Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tanmailing Obama

In the naked exposure of Bald Hussein Obama, the questions must now be asked, legally, morally and exponentially if in his world of so many folks now blackmailing B. Hussein Obama, if he being of heritage of the white Semitic race branches in Anglo and Arab in overwhelming majority if he can actually be blackmailed or if a new legal term exposing Obama to his folicals if Barry Soetoro aka Bearick Obama aka Barry Obama aka Barack Hussein Obama aka Barack Obama Soetoro Dunham aka all of the above and more is now being tanmailed?

Is Bald Hussein to the naked exposure follicle tanmailed when Khadaffi gets a mass murdering of American terrorist released for money given to Obama and BP tar balls the Gulf to shut down American drilling so America will be held hostage to the Muslim oil mafia......and it all gets complicated in all this Obama extortion, but is it quid pro quo crimes or is it tanmail or is it tarmailed when BP is doing it in the Gulf?
Certainly crimes are committed, but just what kind of names are correct when it comes to Obama?

The situation this blog is certain of is Julian Assange is tanmailing Bald Hussein Obama over the Wikileaks to keep himself free, even if Jules was busy exposing American assets for Obama in Afghanistan so Obama's good terrorists could murder the Muslims there loyal to America, and then there is the certain tanmailing by Speaker Pelosi to keep her job and advance to Sec. of State after smeared Hillary Clinton is degraded to Sec. of Defense.

So Obama is being tanmailed and that is a fact......and it is sort of a nuclear tanmailing by the Chinese communists in their ballistic missile launch in California waters. So that is now three tanmailing of Obama to get on board..........

Wait, do you remember that Honduran communist drug President the people ousted and Obama and Hillary tried to bring back, well that is part of the Obama installation of that Muslim narco communist coke pipeline into Europe cutting out the does keeping a Honduran wacko in power when ousted not constitute another Obama tanmailing by his good buddies of the cartels?

Yet though as Eric Holder, the much respected legal protector of the Black Panther terrorist group has not once bothered to protect Obama from these tanmailing schemes, so does that mean that tanmailing is really a crime, or that blackmailing is a crime.......and when it is bleached out in Obama being a crook that it sort of whitewashed it to a diluted color of Obama tan, and when it two terrorists, two money launderers, two Muslim crooks, that just kind of is not a crime Eric Holder is interested in no more than Condom Bombers or Fort Hood slayers in prosecuting.
It appears that when tan folks are murdering other tan folks and white folks, it is not a crime. Yet when it is Eric Holder knocking off black Mooselums that is not a crime either.........maybe the color code is not that effective in this, but if the tan folks can murder other tan folks, real black folks and white folks.........maybe tan is like some license to Double O, Obama, to be in his majesties service in a license to Predator kill and apparently fish for golf balls down a hole non stop while on vacation.

Tanmailing appears quite profitable if one views the DOA Nancy Pelosi of just a November election ago. She simply pulled out an Obama certification file and breathed herself back to life. No crimes there in tanmailing Obama and no crimes from Julian Assange for tanmailing Obama.

Maybe the cure for all of America's debt and destruction are these Obama files in America should tanmail Obama as it seems Eric Holder legal. Maybe Congress could build on Speaker Pelosi's tanmailing and work their own deals.

Who knows maybe tanmailing will actually turn Obama into an American........well we can't go that far as Obama is undocumented, but tanmailing sure turned Obama into an out of the closet Muslim, so it seems if Congress tanmails Obama they might be able to at least get Obama to act like an American...........instead of an Obama.

Bald Hussein Obama, the naked follicle rules.
