I just endured the most bizarre moments with Charlie Rose, in being informed that Americans are idiots in the economy is expanding, taxes dropped and it was just a failure to communicate on Obama's part as things are great in the world.
This is all after the November rejection by Americans of Obama's Super Depression he created, the reality that taxes skyrocketed under Obama for two years and Americans heard every racist, Ameriphobe and hateful thing coming out of Obama's mouth........and yet Bloomberg BusinessWeek's editor, a glamour hiring from Time who only interviewed idiot Hollywood liberals, is running a business magazine saying everything Obama is just peachy.
I fully expected this Josh Tyrangiel, in his rolling eyes to have pizza delivered to the Rose set and tell Charlie like at Fast Times at Ridgemont High, "Hey old dude pay for the slice man", as this person was hired because he is so damnedable stupid that his idea of business is playing with Lady Gaga on charts to chart Americans.
Tyrangiel admitted he has no experience in managing anything, and for some reason Bloomberg media hired him.
Ok you know very well why Bloomberg of the same name as liberal Mayor Bloomberg hired this "Jew" (Look I'm not focusing on being Jewish, but on liberal Wiki, Tyrangiel is listed in his accomplishments in not wearing mouse on his hair gelled well, but that he is a Jew.
I thought one was born of the blood in being a Jew or you married into it like Ivanka Trump did. It is not really something you put on a resume to get hired as an accomplishment.
I know this because Stephanie Sandlin who was exposed here, refused to employ Jews, because she said they were not minorities under the Obama regime.
To educate this sippy cup Tyrangiel, just because his numbers state "taxes went down 300 billion" in those being gathered does not mean they went down. Not when Obama has been loading up phone taxes which have skyrocketed in two years, electric rates and numerous other excise taxes Obama has been hammering the poor with, as the poor in America have been getting lambasted by the Obama regime and Democrats.
Just because Tim Geithner loads up his conglomerate cronies like GE with trillions in bailouts so their profit margins increase and select sectors are loaded to produce this dismal barely treading water economy, does not mean the economy is expanding when unemployment is at 23% and Americans are being hammered now by Obama doubling gas prices to force the rich to buy those unworkable green cars.
Josh Tyrangiel is a complete joke. He is too stupid to know why Bloomberg hired him and he has absolutely no conception of what reality is beyond his high wage world which starts at the Charlie Rose studio and ends at Tyrangiel's mirror as he chants, "Mirror mirror on the wall....."
Tyrangiel hired Charlie Rose to write a column for business. Rose is a puppy press propagandists. He admits he knows nothing and needed to be educated by the 'experts' who he plays tennis with and sings Christmas carols with.
His buddies are Richard Holbrooke and Zbigniew Brzezinski who are at thee root of implementing all what plagues America now.
When one analyzes how many very adept, talented and professional people who should be at Bloomberg, and are cast off for age or not having connections, and then comprehend the depths that this Spagnola is, you desire to just toss up your hands, pick up the game and go home, as the monkeys from the zoo are now being paid a fortune to parrot Obama.
What is almost roll on the floor in this is Tyrangiel literally stated that print media is where the interesting journalism is now, and it is not the internet.
Print media is imploding on itself after the government stopped bankrolling it for CIA operations worldwide. The only place now where real journalism is taking place are the independent blogs which are constantly stolen from by the Elton Blonde types.
This Obama fool of Josh Tyrangiel requires exposing and not because he looks like John Belushi from Animal House and having the same peeping tom IQ.
Josh Tyrangiel requires public humiliation, because this dolt is thee rule now and not the exception. Every single one of your local television to newspapers are all these Josh Tyrangiel types hired, because they are Obamites and too damn stupid to figure anything out.
Exactly like Obama, they believe everything that is handed to them and they honestly believe they got the job, because they were the best for that job.
Yeah right, and Barack Hussein Obama didn't loot 13 trillion from the Treasury in paybacks to the Europeans who put him into office and are destroying Americans like Terry Lakin over the not important Birther issue.
Everything is just fine. How about a nice vacation home at Chernobyl, a nice atomic bomb for Sheik bin Laden and no one in North Korea is eating human flesh to survive.
It's all just an Obama world of miracles and Josh Tyrangiel read it on his blackberry so he knows it is true.............and now you do too.
I wouldn't hire Josh Tyrangiel to pick boogers out of Obama's nose.
Bloomberg, how embarrassing!