Sunday, October 3, 2010

Brigitte de Maubec

Here I am moved again to call attention to the positives of the wonderful Ladies emerging all across these United States. I personally do not know Brigette de Maubec and would not know if I had bumped into her in my travels any more than the lovely Kristi Noem of South Dakota about to replace that baby killing crook Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, but there are things astir in this American nation like nowhere else on the globe in how God is prevailing through His Creative Breath, the voice of Ladies in a clarion call protecting America.

I became of Ms. de Maubec, who has the most aristocratic of French names via the very good Americans at World Tribune who are associated with the finest of newspapers in the Washington Times.
She had a groundbreaking story in the reason Barack Obama went to church was because an Islamic radical, who is leads a group to divide up the Jewish state was speaking there.

This is a story which only the internet press has picked up and run with, and it is a shame, as an exclusive like this at one time would have heralded Ms. de Maubec with Maureen Dowd positions and salaries, but in this Obama abyss, she has been ignored by even the Elton Blonde press.

Ms. de Maubec is a recovered Democrat and this blog could not be more pleased, although I personally would give a great deal to have an America where Hubert H. Humphrey liberalism was on par with the exact policies of George W. Bush.
It seems amazing in how the elders once cringed at the pink code of Humphrey and now he appears so lovely compared to the menstrual stained tampon of the NeoProgs led by his lowness of B. Hussein Obama.

It is a hard lesson, which even my Auntie has not learned in distancing herself from Obama as so many Democrats are coming to awareness. Ms. de Maubec is a welcome light in this, as my Auntie is still at the stage of blaming Congress for writing those bills.........and giving Obama the pass.

The Post Email where Ms. de Maubec writes is a fine publication in existential America, for those unaware of that term, that is the America where one actually has been born into her and lived her nurturing life, unlike the one where Mr. Obama is undocumented in being one of.
The writing is refreshing in she travels by bus to Glenn Beck rallies and has no Limbaugh private jet. She simply is one of the growing number of North American Ladies joining Sarah Palin, Christine O'Donnell and Star Parker, who are quietly making their way but making a huge amount of tidal wave thrust as their mere Twitter comments speak more than what most publications turn out in a year.

The Washington Examiner, Breitbart's operations and the Post Email are all doing the work like the World Tribune and Washington Times in what is the sexy appealing news, because it is the real news which the propagandists at Pravda Obamacorporated will never report.

Bridgette du Maubec is a Journalist, a wonderful term in the pure form. The New York Times would not be bankrupt if they simply had Journalists who were Citizens first and not paid propagandists.
One little story and Ms. du Maubec is the back channel celebrity.

Amazing what the truth will do as it spreads a writers words like wildfire.
