Are we missing the Clinton machine in action setting the stage for the removal of B. Hussein Obama, all in the ballet of Rahm Emanuel returning to Chicago as a NON CITIZEN of Illinois in attempting to run for Mayor?
Think of this in the Deep Tutu series by the journalist Ulsterman who first posts being scolded by Deep Tutu Emanuel in not wanting to discuss the Chicom nuclear missile launch to the Birther issue in deriding this all as "kooks on the left" attacking Bush on 9 11.
Out of the blue this Emanuel tirade spewed, and in suspense readers were then led down the path of Ulsterman being afraid for all the heat he was taking, followed up by Deep Tutu consoling the speaking once again about Obama's birther issue.
It was Deep Tutu who first brought up the present that Nancy Pelosi was ranting on Obama about his files she had on his fraudulency in being put in the White House.
This is what the Chicago media has been non stop focusing on numerous Democrats are challenging Rahm Emanuel on his eligibility to run for Mayor.
Look at the hilarious parallels to Obama.
Emanuel leaves Chicago, returns to Chicago after he rents out his home to someone else and doesn't live in the Windy City.
Emanuel votes in absentee.........sort of like Obama runs for the White House with an absentee document called a real birth certificate, after returning from Kenya, Canada, Indonesia and Pakistan.
So this Clinton operative in Rahm Emanuel exposes himself to thee most ludicrous of illegal things, and it all only makes sense if Emanuel is part of a broad operation to point everything illegal in Chicago at Obama.
What if this is not just the Obama Shore bank crimes which Emanuel rants to Ulsterman about?
What if this is about the kill switch in Emanuel focuses all on Obama money laundering, but the real objective is to set the stage that Emanuel gets the business from Democrats over residency, so this prepares Americans, black Americans for the facts that Charlie Rangel faces trial and if Rahm Emanuel can't run for Mayor without the fulfilling the proper Constitutional rules, then Barack Hussein Obama will be removed for being undocumented.
This is all too odd to not have numerous Clinton things going on as the Clintons run blackmail operations which are complex and long in their intelligence operations.
Is Deep Tutu really the catalyst for the conversation to remove Obama, that the pundits are not focusing on enough yet?
Is not this made to order to set the stage to remove Obama?
It has got to be worth Sec. of State for Emanuel if Pelosi or Clinton pull this coup off.
Rahm Emanuel more than meets the tutu.
Sometimes I feel I've got to run away
I've got to get away
from the pain you drive into the heart of me
The love we share seems to go nowhere
And I've lost my light
For I toss and turn I can't sleep at night
Once I ran to you
Now I run from you
This tainted love you've given
I give you all a boy could give you
Take my tears and that's not really all
Tainted love..........tainted love.