Tuesday, December 28, 2010

east coast pussies

If I hear one more "how bad it is with this winter storm" from these east coast pussies, I think I will make them buy me a Daniel Webster cigar.

For the record, a place named Devil's Lake, North Dakota has had record flooding every year for a decade as that lake raises gobbling up land. Currently, that wildlife haven of America has ass deep snow as the locals west of Fargo, doncha know, put it.
They don't call of school, don't stop the trains, don't stop the traffic, and don't close the government down in real America over a little snow. In fact, real Americans get their asses chewed or fired by their employers for not showing up for work or school with just 3 feet of snow on the ground.

This nonsense of the Obama buffoonery who shut down entire states is typical of America in the Obama age. Sure this needs to be done, as all of these Obama Soviet red states are Darwin candidates in snow. They don't know how to drive in it, don't know how to walk in it, don't know how to shovel it, don't know how to do anything in it, except start their houses on fire, crash their cars or die of heart attacks scooping it.
So why not shut down drains, bridges, subways and airports, because all of these Obama voters are like 4 year old putting tweezers into electrical outlets when it comes to snow.

The problem east coast pussies don't even know what real snow is. That fluffy multi flake stuff isn't snow. That is what Montreal gets by the feet at time and it is just snow.
Try sometime the Sarah Palin variety of snow, real snow. The kind of snow which comes down in shotgun pellets, with 60 mile an hour winds, 40 below temperatures (not windchill you east coast pussies) and when it drifts up it is harder than concrete.
That is snow, real snow and it is what real Americans deal with.........not for a few days until it thaws, but for months.

Nothing pisses me off worse yet than to hear these "white Christmas idiots", because sure in Pennsylvania they get white and it melts in a week. In places like Saskatoon, that white sh*t comes in November and it fricking stays until June, killing everything from fish in being suffocated in lakes as no sun means not oxygen to cows slinging calves in the spring from stress.

Real winter is a bitch and she murders murderously. If New York ever got real winter for month, those pussies would be eating each other and burning up fat people to stay warm. (Oh you didn't know that you can burn dead fat people just like seals to stay warm?)

Those are the things real people know about winter, and just roll their eyes when they hear some Georgian say snow is pretty and 20 degrees is cold.

I do have problems with cold though, and that problem is I don't like it when being out in it, that I start thinking 10 below is balmy.
I have had cold sickness and it is not fun. Cold will make you want to vomit and it is unpleasant, as all you can do is bend over and try to warm yourself until it passes. Arctic cold is abhorrent in like Jack London said, water really does freeze in mid air and nothing is more interesting than seeing the human body steam in 40 below weather or see hoar frost dripping from hoods and hair after you come in to warm up.

All of you eastern people are like the French in shutting down an airport for 3 inches of snow. The rest of the world can not afford to shut down with 3 feet of snow. It is just a thing of life to suffer through.

So for all of you who prayed to Obama for a white Christmas, know that for your white you killed tons of wildlife, livestock and old people, because when New York gets a chill and some snow, it is a hell of a lot more murderous across places where real winter does come and does not leave in a few days.

Sure I'm in a foul mood, because in places like The Pas, Havre, Cheyenne, Lake of the Woods, Medora and Lemmon, everyone was hopeful for that global warming thing. We were told by Brits to expect the tundra to be all thawed, ports in the North Pole open all winter, and those frigid frozen lands would all be an oasis.
Hell it was something that millions of those folks lived for in hope knowing that one year soon, they would all be in shirt sleeves in January and no more tank heaters on their cars.

Instead all we get are these Obama promises, now mandates to buy those damn battery cars which won't work and cold has hell winters in being told it is "warm".

The people of winterlands have been cheated. Yes out of billions of dollars in funds to wacko scientists sucking on that Al Gore nipple, but out of warmth. Hell if carbon dioxide would make things warmer, these people would burn their homes down to create global warming. It doesn't though and all they have is more damn winter just like the damn winters they have always suffered through.

Then they have to sit there and watch some Obama voter not even having a real storm, with real snow and real cold, whine about what a mess it is.

Geez Louise, you ever hear of the winter US Soldiers were forced by Dwight Eisenhower into that Battle of Bulge arctic cold, sleeping in fox holes on dead bodies, sleeping on their feet while marching, all with an iron helmet on?
You got wounded and those bastards at HQ sent your ass back to the front bandaged up.

That was cold, that was winter. That is the kind of crap people in America who have winter deal with every day, as their winter does not go away.

So shut the hell up you New York pussies. You haven't ever had winter and you wouldn't know what the hell winter is.

Sarah Palin knows. Now whose the ignorant one.
