Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Blovenous Blovenity

Ok, I don't have time to spank Rush Limbaugh today in playing cute about what is going on with this attack on the GOP concerning the repeal of Obamacare, so I will leave it to the blondeberry at home.

I will just dive right in instead.

Noel the coward Sheppard was quoted by Limbaugh in breaking a story (a story broken 24 hours ago which is what Sheppard does as I outed him on the Daily Caller "breaking" a commentary there which he stole from Michelle Malkin), but there was girly Sheppard breaking an already broken story about the GOP saying behind closed doors that they would not repeal healthcare.
Immediately the entire GOP leadership was all over the place denying anything of the sort was said.

What is going on here?

What is going on here is these fraud Karl Rove Rovians who are trying to do a one two punch wih Democrats.
Democrats were issuing reports that they were surging a week ago. So Rove's people to match Max Sandlin and Steve Schmidt's propaganda to suppress the Tea Party vote which would sink the Conservative Candidates to elect Murkowski or some other putrid Harry Reid type, deliberately took the GOP leadership's private conversations and made them public knowing this would piss the Tea Party people off.
I have told you children that Rove and Sandlin do not want any of these Christine O'Donnell people elected, because they love Obama and voted for him. Their dream is to either have Hillary Clinton in power or Mitt Romney come 2013 as more patricians.

Noel Sheppard is the same traitor to America who booted this blog off Newsbusters for exposing the things of Karl Rove as I was making a bigger splash than their controlled propaganda.
Sheppard is the one who called Mark Levin people "Obama deranged". Mr. Levin still champions these people, because it is where the money flow comes in from the Buckley Bozell syndicate of like minds, but the fact is Noel Sheppard is an Obama fraud.

So who do you have break the GOP story again after it is broken, why Noel Sheppard as he is paid to sink the Tea Party. This slimy little snake was one of the first operatives of the Rovians infiltrating the Tea Party events when he was calling them insane in November of 2008, the day after the Obama insurgency.

So Rush Limbaugh features this fraud Sheppard, and Limbaugh has been doing triple time in trying to change the subject in he was for gridlock when America can not afford it, in shining the light on this GOP leadership story.
Limbaugh then went on to Michael Barone's very good piece in Baron now getting the Tea Party and how it was kicking the Democrat leadership's ass.

Limbaugh was asking like Barone how all these Tea Party people are so adept at all of this and was pointing to Krauthammer, Barone and Rove on television. This is the cute Limbaugh part as by not mentioning hisself, it leaves open this blog to point out what is the fact in all of this in the reason the Tea Party is so adept at all of this is because Rush Limbaugh taught these people how to debate, process information and implement winning strategies on his radio program.
That is why Limbaugh needs a spanking as he just should have said it, made the point and moved on.

THIS IS WHY THIS BLOG has been so pounding the blovenous plagiarist in Limbaugh ,because Americans are influenced by what Limbaugh does, and his childishness in suitcases of viagra, being a dope head, his parade of wives and the despicableness of paying Elton John one millon dollars besmirches EVERYTHING Americans are about.
Limbaugh caused John McCain to be defeated along with all these Rovians. He knows it and is one of the reasons that Obama is in power ruining America. He bears responsibility and when he degrades America in this constant Family Guy or Elton Blonde moments, he is a problem, even if his method of processing information makes him the father of the Tea Party debate.

Rush Limbaugh for all practical purposes is the Socrates of America in teaching a method of processing information which is driving the patrician establishment nuts.

Mike Barone was perplexed at how good these Tea Party people are, because Mike Barone knows how much polish it requires to turn all these lawyers in Congress from idiots to teleprompter readers.
You know what a stuttering idiot Obama is without his cue cards. This is what Barone knows and he is surprised about all of this in these Tea Party people without massive David Axelrod and Karl Rove conditioning are so adept at speaking.

To do what Limbaugh and no one else has done, I will by God's Inspiration explain the Tea Party genius.
In 1773, (yes Gwen Ifill you idiot it was 1773 as Sarah Palin noted) the Tea Party was initiated over monopoly tea imports and select American distribution in the tea tax just as Obama is rewarding his cronies in car plants to infrastructure grants.
Samuel Adams, my most beloved American, dressed up as an Indian and tossed all that tea off British ships. That is the Tea Party.
King George came down like hell fire only on Massachusetts to try and break the Tea Party, but it only spread like wildfire.

Now that you understand this part, here is what makes Sarah Palin a genius in God's Grace in her one liners that are so brilliant.
The east coast patricians were English, a different Israelite race from the inner Appalachian peoples who were Scot and Irish immigrants. It was these manifest destiny types like the Virginia Cavaliers who spread east to west across America in their robust loving the fight, loving debate, loving the ever expanding vistas who GAVE AMERICANS THEIR IDENTITY.

All that smart ass, witty, comedic humor you hear from a Russian Jew like Mark Levin to Norwegian Louie Anderson of Minnesota is that cutting Irish and Scot humor. The Germans and Dutch tempered Americans in industry, but it was these Irish and Scots who drove America.

Samuel Adams actions spread like wildfire in other tea parties. Thee first break out of Americans was in the Ohio valley in literal fights against genocide against Americans.
Benjamin Franklin was asked to head this movement in honor, but begged off as he knew it would cost him his head and reputation. The Ohio Americans though were ignited for Independence, and it would be this group of warriors who would flood back into Virginia for the Revolution in fighting aided by the firebrands in the Virginia House.

These were magnificent Americans this blended group of Americans in they literally would grab their rifles, a horse and a bag of parched corn and in a day be hundreds of miles on the frontier fighting Indians, French or British in that wilderness jungle.
These Americans honed by Clarke in taking Illinois were the group in a generation of Kentucky and Tennessee Riflemen who would pour into New Orleans to crush thee best military in the world in the British at the Battle of New Orleans.
This American identity would be at the Alamo and would be the "packs and mules" of George Custer at the Little Big Horn to George Patton stunning the Germans as he came pouring over the mountains in tanks to Norman Schwarzkopf doing the end run on Saddam Hussein.

This is why I will not sit in the bunker and always advocate the light packs and saddles as this is what Americans are born to in the fight and this is the identity of the Tea Party in the people there, as they have it in their bloodlines for generations to be this people and all Rush Limbaugh did was put an edge on them to make them sharper.
It doesn't matter in this if it is New Yorker Mark Levin, that hot Asian Michelle Malkin, that Great Westerner Sarah Palin or JC Watts of Oklahoma, this is not an issue of race, this is an American race on the move taking the God given ideology of America and always moving hard and fast, fighting with the dirty tricks and being thee worst hard sells in the world.

That is what is the Tea Party which Michael Barone misses in his English coastal mentality. These are thee American psyche on the march and they love this fight as they were born to it from Abraham rescuing Lot. This is what Americans do in digging into the brier patch, being torn to shreds, setting it all on fire, and giggling with delight at the pain.
I have alone told you that Sarah Palin is a counter puncher. She loves being hit hard, because it brings out the best in her. She is pure American and that is why all those Cynthia McFadden cowards are afraid of her as Sarah Palin and this Tea Party revolution are an irresistible force.
They are winners.

Now Rush Limbaugh could have explained all of this, Rush Limbaugh should have dumped a pile of money on my doorstep for all he has stolen from me, Rush Limbaugh should have outed Noel Sheppard and Karl Rove for what is going on in this.
Rush Limbaugh should have explained that the GOP leadership knows getting thee economy moving is their priority so they can be re elected, and they are like Limbaugh more than happy as millionaires to leave Obamacare alone so it is not an issue to get bogged down in, and for it to fester for another 2 years, to really piss off the public when hundreds of thousands of people start being told "no care today, come back in 2 years if you survive".

That honesty would settle all of this, because Americans can comprehend that they are dolts in the majority being suckered by Obama and until they get hurt, they will cling to Obama and blame the GOP for trying to save them again.........just like they blamed Bush43 for saving them.

It would save all of this cute sh*t stage act going on, and save the nation by exposing Obama frauds like Noel Sheppard.

It is though the blovenous blovenity of blovenism...........and if the experts had done their job in Barone and Limbaugh, this page would be blank today, and everyone would be wondering what all the answers to this are.

Thank God for His Holy Ghost though as it gave me something to weigh in it is time to blanch some Kentucky Wonder pole beans and try making some collard kraut.

Busy busy busy
Is the buzz of the bee

Turning flower nectar

To sweet honey.

nuff said


PS: Rush Limbaugh's dad was a Hero. He flew fighters in the Army Air Corp. Raised a wonderful family. Played the American rules and David Limbaugh is a shining example of Rush Hudson Limbaugh II, even if Dave could answer his emails for the little people sometimes.
Rush Limbaugh's dad was John Wayne, Robert Mitchem and Gary Cooper. He was Ronald Reagan and the complete father that any child would be blessed as having as a parent.

As a note, there is a wonderful Gentleman in Oklahoma with a very loving Daughter in Veteran's care who is this American type of epitome of manhood and fatherhood.
They do not get noticed, but their children living through them become their generational lights.

It is these parents in Moms' and Dad's who birthed the Tea Party from Normandy shores in not giving up.
There is no mystery in Tea Party, Birthers or Sarah Palin if you know Americans and the people they are.

Quite allot of teaching without a million dollar salary now isn't it what eh?