Friday, November 19, 2010

The serious nuclear business: Plug the damn hole Mr. Obama!

It was this blogs Inspired by God spot on analysis which stated that it was a missile launch in California waters, which was an exclusive while everyone else was biting on the Obama regimes lies.
First again and right again, just like the Obama Gulf rig sabotage and the mass assassination of the Polish Government.

Now that the always experts have had time to affirm what was exposed here, in World Net Daily's Joseph Farah, Wayne Madsen and Brig. Gen. Jim Cash, it is time to note that Michael Savage astutely pointed the finger immediately at the PLA communist Chinese.

I knew immediately as observed here that this was not an American missile due to the contrail was a spiral and the gyro was off.

The easy logic states this was a Jin class sub which the Chicoms built using Russian boomer technology in part from stolen American technology.
The Chicoms do not have that many operational Jins, so for them to send this to American waters, 30 miles of California coastline, or 170 miles inside American sovereign territory is quite remarkable.
Remarkable as these subs do not travel that fast and US intelligence in the Pacific command should have known where this beast was at. The reason is if you examine the above photo of the two Jins at port, they are in a safe "lake" and require that little black hole to get into the ocean, meaning if one watches the hole or plugs the damn hole, these subs should not be out in American waters.

Simply put, the People's Liberation Army just didn't happen to drop this in California. This was planned weeks in advance of Obama's trip in the actual operation of war in firing this ballistic missile in United States waters, and actually was months in the planning, *in reference, to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama bowing to the Chicom leader Hu.

The Jin launches 12 of these birds in their tubes of the JL-2 class. The JL-2 is the missile tested, so logic is that is the one they chose to endanger American airline traffic with and set off signals to start a nuclear war over.
The JL-2 so this soaks into the American psyche in various forms carries 10 thermonuclear MERV warheads, as in the big buster hydrogen bombs. Range of the missile is over 5300 miles or in other words, the entire United States could have lost 10 American cities as Obama was dancing with children with the wife in Mumbai, India.

It does not matter if this was a tube tossed overboard a Chicom container ship and launched from a portable silo as was hypothesized here, in pointing the finger to a finite list of American enemies, what matters is is was MERV ballistic missile launched at Asia from American waters.

The reason this matters is Russia is in Asia, and as America did not receive a first strike from Putin, it means that Vladamir Putin was warned of this Chinese communist first nuclear shot across the American bow.

Once again so this soaks in to the public's mind, the Chicoms launced a nuclear missile in American waters, endangering all flights on the west coast in dead Americans. This missile launch could have triggered American launch sequences by Obama instead of Obama covering this all up. This Chicom missile could have triggered a Russian first strike on America. This missile could have triggered the North Koreans launching their arsenal on the south. This missile could have triggered the launch of Pakistani and Indian nuclear missiles at each other if the missile vectored there WHILE AN AMERICAN OBAMA WAS ON INDIAN SOIL........which would have triggered a complete American nuclear response on China by Vice President Aaron Burr Biden.

While the experts now have caught up, the experts have not examined the dynamics in this in the least.

As this blog pointed out, everyone of nuclear possibilities saw Obama in charge blink at this and lie as Bill Clinton did on the Iranian terrorism in downing TWA Flight 800.
Barack Hussein Obama has proven absolutely weak as water. This was a nuclear attack upon these United States and Obama covered this up as did the entire military establishment in running for cover, showing America as cowards.

When this type of action is undertaken by these United States, terrorists like Ahmadinejad know that picking off the Israeli state in nuclear terrorism will bring no response in a new holocaust.
The Iranians now can conclude that vaporizing New York City will bring no Obama response.........perhaps Obama will say through Janet Napolitano that a CAT scan machine blew up and vaporized Gotham........or it was an xray machine contrail.

This submarine should have never been allowed to reach home port as it is probably now in Chinese waters making full steam, unless it is lying in San Fran bay looking over it's new conquered territory.

In any case, the correct policy in this would be when this submarine does reach dock, the United States should blow it out of the water and stand for the consequences, as either this nuclear war bluff is fought now, or the real card of death will drop on one or several American cities as everyone is now going to want to have an Obama denial that American cities were not vaporized...........even if it looks that way.

Still enjoying your Obama vote yet maniacs, perhaps Ann Coulter can mock birthers again, as the liar Obama continues exposing America to nuclear annihilation as he pushes his new START disarm America treaty with Russia.

I will repeat, America needs several thousand nuclear warheads in the event of dealing with several nuclear foes, and as in nuclear warfare, America can not remanufacture new weapons to replace the ones fired.

Still enjoying your Obama vote Peggy Noonan and David Brooks?

Plug that damn hole and blow that sub out of the water!


"My fellow Americans, I'm pleased to tell you today that I've signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes."

~President Ronald Reagan

Am I the only American Conservative here with the balls to knock them off the brass monkey?

~Lame Cherry

Where are the Conservatives or are they all hiding under Obama's bed playing with Limbaugh's blondeberry.
