It is vital to comprehend the preface in this, that when Andrew Carnegie with his steel to Henry Ford with his cars, were undercutting the world competitors, providing Americans with the best low cost goods and a high standard of living wage, exporting products and dominating world markets, it was a good thing for America and the world.
It kept warlike peoples from gaining too many resources and starting world wars and it kept those nations who were problems sedate in their leaders had to obey the American Christian ethic.
There is nothing wrong with Joseph McCarthy destroying communism in America. There is nothing wrong with Richard Nixon destroying socialism in America. There was nothing wrong with William Hearst promoting Billy Graham and pro American policy. There was nothing wrong with Teddy Roosevelt expounding upon the virtues of the Anglo Saxon race advancing the world to a better tomorrow.
What is wrong though, is when David Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan got into servitude with the central European cartel led by the Rothschilds, who then took over the American Treasury in the Federal Reserve.
To explain this, this is Dutch banking, which has been the plunderer of western Europe and now America, as it's policy is simple in it is supposed to run up debt spending in nations, and the Rothschild bankers in turn own the money and charge interest to those nations looting them.
These are the folks who backed Barack Hussein Obama and is why he was in Berlin first in his speech in 2008 bowing to them. These are nation rapists and their operatives from George Soros, Warren Buffett to Bill Gates are part of the Marxo Commerce Complex.
They are allowed to commit great crimes against humanity, in return for dumping great piles of money into Obama type campaigns on both sides of the oceans, all meant to make it easier for their benefactors to loot nations, steal money from working peoples and control those nations to initiating wars or as Mr. Obama has mandated in looting trillions from the US Treasury and giving it directly into this syndicates coffers.
Currently, Karl Rove is one of the major players in this globalist cartel, which is enacting a war on American Conservatives, chiefly Ladies, with the full rear assault backing of the Obama regime.
As has been noted here, when Rove had Steve Schmidt and his clique ruin John McCain so Mr. Obama could be installed for this cartel, and has been on a scorched earth mission to destroy Reagan Conservatism in attacking Sarah Palin, Kristi Noem, Christine O'Donnell and Sharon Angle in various Obama talking points, along with Jeb Bush calling Ronald Reagan road kill, it is the fact that the allegiance of these operatives is not to America as it was with Henry Ford, Richard Nixon and John Kennedy, but the bowing is to the internationalists.
The talking points of Karl Rove surfaced in Democrat thug, Max Sandlin's official letter for his wife, Stephanie in South Dakota in using Tea Party, Birther and Sarah Palin as attempted smears against Conservatives in that race.
Election thief Al Franken who the Bush Administration led by Karl Rove never lifted a finger to investigate in his anti semite attacks against Norm Coleman, points to a definite "black panther Obama" shield operated by Karl Rove, for his clique of the radical gay agenda patricianism.
This might sound strange, but this is nothing new, as if one studies the ancient Greeks, their entire democracy was a mirror image of what American politics is today in being sex oriented in judging candidates.
The essence of it was, that homosexuals could abuse children as long as those children were rewarded with acceptable careers.
The child molestation is not legal yet in America, but it is being advanced by this group. It is though the Hillary Clinton and Karl Rove acceptable policy now that as long as quid pro quo is available in Barack Obama and Charlie Gibson doing soap dropping gay interviews helping each other that the gay servitude is what is driving this patrician group of policy as much as David Letterman was sexing all the young girls working for him, as long as they got good paychecks.
This self absorbed debauchery is what brought down Greece, destroyed Rome and is in the process now of wiping out America. It is why this cartel has been pushing this degradation, as they historically knew by example that without moral fiber in a nation, that nation would crumble from within.
Barack Hussein Obama and his regime, coordinating with Karl Rove, are literally just putting the chains on Americans who are already shackled in communism in working for benefits and losing jobs to Mexican, Chinese and Indian slaves.
This is all by design and whether it is Arlen Specter, Charlie Crist, Mike Castle or Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, Earl Pomeroy or Colin Petersen, these AINO, Americans In Name Only are implementing the Rovian Nightmare in a George Orwell script in which actors like Bill O'Reilly vote for Obama, as they in Noel Sheppard smears, unleash on Americans in calling them deranged for opposing Obama.
There is not a state in these United States which is not funded by this menace, and many times this menace is sucking money from billionaires who think they are doing a good thing for America.
Karl Rove runs with Ed Gillespie the American Crossroads group. This group is funded by billionaires giving millions of dollars under the pretext of targeting Harry Reid and Democrats.
Well a funny thing happened on the way to that path in Texans Trever Rees Jones, Harold Simmons, Robert Rowling, along with southern rice farmers, have not seen their funds assisting Sharon Angle in Nevada in her Tea Party bid to get rid of Harry Reid.
No, instead just like Max Sandlin in South Dakota, Karl Rove went on a political rape tyrade on an American Lady in Christine O'Donnell in Delaware smearing her.
So ask yourself when Steve Schmidt is ruining Sarah Palin as a Rove protege. When Max Sandlin is ruining Kristi Noem working for the same Steve Schmidt group. When Karl Rove is out smearing Christine O'Donnell and this group is sending out talking points to Charles Krauthammer so he sounds exactly like David Axelrod, what in this world difference is there in any of this from Barack Obama or Karl Rove as the results are more patricians in office voting against the America Citizens?
The answer is none as these folks are not Americans, they are not Republicans and they are not Democrats. The answer is these people are patricians, the feudal lords of Europe and Asia from antiquity, the gays of Greece, the Rothschilds of the 1800's, the robber barons of yore, the internationalists of Henry Ford's warning, the people who put Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy in the grave and tried to put Teddy Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan in the grave too for their pro American stance.
I know that this cartel believes they can destroy the Tea Party in riding it out, as Lindsey Graham, Jimmy Carter and Karl Rove all have espoused this "just a few years" philosophy in all the same talking points being recited.
It was Karl Rove who destroyed the Conservatives in Congress during the Bush years. It is currently Barack Hussein Obama's mission to destroy the black Congressional lobby in Congress to rid America of that voting block. This is all by design and while Bush could not go after blacks, Obama can, and while Obama can not go after Conservatives, well Karl Rove can.
They are the same hand striking right and left from the patrician body establishment on both sides of the Atlantic.
I honestly can not fathom Karl Rove no more than a liar like Stephanie Herseth Sandlin. Rove and Sandlin both do not comprehend this wave moving America in revolution and they think that hiding in lies and diatribes against Americans will be all forgotten come election day, because they have their benefactors protection, who scrub the internet of facts and keep justice from investigating them as much as Congress.
This is odd, because Rove is either an idiot like Barack Obama in not seeing this revolution which is going to demand prison terms for these criminals, or Rove is being told to fall on his sword for the cause in the way Pelosi and Reid ordered all those Democrats and RHINO Republicans to Peggy Noonan Americans.
Rove going out and savaging Christine O'Donnell while taking money from Texas billionaires is going to have Americans demanding of these billionaires before Congress in just what part of the crime of political rape against American Ladies do they not understand is a crime.
This is not the same old politics of protectionism of the patricians. This is a judicial hunt now to not hide the crimes George W. Bush did of the Clintons, but a time of rooting out and prosecuting these scoundrels whether it is puppy press Jake Tapper getting his marching orders from Obama or the RICO violations going on at FOX in Shep Smith, Bill O'Reilly and whatever other ilk is there working for the international establishment while hiding behind Sean Hannity.
Rush Limbaugh has put his finger to the wind and he gets this. So Limbaugh in his blonde moments of Elton John sodomy has either been told to get ahead of the Tea Party to deflect them as the Family Guy promotes his liberal Hollywood shows 24 hours in a Keifer Sutherland day, or, Limbaugh knows his talk radio empire will be replaced when Mark Levin and Sean Hannity start figuring out they have been doing all the work and Limbaugh has been taking all the Karl Rove credit.
Limbaugh is gearing everything on market share in his Elton Blonde dallying, but he does see this Tea Party for what it is, in a revolution which will never forget those who betray it. That is why if one listens to Limbaugh carefully and breaks down his pronouns, one does not hear the Obama "I, me and mine", but instead Rush Limbaugh plunges into the Tea Party he has not assisted in any measure until forced to with the ultimate word "we", as he is attempting to camouflage hisself in the midst of this growing brood.
I listen and observe the front benchers, and as I have stated time and again, the very Democrats who this group should be pounding in Earl Pomeroy in North Dakota and Stephanie Herseth Sandlin of South Dakota, both Rovian globalists, never get any attention on the front page.
Have you ever heard, seen or know what a Rick Berg is? You would not even know who Kristi Noem is if not for this blog championing her, when Limbaugh has ignored her as much as Sean Hannity.
These two Conservative Dakotans would trounce Pomeroy and Sandlin if they just got one Limbaugh, Hannity or Drudge push, just like Scott Brown and Christine O'Donnell raked in millions of dollars in one mention for this group.
For the record, Kristi Noem of South Dakota was hoping, HOPING in her election against Stephanie Sandlin the liar, to raise around twenty five thousand dollars.
What in God's green earth do you think Rick Berg and Kristi Noem could do with one quarter of the money Christine O'Donnell was provided in public exposure?
Do you comprehend in this Rovian Nightmare just how none of this ads up, because when they want John Thune to take down Daschle, they will do it, but when they could easily make the Dakotas, Nebraska, Minnesota and Montana complete Conservative strongholds, it was Karl Rove doing the messiah Obama's work in not bringing charges against Max Baucus, Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, Al Franken and Kent Conrad..........oh but Rove could wipe out Larry Craig to George Allen.
As I stated from the beginning, when the American warrior people are unleashed on other nations in capitalism, it is a remarkably good thing as it has been proven time and again for Americans and the world. What has been occurring since the death of John Kennedy has been the Rockefeller clique carrying out a war for the Rothschilds European cartel on Americans.
It started with that "balance of trade" by Henry Kissinger in American money for OPEC oil dumped into European Rothschild banks in the first knocking down the American standard of living for these nation rapists, moved onto Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton shipping all the American industrial and production jobs to slave states and is in the final Rove Obama stage of the feudal lords replacing Americans with Mexican slaves.
I will keep asking the question Rush Limbaugh, Matt Drudge and FOX will not ask in why is it Karl Rove is protecting Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, and why is Stephanie Herseth Sandlin not being investigated for her abuse of power?
I will not go away on this, and if this disaster of Herseth Sandlin is still lurking about Congress, I will either get Congress to haul Limbaugh before it in demanding to know his monetary and information links with Karl Rove in why Herseth Sandlin was constantly given a pass like Earl Pomeroy, and if this Congress does not, then Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, Karl Rove and the Limbaugh front benchers are going to find a push for the President Palin Administration with hopefully Mark Levin as Attorney General, so he can ask his good friends just why none of them bothered to have Kristi Noem or Rick Berg on their programs, why the crimes of Pomeroy and Sandlin never were a push for Drudge as the Dakotas would be an easy pick up, as even Dick Morris would agree..............and yet in this Karl Rove web of internationalist feudal lords, they all have that same fascist uniform with the pretty skull and crossbones on it, whether it is Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow, Bill O'Reilly or Peggy Noonan.
Rush Limbaugh mentioned that this is going to require a series of house cleaning elections. Rush Limbaugh gets that point. Now we will see if he gets the point in this Elton Blonde moment that this is not going away without answers before investigators and prosecutors. The Dakotas, out state Minnesota, the Montana wilds and the flat Platte of Nebraska in this nefarious promotion of crooked Marxists there by Barack Obama and the notorious protection of this traitorous ilk by Karl Rove, will be investigated for criminality.
It is no longer enough for Rush Limbaugh as he tweets his blonde to "we, we, we" his way home into the Tea Party nor any of the Front Benchers. They either speak up or they will be required under oath to explain their Karl Rove silence about these criminals...........just like Karl Rove on point in the political rape of American Ladies is going to find just how naked he is.
Mitt Romney, you politically sabotaged Fred Thompson in 2008 to destroy him by this Rovian clique, just as Obama stole the primary from Mrs. Clinton and stole the election from John McCain.
The Judas Goats in both parties are going to face the drum of criminal investigations and just like Nazi Germans remaining silent over Hitler's rampages, silence is not going to be a defence for Limbaugh or making deals with the media as Axelrod did for Obama to destroy John Edwards for political expediency will not have merit in Nuremberg trials.
Stephanie Whoresth Sandlin is a prostitute of Elliot Spitzer status in getting more expensive every day.
Is she really worth it Mr. Limbaugh? Karl Rove is still running up the credit card, but it is starting to show up on your plagiarist bill.
I would bet none of this ends up discreetly mentioned on any program as this is the last thing these court jesters or their feudal lords ever want made public in this orgy of Sodom Dakota and Gomorrahrove.
The hand which rocks the cradle
Is the hand which rules the earth
So make the mother into a whore
And let her pimp her infant's worth
For meadow down to sheep there graze
To the lowing in the pen
The feudal lords enslave their stock
From field to pasture glenn.
Tis all a Rovian nightmare
The initiation of that serpent beast
The dream is stabbed with steely knives
For the sodom Obama feast
The hand which rocks the cradle
Sways the bed behind the pedophile door
Pimps the virgin to Peking prostitute
Rides the regime of that scarlet whore
Rovian Nightmare of Political Rape