Friday, December 17, 2010


In a world filled with such disappointing hopey changey thangs, it heartens me when I behold real Christians in their good lives being the Samaritan in reaching out the sick, poor and homeless as Gov. Sarah Palin and Evangelist Franklin Graham have accomplished on a mercy mission to Haiti.

I have honestly more respect for Franklin Graham, than his fine dad in Billy with his lovely wife Ruth, who set a Christian standard in conduct that others have failed at.
I applauded with enthusiasm Franklin Graham's courageous stand against violent Isalm, and he has paid an immense price by the patricians smearing him from the Rovian, Obamite and patrician cliques.

It is in that Mrs. Palin and Mr Graham joined the fine Samaritan's Purse in reaching out to the abandoned in Haiti. It has been only this blog which bothered to note that B. Hussein Obama has never once visited that feudal state, which has been made worse by Obama neglect.
Sure Obama and Biden sent down the wives for a tour of a few hours on Gilligan's Island, but that has been it, as the negrophobes in the Obama regime have a paralyzing fear of being around real black people in need.
Haiti is the worst tragedy in the western hemisphere, followed closely by Cuba and Venezuela in the communist enclaves there.

I desired to remind people just how fitting Samaritan is in what Franklin Graham and Sarah Palin undertook, because most people have not idea what a Samaritan was.

To a Babylonian Jew returned from exile, the word Samaritan was worse than calling someone a nigger. A Samaritan was an imported Semite by the Assyrians who conquered northern Israel and exiled the lost 10 tribes, of whom Americans are descended from.
They were considered at best "half breeds" and at worst they were outright base as livestock to the Jewish mind.

It was the Samaritan woman who Jesus first offered Gentiles salvation too, but informing her, that she worshipped a God she did not know.
It was in this basis that Jesus told of the Good Samaritan when all of the Jews who passed a wounded and robbed man on the road being so self righteous, that when a Samaritan came along, he alone treated the man, took him to an inn and paid for all his debts in a true act of Christian Love.

Samaritans were despised by the elite of the Jews, and if one takes a close examination of what Sarah Palin and Franklin Graham have gone through, it soon echoes the elitists of Jesus time in we hear Barbara Bush saying, "Sarah Palin belongs in Alaska" like an outcast, like Sarah in being American is not good enough to be in the Bush America.
We see the Obama regime banning Franklin Graham from military gatherings, because Franklin is daring to point out the horror that modern Islam has become to the world.

The very same "back of the bus" and you don't drink at our fountain, is what Sarah Palin, Franklin Graham and all Christians have been subjected to by these modern Pharisees who judge and condemn all...........and you know if these patricians could get away with it, they would have crucified Sarah Palin and Franklin Graham the way they did Jesus.
Janet Napolitano carrying on from Janet Reno has put millions of Christians on terror watch lists for simply believing Jesus Promise in He will return.

Haiti is a forgotten land in the liberal negrophobia. It is ignored in plague and almost a quarter of a million dead, and it does not have to be as such.

Haiti could blossom for the paradise she is, if it would simply become a ward of an American Viceroy who would go in, institute land reforms, make school attendance free and mandatory, maintain law and order, and put the people to employment for their self respect.

Haiti has been nothing but a patrician plantation for centuries since she threw off European rule. They are an exploited people who could like Hispaniola which is on the same island, become a power of the West Indies.
All this orphan requires is a little care, not of American debted fortune, but of simply empowering the people to own Haiti and their futures.

Haiti is the wounded man in the Good Samaritan story who Obama and all the liberals have passed by on the other side of the road.

Yet it was the cast out in Sarah Palin and Franklin Graham who ministered to their needs in binding them up in showing the Haitians they are not forgotten by Christian Americans.

Barack Obama suffers from negrophobia when it comes to black Americans from Detroit to Haiti. He has abandoned Haitians as he has abandoned Americans along with Muslims and every people in need from Tibet to the North Koreans.

It is the despised by the Letterman cocktail crowd though who have come to Haiti. The Good Samaritans in Christ's lesson while all the Obamites passed by on the other side of the road.
