I say that the Edwards should just throw down in this and John Edwards should unite with Elizabeth fully in having her as she did on ABC release the following statement:
I have had a great number of difficulties in my life as all women endure, but when you are a wife, mother and espoused to the politics of America, you expect better than to be ravaged, politically raped and savaged, as Sarah Palin has been by some of thee most notorious political elements on earth.
It is these elements which came into my marriage, my home and my innocent children's lives and in rapine of barbarism dismantled all I had in security while I fought cancer.
This political ilk has now sapped my life and taken all from me. The responsibility for this and blame rests solely upon Barack Hussein Obama, the undocumented fiend behind ruining my husband to keep him from being a political appointee to his cabinet like all of black America was kept out of the Obama cabinet, and to keep John with me at his side in this continued legal harassment from challenging Barack Hussein Obama in 2012.
How much more can we as Democrats and Americans on both sides of the aisle put up with this savaging of women and families by the Obama machine? Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin, Christine O'Donnell and now myself Elizabeth Edwards have all experienced what no woman should.
This is my death bed confession and if this was a court of law would be binding, but all I have left is the court of public will to rectify this what has been done to me, my family, my husband and the last days of my life.
Barack Obama stole the White House and he stole my family's future. I can no longer do anything about this, but you as American can at the ballot box.
I ask for your vote for John in 2012, because I won't be here to vote to rectify things.
The reason for including the GOP Ladies is to make this a political uniting force on both sides who from the Phil Berg Democrats to the Joseph Farah GOP group are united against the Obama regime, and whether they like John Edwards or not, the story in it's sob state, just the way Elizabeth Edwards is being in her last breath eulogized on ABC, is a political matter by the Edwards family in they should reap the full harvest of their intent.
Why not then make this about John Edwards as the standard bearer of the left, as Hillary Clinton has had a Wikileak coup staged against her by Obama and his European cartel benefactors.
Why then should not Hillary then rise up and say, "Yes me TOO!", in exposing what Obama has done to her.
This blog stated that a Clinton Edwards ticket was possible, and now in this paradigm shift by Elizabeth Edwards it can be and Edwards Clinton ticket for 2012.
You can not argue with what a dead woman says. Obama would be branded for the pariah he is in being exposed in all of this what he did to John Edwards and Hillary Clinton.
There is nothing like a death bed confession to make two unlikeable people likable in John and Hillary..........when the confessional is about exposing Obama for the wife beater he is, and he did savage two women dying of cancer in his mum and Elizabeth Edwards.
This is the hard game of politics which is being discussed. John Edwards this is the Presidency calling you...........Tim Johnson used his cancer stricken wife and his brain explosion to win elections..........this is what Democrats do.
What was Elizabeth Edwards last words which are reported? "Run John Run", if she wants revenge on the Obama regime to set things right.
It looks like something is afoot with ABC promoting this.