Now mind you, if this Wikileaks spoofer who worked in Iraq and started all of this by listening to Lady Gaga flashdrives and then erased the music and loaded up these asinine embassy dispatches, was getting people murdered, I would not be in support of this, but the light of Truth showing what incompetence and enabling the Obama regime has afforded world terrorism is exactly what needs to be revealed.
I will remind readers that when Republican of Minnesota Dave Durenberger opened his big mouth on national television revealing intelligence about our Egyptian operatives and those assets were taken out and murdered by communist Islamists, no one hauled Dave's ass to jail.
The infamous Patrick Leahy spewed vast amounts of secret intelligence and he is still in the Senate.
Then there was the non stop "leaks" of high treason by the New York Times during the Bush years revealing secret operations run by the Cheney group in trying to topple the Iranian regime, which no one of the Rovians ever indicted those treacherous Obamites.
And how about that incident of Barack Hussein Obama revealing French intelligence to Iran on their nuclear weapons plant and no one has gone in and arrested B. Hussein now have they.
So all of this "calling this terrorism" and concern about the Truth coming out is ridiculous.
What do we know, Obama is an ass who couldn't find his ass with both hands. Wow big surprise there in his championing Iranian communists over everyone else.
We know the Chicoms are backstabbing bastards. Another big surprise. We know that North Korea is enabling terrorism around the world. Another big surprise.
We know the entire Obama team in Asia is as incompetent as their boss is pro terrorist and shiftless. Another big surprise.
So if we are going to call it "terrorism" by Rep. Peter King for exposing the absolute degenerates who are running America into a real nuclear terrorism event beyond the lied about Chicom ballistic missile launch off California WHICH OBAMA LIED ABOUT AND CONGRESS IS COVERING UP WITH THE PUPPY PRESS, all this does is expose America to more real terrorism enabled by the Obama regime.
There is nothing in these dispatches which has not been covered in this blog years ago. There is nothing in these dispatches which is not known...........goodness people we just had MI6 and the CIA paying a fortune to a fake Taliban negotiator who was supposed to be the big leader of the turban heads.
What the hell is the deal there in do all Turban heads look the same to Obama and he can't tell the difference?
All of these Wikileaks have been absolutely necessary in they reveal nothing but enabling of terror regimes and incompetence by the Obama regime. That kind of deliberate idiocy gets big wars started and millions of people dead.
Look if this was lists and information like the New York Times releases in the home addresses of GOP Judges or other sensitive information which puts Americans in danger from terrorists, which is meant to intimidate them and get them dead, then it is something which is criminal. When though a whistle blower exposes the entire incompetence of the entire Asian policy of the Obama regime, which is supposed to be overseen by Pelosi and Reid, then the public needs to know this stuff as it is Chicom missiles going off California cities and missiles coming into New York where these Americans will be dead from this policy.
For the record, this is JUST ASIA and the Obama regime. I repeat this is JUST ASIA. What in the hell do you think the levels of incompetence are in South America with all those narco dictators? How about Africa in enabling the narco Muslim terror regimes their?
What about North America in Obama dealing with narco Mexico?
Can you just imagine what in the hell incompetence is in the dispatches of Eric Holder and Janet Napolitano in DC? The black panthers, Hutatree and snot on your sleeve sound familiar?
When there is this level of idiocy flowing through Baghdad, then it is permeating the entire embassy structure, military structure and corporate Buffett structure.
The reason the real data which was important was not revealed, is because that is on another pay grade system..........which Obama only lets the Russian FSB and Chicom PLA hack into.
So hoorah for Wikileaks in exposing what needs to be exposed in B. Hussein Obama is thee worst occupant of the White House in past, present and future (if there is one) American history.
Just two years ago in 2008, things were running good after Valerie Plame and Patrick Fitzgerald stopped trying to bring down Bush and Cheney, or Rove bringing down Cheney. The only problem was traitors leaking data on operations to the New York Times which put America into greater jeopardy as it protected Iran.
Now two years later this entire functioning diplomatic and security corp is filled with nothing but incompetence and enabling terrorist state policy.
This kid soldier who spoofed all of this should not be sitting in jail, but should be given the Congressional Medal of Honor for exposing the Obama regime for what it is, the friend of terrorists.
Oh let us not forget that Obama can not secure the Mexican border, but he can shut down music sharing sites visited by those dangerous 12 year old little girls with Ipods.
All of this regime needs to be exposed.