Friday, October 1, 2010

I, Obamus RIP

While the world was calling Barack Hussein Obama, the second coming, and patricians like Jeb Bush were saying Ronald Reagan was road kill and Bobby Jindal was telling the Conservatives we all had to be like Obama, as Rush Limbaugh went Elton Blonde, this blog by God's Grace was pointing out that when the time came for the abandonment of B. Hussein, that it would not be the GOP, Conservatives, Independents or Reagan Democrats who would perform the long knife deed, but the end of Mr. Obama would initiate and come from Democrats themselves.

On September 20th, 2010, at 11 o'clock eastern time, this et tu Brute' event occurred on the very Ed Sullivan stage, where Barack Hussein Obama had been brought forth from the mahdi well, by David Letterman.

It was on this stage, and while none of the front benchers noted nor anyone in the left brought attention to, David Letterman, the head of the cocktail crowd (if Rush Limbaugh says "cocktail" or Muchelle" a few more times on this cutting edge program which was years behind this blog in ushering in those same terms on these patricians (now termed establishment) he will owe me more royalties than his blonde wife will be able to afford), brought out William Jefferson Blythe Clinton, to announce that Barack Hussein Obama is finished, the Cassius crowd has drawn the blades, and it is now, Shah Mhet, Long live Hamrod the first!

What one has to understand and comprehend is that the Letterman show just does not happen. They have rehersals, and when it is an event of events in a coup upon the undocumented Obama, that all the subtle digs, jabs, and twists of the knife will be performed with the masters of character assassination in Letterman and Clinton.

This was not some clumsy buffoonery like Jimmy Carter dragging around the corpses of Kennedy and Reagan, along with the most disrespectful of lynchings by Carter in repeatedly referring to Obama as Obummah three times in a row in closing segment, but this was vintage Bill Clinton in polished tongue with David Letterman setting him up for hangers for Clinton to knock out of the park.

The key points were Clinton not mentioning that "bright boy" Obama, but noting that his charity would be putting the youth to work next year as they could not find jobs in 2010 under Obama.
Clinton spoke how global warming and green energy should have been handled, without mentioning how Obama failed a billion times over, yes Clinton brought up billions of dollars for jobs which Obama did not create, but he would with that same spent money.

Bill perfectly melded his Chelsea's wedding, which she looked almost centerfold, in the new family guy Bill, with the perfect comment, "Hillary wanted to be Grandma more than President".

Ta dah, there is the rub, and why Bill was on Letterman. The Clintons have on this program announced that Hillary will be running in 2012, and B. Hussein Obama will not be on the ticket.

I will not go into the nonsense of Bill Clinton spending billions on green sh*t house gases, when Teddy Roosevelt proved that when private enterprise builds a cheaper, more lasting and better quality product, consumers will buy those cars, batteries etc... without any taxpayer funding, just like Intel, Microsoft and Apple didn't need immense overt trillions to make those quantum leaps for mankind, but what I will go into is the reality that Bill Clinton stated B. Hussein Obama is a complete failure, and that Hillary is there to take over.
The reality is Bill Clinton laid out on September 20th, a domestic policy as President, and with Dame Hillary the defacto foreign President, now running around with the most Star Wars blonde hair style, the Letterman cocktail crowd has announced to the world, that it is I, Obamus, RIP, we tried that designer negro and his ads just did not sell, so we are going back to the mannequins who are comfortably white and implement our Marxism with Newt Gingrich".

This is what this blog by God's Grace predicted would occur, and it has two years out of the 2012 elections.
Sean Hannity confirmed what this blog has written of years ago in Bill and Hillary Clinton hate Barack Obama...........what Mr. Hannity has not noted is that the Clintons have had this coup in the works from day one.

As this blog pointed out on Obamacare, it was Bill Clinton pushing Obama and Democrats in Congress who betrayed Hillary to pass it, because it would be a win win by summer 2010.
The Clintons knew very well the disaster this Obamacrypt was and how it would turn into a festering sore for all Democrats.
This is how FDR played the game against competitor Democrats and destroyed them like Joe Kennedy.

As was noted here in Bart Sestak, being a political officer for the Clintons, has now involved the GOP Congress to come in impeachable offenses to remove B. Hussein Obama.
Bill Clinton advocated this, and Rahm Emanuel signed off on it, and this is the long term Clinton battle plan in pitting Obama against the GOP in which Obama will lose, the GOP will be blamed for lynching a pretend black guy who is tan, and Hillary Clinton will be termed uniter in Chief.

This is all quite Clinton brilliant, but I do not for a second believe the GOP will even with patricians in leadership take the bait and impeach Obama. They will instead produce so many hearings, so many crimes, that even blacks will go quiet in knowing Obama will have to go, and it will then be either indictment by Clinton cronies in justice or a.............Mr. Obama, your exile to Albania is waiting as Hillary is going to be RFK, and if you stay around, you will be in prison for your legacy".

The Letterman cocktail crowd which is patricians from Karl Rove to Bill Clinton in keeping their gaysexual mandates in power in both the Republican and Democrats, thwarting the genuine Americans in the Tea Party, has shown Mr. Obama the door.

This blog warned Mr. Obama to go on Letterman and let Dave whip him a little, but Obama thought he was too Carter Presidential powerful to need Letterman. The point is David Letterman like Jon Stewart and Bill Maher are not employed for talent, but employed to lynch people the cartels want destroyed.
Barack Hussein Obama has now reached the descendency into his abyss.

To be frank, Barack Obama, is to these liberals like Terri Schiavo, a body in the room that they have no use for. They have admire her deathly beauty, paid their respects, but now they just want this all over, so they can go off and marry pretty girl Hillary Clinton.
That is the silent majority which will rule Barry Soetoro from this moment on. Jimmy Carter gleaned a full soul of this, as there is nothing more disturbing than being in the medical profession and watching the "family" gather for the last good bye on the weekend, and there that suffering human lays alone for a week as everyone moves on.

The Letterman cocktail crowd has announced they have moved on. The Clintons have ruined their adversaries in Congress and in B. Hussein Obama. It is the slow drip now, and Bill and Hillary will enjoy every last drop of it.

That renovation of the West Wing and Oval Office was not for Obama, but for Hillary Clinton. Aaron Burr Biden might be deluded to think he is number 2 as he smells the blood in the water, but the sharks in this tank are the Clintons, and they have the cartel backing them, as Obama could only loot trillions for them, while the full intention is for the Clintons to rule again in iron fist thuggery.

It doesn't matter what level two games the front benchers are plotting in intrigue of Obama versus a GOP Congress, as that is the cartel's gambit, the nation is supposed to be dragged into. Obama's benefactors have used him and left him for naked. The real level three is what the Clintons have been up to, and level for is the reason what the cartels are using the Clintons for, and the level five is what the grand master is initiating this all for.

I ponder in these racist patricians if the sport will be a pummeling of that uppity Obama so they will never have to deal with minorities again in seats of power.
There is a whole lot going on in this on so many psychological levels and what this blog warned blacks of in making the tan Obama their poster boy.

This should play out now for Obama like an old LP record skipping and playing the same phrase over and over again. This phrase will be "stuck on stupid", as the off the teleprompter scale genius of Obama will be the Special Olympics joke he so crassly made.
