Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Obama list of far

Just out of curiosity, I typed into the Google search engine, Obama, death list, and my computer firewall went off the charts, so much surveillance occurred that I could not reload Google and when I attempted to try Yahoo, I got a network time out.

Oh to be a popular date, but I did find the death list which is or not real, but it creates the situation in how simply searching for the scrubbed information for B. Hussein Obama sends off protocols which in any free nation such a thing should never occur.

Except for Donald Young, I really do not have a great deal of interest in who has assumed room temperature in meeting Obama, as we live now in an era where Obama has transformed billions in debt to trillions and the few thousand slaves America imported before 1865, is nothing to the hundreds of millions of Slavic peoples Obama created in handing the Warsaw Pac back to Putin.

In that, only this blog has noted and will never forget the the Polish Government which was assassinated, all so Poland would be returned to the Putin fold.
There are no coincidences in life, as Obama returned strategic Ukraine back to the Soviet orb in his trading nations for Obama policy, as Obama has it in his understanding that Russia was wronged in having Slavs freed from their tyranny.

As stated this is the age of Obama, and people might recall Haiti, which Obama has never bothered to visit. The same Haiti filled with black folks, existing now in ghetto sewers as squatters, and dying in mass by cholera.
The same cholera which Obama abandoned these black people to forever, which is created by human excrement getting into the water supply, drinking it, and dying a horrid plague death within hours.

So while Bill and Hillary Clinton had their incinerating children at the Branch Davidians, the blowing out of a Mother's brains on her family at Ruby Ridge, BATF bombs blowing up the Murrah Building from inside by "accident" as a bomb provided McVeigh from an FBI mole started the reaction, followed by TWA Flight 800 shot down, numerous terror casualties around the world, and the dead friends of Bill, the Clintons really were sort of laser in their dead body count, while Obama seems sort of nuclear in his shotgun spread approach.
I mean entire Polish Governments were never wiped out under the Clintons, but Obama stood by and covered it up in not allowing in teh American FBI.

Then there is the Persian cleansing going on in Iran which was assisted by B. Hussein Obama in his Twitter Revolution which had Charlie Rose all tingling.
The problem is the Tweets were infiltrated by terrorists long ago starting with the Greek branch of anarchists, and Ahmadinejad's thugs simply ran an operation which tracked all the Persian Patriots on Twitter, rounded them up and murdered the leaders.
Obama mumbled a few words about "naughty naughty" but the fact remains that the dead Persian Patriots all are dead, because of Obama instigation, running a Gordon Brown counter revolution operation for Obama, and the only folks benefiting are the communist Persians still in power.
The same Islamocommunists which appear Obama warned of the French exposure of their nuclear bomb factory which had President Sarkozy furious.

That all matters, because with Obama handing over Slavs to Putin, and Obama assisting nuclear communists in Iran, then the Brown Twitter operation for Obama's revolution which turned out to be a clean up operation in murdering Iranian opposition.........looks like criminal homicide by B. Hussein Obama.

I have always maintained that attempted murder is only because the murderer failed. There is no difference.
So when B. Hussein told Jews to "absorb" a nuclear strike from Iran, and Obama has been running coups on Benjamin Netanyahu, making the Jewish state more vulnerable, just because Jews are not dead in mass yet, makes little difference as B. Hussein has exposed them as much as Americans to mass murder.

In that, Obama has been covering up the Fort Hood massacre in refusing to call it Islamic terrorism.

In the Sudan, Obama has done nothing to protect Christians or any Christians around the world. Obama has though stated if Sudan feints being civil for a few months he will remove them from terror lists.

I guess that means there is hope for parole and pardon for Sheik bin Laden in the Obama regime if he just behaves for a few months, while the Sheik plans another 9 11 which Obama states America can absorb.

I haven't touched on the dead babies worldwide by Obama, nor his fixation on blowing Muslims up with Predators at least once a week, as Barry seems to enjoy that to the excess like cherry pie. It all though starts adding up with the thousands of dead American Soldiers, who got that way because Obama refused to allow Soldiers to fire at terrorists Obama is quite a mass murderer sociopath in he doesn't knock off someone like Donald Young in spraying him with bullets as Obama has moved on to piles of dead at every opportunity.

So can Snopes and DailyKos explain away the burgeoning Obama dead? Not in any case, but one can hear the, Yah But, excuses for their Obama.

Yah but Obama can't be responsible for earthquakes and storms. Well, George W. Bush was responsible for hurricane Katrina, and by interesting fact no one died of cholera and Bush actually flew over the area while Obama has not been to black Haiti.

Yah but Obama can't be ........but Obama is responsible for abandoning the Slavic peoples.

Obama is responsible for all of this mayhem, murder and morbidity.

So Obama has destroyed America, the Dollar, and now we have ballistic missiles fired off the California coast by terrorists and Obama has done it all.

Why is there absolutely no coverage of any of this? Obama is operating in such destructive numbers that entire nations are enslaved and on the verge of disappearing.

Why do not Haitian blacks not matter?

Why is that Jake Tapper?
