Monday, October 18, 2010

Suicide is Limbaugh

I hope you like Barack Obama in the White House. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid leading Democrats. Massive spending, the day by day implementation of Obamacare, Mexicans flooding into America, Americans losing jobs, homes, families and retirement............because my children in the first hour of Rush Limbaugh on October 18, 2010, the blovenous one made a colossal mistake in he happened to whisper into the golden EIB mic, "Gridlock is what we want. Gridlock is what the markets want".

What Limbaugh was lecturing on was the elections in 50 50 division of the Senate and the GOP taking the minimum of seats in the House as Karl Rove intends, so that everything would implode into a gridlock of Obama, the Democrats, the Clintons and Obama in a 4 way slug fest.

.........and you know who wants gridlock? Obama to run against the GOP, Clintons to blame Obama and the GOP, Democrats so they do not lose their Marxist Obama policies they passed, and Karl Rove with the market robber barons, so they can install Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush, all the way Rush Limbaugh intends as that is why this group defeated John McCain in 2008 and stuck Obama in there to keep screwing over Americans.

I hope Mark Levin wakes up from his soft tyranny. What in hell is "soft tyranny"? Ever heard of soft rape? How about a soft car crash? How about a soft knocking the snot out of you?
Tyranny is tyranny and I do not like bursting Mark Levin's bubble, but just as Limbaugh manipulates the audience in bringing in those "Marks" who fill in for him in being idiots to make Limbaugh sound better as they bash the Tea Party, Rush Limbaugh picked a very good person in Mark Levin to use as Mr. Levin brings in Jewish support and Mark Levin is true Reagan Conservatism compared to Limbaugh's Buckley big brother dictatorship.
Levin is but one of many tools Limbaugh uses from Clarence Thomas to hide behind in his Obamanism of the elite.

Last time I checked, Sean Hannity and Mark Levin were working their butts off to win a majority in both Houses of Congress to drive Obama back under his Stalin rock. That is what every Tea Party advocate is working for IN A VETO PROOF MAJORITY IN CONGRESS, and there was Rush Limbaugh telling listeners that what he desires is exactly what the RHINO Rovians are sabotaging Christine O'Donnell over, what the Clintons are after, what Pelosi, Sandlin and Reid are after and exactly what B. Hussein Obama is after so he can get elected again as Usurper II in 2012.

Rush Limbaugh is a fraud. He is Karl Rove with a blonde berry on his arm to hide his gayity. He is the absolute establishment and why he gets paid his graft from them.

His plagiarism is going to tell. He should have paid his debt as it is going to be cheap before this is over, because this blog doesn't focus on shallow fatness, but goes to the meat and it will chew on this until Limbaugh is exposed to his very base. He loses the coming 10% and it will be 75% just like Roseanne Barr went to oblivion.
People on the right do not like being lied to and Rush Limbaugh has been manipulating and lying to them.

Gridlock is what Rush Limbaugh wants and what he is working for as he like a snake recites "we of the Tea Party". Limbaugh is nothing but market share and his entire programs consist of him playing clips of his cronies on the left who mention him for publicity and he mentions them in kind.
This is the face of patricianism and the absolute enemy of America.

I watched Undercover Boss in a most wonderful head of Frontier Airlines who is a Christian, heads a very moral group of employees. Those employees gave up 10% of their income to save that airline and the Boss is working hard to restore this now to them over the next 3 years.
He wrote personal checks to his employees for homeless shelters where he is going to be handing out clothes in Oklahoma and putting one of his employees children through college.
All as a thank you for what wonderful Americans they are in working hard, giving all and behaving themselves.

Now compare that to Undercover Limbaugh paying 1 million dollars to Elton John for his blonde wedding.
1 million dollars is where Limbaugh's mind is to a sodomite who says Jesus was part of a penis sucking group. Quite disgusting and blasphemous.
Sure Limbaugh can do his marathons, his military sponsorship and his taking Mark Levin on his jet and giving Sean Hannity a nice trip to the Elton Blonde moment.

Therefore is Bill Clinton a good guy because he only rapes and assaults some women why doing good things as a black President?
Is Adolf Hitler a good guy because he made little flower cards for his good Jewish friend who was a little girl while hundreds of thousands of Jews in work to death camps?
Was Stalin a good guy because he was FDR's friend while he starved and froze 40 million Slavs to death?

Does paying 1 million dollars to a pervert who slandered thee most Precious Gift God ever gave still mean Limbaugh is a good guy in the other money he tosses about?

How about as you sit there wondering about your child in the military, your parent in a nursing home, your Social Security degrading, your lost home, your stresses on your family, your job in jeopardy, higher taxes coming, your being a criminal over Obamacare and your retirement gone............does gridlock, the grinding along of your life between Obama and the Limbaugh hard place sound like something you really want years more of?

How about it? Do you want things fixed now while there is an America, or do you want Limbaugh Obama gridlock as these millionaires light up enjoying life and flick the ashes of your life to their humor?

That is what Rush Limbaugh blurted out in his blovenous character.

Is Limbaugh what represents you or is he just Obama with an Apple teleprompter as Obama borrows 3 trillion more in federal debt?

Make up your minds children as it is deciding point and you decide wrong, you aren't going to have a life left.

Enjoy your suicide from Rush Limbaugh or your choice of B. Hussein Obama aborting you.


PS: As you can note, Rush Limbaugh and Matt Drudge both are now following Lame Cherry's cutting edge as this blog covered this before the experts.
and the term for how Mr. Obama appears is demoniac not demonic, Mr. Elton Blonde.