Wednesday, December 1, 2010

In the year of our Lord........

Here am I fascinated as Catholic oracles cross Biblical factual prophecy in tidbits of information which form a matrix for these last days on this date, December 1st, in the year of our Lord, 2010 AD.

I was going to write about another date which has been on my mind in December 25th, Before the Christ, 165 BC.

What that date is about is the abomination which makes desolate, of the past and of the future which Christ foretells of in Matthew 24. Preceding this date Antiochos Epiphanes desecrated the Hebrew Second Temple by sacrificing to satan, a swine and spilled the blood in the Holy of Holies.

This is the mystery of what Christ was speaking of, a future 3rd Temple which will be constructed in the next years will be desecrated again as the first anti Christ did.

What happened on December 25th of that year was the rededication of the Temple. This same date observed by Jesus in his time here on earth, will be the final High Day He fulfills in th 1335th blessed day in those who see it after His Second Coming.

Antiochos Epipahnes preferred his name in epiphanes in it meaning illustrious. His subjects preferred the name epimanes which meant madman for this vindictive butcher.
Interestingly in Mr. Obama being a precursor event for the coming anti Christ, mirrors the original in his thinking he is a messiah of glowing halo and is now viewed as quite insane.

Why this interests me at this point is Pope Ben, who the Catholic oracles state is the last real Pope, before the Peter of Rome, of the infamous false prophet and anti Christ prophecies.

This quote in the Telegraph UK was most interesting in this:

Benedict made 24 new cardinals at the weekend, 10 of them Italian, leading to speculation among Vatican observers that the next Pope could be from Italy.

How interesting in Pope Ben is stacking the deck and the very Catholic seers noted the last "pope" would be Peter of Rome, sounds like an Italian, and if he were southern Italian, which is in actuality a group of Babylonian exiles, that would add a real mystery religion to it.

So imagine that if the coming world ruler is a quasi Obama mongrel, but Greek in origin, just as Antiochos Epiphanes was in ruling from the Syrian protectorate.
Both historically and in future tense have designs on the same Jerusalem and the same Temple area.

Whether it matters or not, which it does and does not, it will be the anti Christ on the Easter or fertility season in spring who will perform the desecration, and it will be 3 1/2 years later after breaking the peace covenant the anti Christ installed, (gee Obama gets a peace award for no peace and makes perpetual war and the anti Christ makes a peace treaty intended as a ruse for war like Hitler, another precursor of the anti Christ.), but the rededication takes place on December 25th of that year.

By God's Grace I know the Feast of Tabernacles is the season Jesus returns. I know by God's Grace the Babylonian Jewish new year in September is when this all starts. I know by God's Grace that Yom Kippur is the Atonement, or the day when Armageddon takes place.
Jesus must appear at this Jewish New Year and the caught up to Him in the Twinkling occurs in an end of October month at the Tabernacles, indwelling, Trumpets as in Pauls' Last Trump in the final harvest.

It is all so definitely coming to fruition exactly as the Bible speaks and as the seers of the oracles of the Catholics were speaking of.

The Catholic faithful are going to be betrayed and turned upon by their Vatican government, as much as all Christians will be.

The financial implosion of Europe as well as America is all setting the stage for this in the same cesspool which brought forth the tyrants of the 1930's.

vicis nos ago es vicis quod plurimus mos non ago per

The times we live are the times which most will not live through.

agtG 245