Two stories like this are just too much for the sound of mind to absorb.
First I see Vladamir the hitman Putin stating that Leonardo DiCarprio is a "real man".
Ok I just will not absorb that, as real men do not have names like Leonardo, little white bodies that look like they belong on heroin models and sit down with Vladamir Putin defining them as men.
Real men are like John Wayne, George Custer, Ronald Reagan, George Washington. You just know a real man when you see them, and you know a mansexual by the frown on your face in wondering what the hell that Obama thing is.
Second in this is Kate Middleton. This is too much please.
Do you really think this William who looks like his head was baked in a loaf pan deserves a goddess like this?
Do you really think if his surname was not Prince, but something like Fishmonger Bill, Car Dealer Bill or Bus Driver William that Kate Middleton would be auditioning for impregnation ceremonies?
Hell no she wouldn't because she isn't married a normal job guy with a bread loaf pan head!
Granted being a trillionairess does have it's draws, and, Prince Bill ........I guess it was Wills long ago, does not act like his two bi polar parents in nutty Chuck and doofie Di, but still let us make no mistake about this, if Bill was not heir to a throne of Christ, Kate Middleton would be marrying some other wealthy Brit where she could pretend to be Princess like Patty Boyd.
I know Kate is not Page 3 material, but who could kick her out for eating crackers in bed?
No one can blame a nester for feathering her nest as that is what chics do by instinct, but the blame in this rests completely on Billy as he can not be this stupid.
Martha's square or for pete's sake, his mum only married old Chuck for the fairytale which turned into a nightmare on Charles street. So Bill has not know if he was normal, that Kate would not have a thing to do with him.
I find it completely creepy that Bill hung Diana's engagement ring on this gals finger, for the simple reason it is in bad taste in divorce and his mum was crushed in an auto wreck.
What kind of woman smiles at having that kind of stone on her finger with history? That alone should send off warning lights.
Kate does seem to be in this for the royal treatment though in not being a slut like Auntie Fergie or whiner like Di looking for love in all the not Charles places. So she seems to be able to deal with being an unhappy royal in being not amused eventually.
Man though that Queen of Tarts Camilla with her eye on the Queen chair is territory that Kate might end up in the tower of London.
I do feel for Chuck in he spent like a thousand years waiting to be King and mummy just keeps on going like Queen Victoria.....hell Chuck might only get to attend the funeral service in the morning and be attending his at night, as he will be so geezer by the time Elizabeth checks out.
Oh well, but what about that virgin thing that the Royals all prop up these girls on the table to give them the once over? Kate must be a virgin right........or did all that go out with goofy Diana and Camilla in waiting divorce does not matter either?
So Kate has a duty to turn out two male heirs or something like that. I had hoped Wills was going to be handsome like his Hanoverian Albert lines, but he just is not even got the Henry lines running strong in the Tutors as there he is with that loaf head.
Maybe Kate can do something in her genes to turn out an heir that does not look inbred. I do know this if they have girls and they look like the old man Bill, those girls will have horse faces.
I don't know as all I hear in my head is Kate's mum saying, "That is the best you could do lass?"
And Kate says, "Mummy he is a Prince."
"Yes but he has a loaf head!" is the reply.
Marriage is such a strange thing in one's list is "He is a prince" and the other's is, "She is breathing and I get sex for a trillion dollars".
Is like Vladamir Putin having a meeting with Leonardo DiCaprio and not saying, "Look here sissy boy change your name to Leonard Diecapitate or I will pull your nuts out through your throat!"
Real men would do that you know...........and a real woman holds out for more than a list.
The 21st century, no wonder God is going to wipe the lot off the map.