Sunday, November 21, 2010


Go left young Obama go left

with the dawn of your mourning halo
and the coyotes are making a wail
you'll slide deep into the saddle
and ride the Obama ho trail

This is advice for the Obama at heart, as so many people are pulling this way and that way at Obama, from Clinton coup attempts to Obama needs to Bill Maher man up, to he needs to tingle Chris Matthews middle, someone has to come in and tell the 486 Obama which program to run.

First Mr. Obama needs to be praised in destroying the Democratic party "moderate perverts" and leaving only the kook fringe lefties in Congress. This is an impressive accomplishment which Mr. Obama did without having to murder anyone like most 3rd world despots.
Yes the Barack Obama coup on the Democratic party has been an immense success and he needs to be given DailyKos Keith Olbermann credit for this Ed Schultz victory for Marxism.

Second, Mr. Obama needs to rip a volume from the Bill and Hillary playbook. When in trouble as a crook, go steal the FBI files of Republicans, media types and other enemies and blackmail them.

B. Hussein knows the score in this in he is going to be indicted like Charlie Rangel by Darrell Issa, so Obama needs to get out Eric Holder's pen and indict every Republican in Congress in a pre emptive strike for thugocracy Obama style.

Third, the Clinton folks have done nothing but coup plot for beloved leader since day one. It is past time that Obama just put Emanuel, and Clinton & Clinton under house arrest as enemies of the state and be done with it.

Fourth, Obama needs to clean house in getting rid of Joe Biden. Just put Val-erie Jarrett as Vice President and stop the chirade of this stealth candidate #2 in the Blagojevich affair.
Obama needs to do this before Pelosi figures things out from her botox stupor and enacts the remove the Obama from the White House amendment and Obama wakes up on the front lawn with the dog sh*t.

Fifth, Obama needs to dump Muchelle. She is fat, ugly, obnoxious, stupid, a nag and she doesn't give felatio, so poor Barry has to have sodomite males smoke his cigar in short puffs.
Obama has no taste in women, so I recommend he invites Eddie Murphy to the White House and they have some kind of Hooters contest to pick Obama a new wife like the old Persian emperors did when the old lady started disrespecting their man.
Into this Obama has no friends, he just has Reggie the flossman Love and these wimpy mansexuals like David Remnick playing with his balls. Obama needs a new ho and new homers. Eddie Murphy is a start with his friends, but he needs to pepper it up to with some gangsta wanna be like Kayne West in blingin' dah place up.
Obama needs to turn the White House in the Pink House and pimp da place up. Think of it as Playboy Mansion east, without Hefner after the first night in photo shoots of models and other enticements which will appeal to Obama's perverts on the left in Congress.

Sixth, Obama needs to invite Chelsea Clinton to the White House to be his Special Undercover Agent. It would go like this in Obama invites Chelsea in to the Oval Office, does what her old man did to Kathleen Willey and then says, "Wanna lick the phizz off the Dr. Pepper?"
This is the dream of Peggy Noonan, Cynthia McFadden and Joy Behar with Obama, and will have these glassy eyed cows all in a tiz over this complaining about how much a bad boy Barry is, but in a flush playing it over and over in their minds to a jungle fever lust in why things like that can't happen to them.

That is enough for Obama 486 to process as the instructions are simple in indicting all the GOP, blackmailing the rest of the country, dumping Muchelle for some hot chic, getting new friends and giving America a scandal a real despot would initiate in fondling Chelsea. *Hey Hillary was allowing lesbains to fondle Chelsea in Philadelphia for votes, so why not lesbian Obama now?

And finally, I add this that Obama needs to TSA the GOP. What Obama needs to do is send up his TSA thugs who have been molesting men, women, children and teddy bears, because Obama has intel that Muslim terrorists which Obama let into America via Mexico, are about to go on planes and bring them down the fast way.
Obama needs to send those radioactive scanners up to Congress and give Issa a dose, and have the genitals of all the GOP members of Congress groped so they cower in submission. Obama needs to follow his followers advice, stop piddling around and start going hard left. Obama needs to build that Marxist extension that has Chicoms stating Obama was nuts before so Obama is really going to be super nuts now.

Just call this all Obamanism and his 50 kooks in Congress, his few remaining voters and all the Al Franken perverts will just love this stuff in Obama being Obama.

TSA the GOP, faster Obamacat, drill em baby drill.
