Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Blue Dog Fraud Sandlin in her own Obama words

Project Vote Smart has an interesting site in it is one of the only places where a Citizen can actually find actual statements by elusive Karl Rove operatives like Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, because I dare any of you to do a search for her speeches or Wiki files and you will find that the internet has been scrubbed of her and Max Sandlin is like the ghost from Sleepy Hollow.

That kind of scrubbing of information does not happen unless one is connected and the elite do not want your crimes and stupidity to ever be made public.
Does Barack Hussein Obama sound familiar in this role?

This entire ilk is so bathed in protection it is like they are in some kind of witness protection program and one day we are going to find out Barack Obama is really Jamaal Jackson from Philadelphia and he turned states evidence against the Black Panthers and his favorite whore, Titty Jones is now Stephanie Herseth Sandlin in South Dakota.

Why the paper trail matters and who is scrubbing it on all of these Democrats is the evidence it shows.

I searched all the public listed Congressional information and a glaring point comes out in Stephanie Sandlin not once as Blue Dog leaderette when Barack Obama was bashing Jews ever sent a letter or joined any Congress people in supporting Jews or the Israeli state.

Herseth can be found putting her name on letters other South Dakota leaders write and taking credit for hog trough spending, but when it comes to protecting minorities like Jews, Sandlin agrees completely with Obama's nuclear holocaust of Jews.
Jews apparently in South Dakota are not enough of a cash cow for Sandlin, as she apparently can not dig enough gold out of their teeth.
But then who needs dead Jews, when Herseth Sandlin has suicidal Indians to dump millions on for vote bribes.
Sort of amazing isn't it in the 295 Jews in South Dakota are road kill to Sandlin in she refuses to assist them as a minority when they are super minority in her state.

Apparently South Dakota Jews are not important to Matt Drudge, Michael Savage or Mark Levin in being the obscene racist target of Democrat Sandlin. No one seems beyond this blog to care about South Dakota Jews nor champion them.

Stephanie Herseth Sandlin though does care about a few things though beyond Indians as ballot stuffers for her and Obama, before they commit suicide, as she refuses to find mental health staff workers according to Sen. Byron Dorgan of neighboring North Dakota.

First Stephanie KIA Sandlin just loves to the point of writing letters the Obama policy of retreating from Iraq and turning it over to terrorists. Sandlin also just loves the Obama policy which doesn't allow Soldiers to fire at terrorists first.
I can understand the last one, as Sandlin uses brain damaged Soldiers to abuse in her commercials. If she has more brain dysfunction Soldiers, she can have a whole army of Soldiers to stagger around on her campaign ads.


"I support our country's current strategies in Iraq and Afghanistan because I believe we need to act decisively and responsibly to confront the challenges our country faces in those countries.

While there are no perfect options with regards to these conflicts, I believe this is the most responsible course of action."

It certainly is being cheered by Sheik bin Laden and Mullah Omar. Herseth Sandlin must really enjoy Isalmic terrorist direction for the US military.

The other thing Sandlin loves is a crook, just like B. Hussein Obama. This time we have Stephie putting it into keyboard print, like her typing up that Jews are not minorities to be helped.

"Senator Tom Daschle has dedicated his life to public service and I am so pleased that he will continue that service as Secretary of Health and Human Services. Certainly, the challenges we face when it comes to health care are large and complex, as affordable, quality health care is out of reach for far too many. With his depth of knowledge, experience, and proven track record for building consensus, there is no better person for the job than Senator Daschle. I look forward to working with Tom on these critical issues."

This is the same "Tom" who was caught as a tax cheat and forced in humiliation to remove hisself from contention in a crime so bad that even Obama refused to go to bat for him...........and that is pretty bad considering Tim Geithner and Van Jones made it through the preliminaries.

But never fear as Amazon Sandlin is here chirping in with this statement agreeing with Obama that Afghanistan is the "right" war.
Never mind Bob Woodward exposed Obama never had any intention of fighting to win the war, but only slaughter US Soldiers there.


"The President is rightly focused on our core policy objective in Afghanistan: to combat al-Qaeda and ensure that this region can never again be used as a base for terrorist action against Americans. The United States and our NATO allies have a direct interest in disrupting and dismantling al-Qaeda and countering extremist Taliban forces in Afghanistan and Pakistan. This is a national security imperative.
I'll continue to work with the Administration, military officials and members of Congress to meet these goals and ensure a clearly defined and measurable mission for our nation's involvement in the region."

Ah, reality to Pelosite Sandlin, Charlie Rose noted on his program with Bob Woodward that al Qaeda was already driven out by George W. Bush, and it did not nor did it exist when Obama took over in Afghanistan.

For the facts, Obama has no inclination about ever winning in Afghanistan and the entire Democratic clap trap led by Stephanie Herseth Sandlin's blug dog frauds is so moronic, uninformed and ignorant that they send out dispatches full of idiocy.
No wonder they followed Obama into the abyss and have been voting America to be buried alive in Obama Marxism.

Oh let's close with this Sandlin Obama quote.

Today, Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, Co-Chair for Administration of the fiscally-conservative Democratic Blue Dog Coalition, joined President Obama in an event in the East Room of the White House urging members of both the House and Senate to pass legislation requiring that any new mandatory government spending be matched with budget cuts or savings elsewhere.

13 trillion dollar in debt Obama surging to 15 trillion dollar Chicom debt Obama and Sandlin is urging fiscal responsibility while gutting the Defense budget so she can use that money to bribe Indians to vote for her.

Yeah that really turned out like Sandlin and Obama said now didn't with no cuts.


PS: What about instead of elections next time, we just buy this bunch tickets on that tourist space ship and send them there without a return much safer for the world and a whole lot cheaper.