Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Obama the Four Letter Word

I was listening to the secular Jew David Horowitz on Sean Hannity. Mr. Horowitz is someone who banned this blog, because he does not like the fact that the Jews who perished by the Nazi's also have included in their numbers added up for the fictional 6 million, communist tyrants who were shot by the Germans much to the cheers of the local Slavic peoples and various other ilk.

I noted that what the Ashkenaz of Europe who assisted in the concentration camps in inflating dead Jewish numbers with these criminals was like numbering the rapine of Japan with the dead of Japanese American Heroes.

In stating that it might sound like I have a problem with David Horowitz. I do not though even in his censorship even when he is wrong, as he is for the most part a learned and patriotic American who if America had more Jews like him, B. Hussein Obama would never have been installed in the White House.
The fact is that liberal Jews in the Israeli state, Jewish computer and money laundering geniuses were the backbone of getting Obama into the White House. Mort Zuckerman has at least admitted Obama is a disaster and I hope these secularist learn, but I do not know if these Jews will ever come to the conclusion of facts that just as liberals led by Obama are the worst enemy America has, that the Jews worst enemy is these Ashkenaz liberal elite on both sides of the Atlantic.

Who sold Islamcommunists weapons? The governments backed by the Rothschilds.

Who has been funding Islamcommunists? The same Rothschild governments.

Who has been driving Orthodox and poor Jews from the Israeli state? The same Rothschild elite as they have designs on ruling that small state as some type of world capital.

What this blog is getting at is sharia law in it is the same Obama benefactors in secular Jew Soros and Rothschild who is backing this Islamization of western Europe and America to destroy these northern 10 tribe Israelite peoples, as the Ashkenaz elite are a ruling body of royalty who is at heart still Asian and they want to rid Israel and Judah of the genetic competitors.

Albert Pike of this Masonic order taken over by the Ashkenaz, and produced the Mormon order and various other sects to control the mob, foretold by a demon a coming conflict which would be initiated by the globalists to destroy religion and replace with their "religion" in pitting Christians against Muslims.
Yes demons are driving this conflict and their minions are following it, as much as Obama is partnered with the demon monkey hanuman of India.

So it is not that CAIR or any Muslim order is just showing up in America enacting an agenda. These Islamocommunists are funded by the Muslim oil mafia. This mafia has been bribing political parties and creating leaders like B. Hussein Obama.
The Muslim oil mafia could do nothing without money. It was the Rockefellers and globalist Henry Kissinger in the 1970's who decided to inflate oil prices in a new money laundering scheme to make them trillions from the millions they had.

It was this funding which created the impoverishing of America by design as much as funded terrorists.

I have noted previously that George H. W. Bush and his mob went in and looted Russia of their gold after the Soviet Union fell. This infuriated the KGB and as revenge the sold Iran and Iraq nuclear warheads.
This in turn frightened Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, who in turn built their own nuclear weapons.

Saudi Arabia is blamed for this building Wahabbist mosques around the world, but the Saudi's did this in response to the Shia of Iran at religious war with them.

This is what was by design in bringing this about in the same Islamists are the same Obama Marxists. This blog is the only place which exposed this in these are all hybrid communists. The same communists created by Rothschild funding of Karl Marx.
The same secular Jews in the Israeli state now led by Ehud Barak who Obama keeps trying to install into leading the Jewish state, while trying to destroy Benjamin Netanyahu.
The same conspiracy Hillary Clinton and Robert Gates are involved in, in this new coup against B. Hussein Obama, attacking Conservative Jews, and promoting this Rothschild warfare structure.

So I love David Horowitz. I love Daniel Pipes even though he plagiarized me. I also love the nameless Philistines in Gaza being raped by the same communist Hamas which is the same communist Obama raping American Ladies politically and looting America, in this conflict being sown to create the chaos so order will come from the fake peacemakers out of Europe.

One has to comprehend what sharia law is, and just like all of these frauds comes from the same money pool.
It is no accident that Rupert Murdoch is an Obama whore nor a Muslim media prostitute, all the while employing Sean Hannity as the lone Conservative at FOX, while Mr. Hannity builds a Tea House and Karl Rove with George Bush burn the thing down.

People have to comprehend the various levels that this operates under and get off the first level where all of these enemies of Jews, Israelite and Ishmaelites want the mob to stay focused on so they can continue the Obama enslavement of the world.

For the record, the Persians are Semites of the line of Shem, The Jews are Shemites from the line of Shem. Americans are Shemites from the line of Shem. The Saudi's are Shemites from the line of Shem.

Americans are from Joseph from Abraham, and Joseph's wife was Egyptian.

Saudis are from Ishmael from Abraham.

Jews are from Judah from Abraham.

Persians are from Shem in the same lineage as Iraqi's.

All of these peoples are from the lines God chose for specific Spiritual breeding. Some were not chosen for the Redemption plan, but all are heirs to that Redemption providing they adhere to the Son of God, Who paid the debt of sin or estrangement by His taking on a human form in Jesus to die as the only sacrifice which will pay for eternal Life as the Thought of the Father created all of us.

Sharia law is evil, because it does it is only laws of condemnation. Until it is reformed to Grace of God in forgiveness and noting that no human can ever do enough good things to make up for their sins.

Barack Hussein Obama is the four letter word in this. Islam is a tool to him just like to his benefactors to get power and use the conflict to promote their agenda, which is communism and not Islam.

You don't find community organizers in Islam, Jewry or Christianity.

I will repeat that you don't find community organizers in world religions or God's Salvation. You only find that evil in communism as that replaces God with man.

See you can't comprehend sharia law in a secular discussion no more than ignoring that there are evil forces within our governance out to destroy billions of souls.
