Thursday, December 30, 2010

American Canada

It might surprise you to know that legally America has title to all the country which drains into the Hudson's Bay, to the Pacific and to the Arctic.

You might think this is undiscovered history, but it is quite well known and is well known. It was backed by Lord Selkirk of the Fort Garry area or what is Winnipeg today in his letter from his colony to Sec. of State, John Quincy Adams advocating his colony trading as a part of America bypassing the British in eastern Canada as has been covered here.

What this all starts out as is the French dominion of Canada in Quebec. It was a feudal state of Catholic rule mingled with royal despots. The French Citizen soon learned that being a slave was not a great deal of fun, as these French loved life.
In short order, numbers of them started going AWOL to the west in living with Indians, trapping and trading.

Two of these le hommes were Des Groseilliers and Pierre Raddison, who set out to Ontario, Manitoba and Minnesota for the fur trade. They soon enough came back with a fortune in hides, at which point the French Viceroy seized all the skins as none were collected under the royal charter in who could trade in fur and who could not.
Basically being left with their own hides, they set out for France to protest to the King. Louis needed fur to finance his armies, so he was not interested in free trade or recompensing these two capitalists.
Furious the Frenchmen landed in Boston and ventured to New York where they met a British insider who convinced them to sail to London and tell their story to King Charles II who would be more hospitable to their complaint.

Charles II had no right to Canada as it was French dominion, but the good King listened to the story about land he did not own, a place he had no idea of or an understanding of what was there.
In short, King Charles II decreed that the two Frenchmen would have a royal charter in which if they sailed to Hudson's Bay, they could rule all this land in their company, make war or peace on anyone there not Christian, and hold title to it all.
Never mind that the French were there already and would later protest all of this, because off sailed Des Grosseiliers and Raddison in the Eaglet and the Nonsuch.

The Eaglet was piloted by an Englishman who had not desire to sail into icebergs and soon enough turned tail and ran home to the Thames. The Nonsuch though was captained by a Zachariah Gillam, an American of Boston colonial allegiance.

The Nonsuch entered Hudson's Bay, sailed to the south end and laid claim to the entire North American Interior sweeping into Minnesota, South Dakota and North Dakota, to the Rockies drained by the Saskatchewan as Hudson Bay Company property.

Legally, Raddison had returned to London on the Eaglet. Des Rosseilliers was the charter master, but in command as any ship's captain is, was the Colonial American Zachariah Gillam, as the "government in abstentia" there. In other words, just as Columbus was awarded all North and South America as Viceroy ownership on his discovery, Gillam, as ships captain possessed for his people the planted flag.
It was not Hudson's Bay nor the British Empire represented, as half of Hudson's Bay Company did not land, but legal jurisdiction forever fell to the Colonial Americans via Gillam.

Captain Gillam never was paid for any of this vast empire he planted flag upon nor did he sign over any rights. The fact is legally, as it fell to Massachusetts Colony and then the American States, the Canadian Provinces all eventually fell under American jurisdiction.
This includes Quebec after the defeat of Montecalm. If one desires to address the eastern Provinces, records show Gillam previously had sailed up the Labrador coast.

It is amazing in this story that Americans have always manifest in their destiny of Canada. In that, Canadians were manifesting their destiny as Americans all along too. The land between the rivers of the Missouri and Saskatchewan was not a place of borders as Canadians, Americans, Metis and Indians crossed and recrossed, settled and resettled there to the 1900's.
That is why western Canadians all act like Americans as a people, because it is all that Irish Scot Israelite base. These are the Anglo Saxons the Sons of Isaac in the literal Biblical definition.

I found reference to this when I started this in Inspiration from a script over 100 years old by a gifted writer named Houghton who was speaking of the Canadian Trek, the opening of the Hudson Bay country to settlement by homesteaders.
Amusingly he noted the Aryan, Cimri and Goths as the expansive peoples flowing into Europe. One must remember that in 1900 there was no Nazi association with Aryan yet, so this was not about racism, but was about the same Theodore Roosevelt (Roosevelt was Dutch Israelite) in this noting of the historical conquering of the world by these western Europeans. Houghton did not realize no more than Roosevelt that in quoting the Aryans, Cimri and Goths, that he was literally naming the Lost 10 Tribes of Israel that Jewish writer Yair Davidy has written extensively on.
The Aryans conquered northern India, left their mark and identity there, and moved on to the west as the Bible predicted these Israelites would. As I have explained here, Aryan is like Jahn Cheese as the base for Yankee, in Aryan is SamARIAN, which is what the Northern Kingdom was named.
The Cimri are Cimerrians or again Samarians in another spelling. The Goths would become the Scandinavian branch of the 10 Northern Tribes who would give even the Russ their name. These peoples once exiled and broken out of south central Asia, conquered lands and peoples everywhere they trod.
America is nothing unique for these Americans have been doing this since God called Abraham out of Iraq.

So the reality is it is time to manifest the destiny of America to it's full Israelite bearing and to shed it of this Obama national social feudalism which is abhorrent and distasteful. I do not advocate no Rockefeller North American Union as peons, poltroons and provinces, but a second destiny of Americans ridding itself of the Canadian and American border as was the case up until 1900 so these Christian Israelites infused now with other people following the God of Jesus, will build to a stronger destiny, and that does include the colonizing of northern Mexico, not to displace but as the Israelite Aryan advanced the people of India to the Gothic Israelite advancing the Russian that this same stewardship must take place to save these third world peoples and to save these American Canadian peoples.

This all should have taken place in 1800 as was intended and this cartel feudalism must be undone as the globalists intend, as God set these American and Canadian people free from Egyptian bondage and they are not to be Obama debt slaves to anyone.

It is time for the Israelite march to venture on to it's destiny.
