conservative.

This blog proved correct in McCain was betrayed by the patricians in his own campaign, and McCain is responsible for the election of B. Hussein Obama, as much as Mitt Romney is for sabotaging Fred Thompson in a heinous act of betrayal to Americans.

John McCain has now sunk to the worst of depths and ruin as this blog predicted in his talking vulva daughter, Megs, does nothing but sound stupid or attack Republicans. His vaginal infection known as Cindy, is all of California sodomy, when not sabotaging her husband's campaign.
John McCain spent 20 million dollars in a primary, in which he came back to the ranch mooing as an American.

That alone is something codger in McCain in nothing but family in this life is worth 20 million dollars when the salary is not 1/10th of that.

It is in that, that this blog seeks to assist B. Hussein Obama, as he has his victory lap in his Cold Sore Wars, declaring victory, greased with the constant flow of American blood in Afnamistan and the constant flow of blood in Iraq of Iraqi Citizens, who are begging Americans, "Please don't go!"

Mr. Obama has destroyed America. She is no more who she was, and she is forever changed as Obama hoped in Marxism. Mr. Obama has now opened the world to the great Eursasian War which this blog predicted will happen, and it will be nuclear.
China is gobbling up the South China Sea, Russia is hounding American Trident submarines. Obama has turned off the American oil tap, and the Middle East is now a smoldering nuclear inferno.
America in time will be attacked, invaded and be a most unpleasant place to reside, as Mr. Obama like Herman Goering is attempting to rule space, instead of the skies to win World War IV, as he beats carrier groups not into ploughshares, but into Warren Buffett new green Chicom cars, sold by the union thugs of Government Motors.

In prudence, Mr. Obama as is his 3rd world bravery condition, should retreat now to the security of Albania, before an exile is imposed by the House GOP in Rep. Issa.
B. Hussein Obama will be impeached, and Timothy Geithner, the most notorious pirate in plundering the US Treasury is going to face real criminal charges, unlike Patrick Fitzgerald in the Rod Blagojevich case.

Mr. Obama should resign. He is an utter failure in the success of putting American into his abyss. Obama has reached the high in low. His adjectives are catstrophic, abysmal and utter ruin.
He should at this juncture resign and flee these United States, as he has obliterated the Democratic party only worse than he has obliterated these United States.

Impeachment, imprisonment, the father of American race riots, the Ali Baba and his 40 thieves, are the Obama future legacy. A real 3rd world tyrant like Idi Amin would resign and go live in luxury in Libya under despot Khadaffi.
Mr. Obama should take his moulded predecessor's vacation to points unknown, before he ends up in Tombstone Arizona, facing the Wyatt Earp there, as Mr. Obama and Ms. Clinton just declared war on the American west in reporting Americans to the United Nations over illegal invasion.

For the first time in American history, someone in the White House has taken the side of foreign invaders and unConstitutionally filed a criminal complaint in the United Nations against elected American sovereigns.

Mr. Obama needs to resign or he will make John McCain's floundering about look stellar, for lest we forget Obama's wife is as big of ass as the one she wears, and Obama is........well without his benefactors writing his teleprompter words, Mr. McCain's eyelash mites have more intelligence than all what Mr. Obama has ever thunk.

This is the best advice for the vacationer, despotic Mooselum Marxist in thief. Resign, because it is not going to be any better in the darkness you have created by striking a match in a house full of revolution, your Bill Ayers diatribes have TNT stoked.


PS: Advice to Elton Blonde. Pay your debt.