Monday, October 18, 2010

Must think I am one dangerous Lady

I probably should not reveal this as it actually is an insight just how far into the future this blog is living while each of you live in the present of today.

My reason for posting this is a few moments ago Blogger again went vaporous on me, as in someone who is legally allowed to invade other's privacy without being called a criminal for doing it, had this little lovely show up as I was making an archived new story.

Evidence one shows what a normal blogger archive looks like.

Alas, evidence two reveals what blogger archives look like when someone is grabbing for the Rovian Obamites what the future holds in sin..........and it should be noted this followed on the expose' on one Rush Limbaugh in his connection to the cartels in wanting gridlock like Obama.

Now I recognize the contractors which candidate Obama was utilizing piggy back on NSA before he became the regime.
I know Janet Napolitano's work for the regime in spying on Americans using NSA resources.
I know the new dates this blog picked up when it started exposing the Karl Rove Rovians in a most interesting method for the cartels.

But this is something new in how this all started when exposing Rush Limbaugh and Stephanie Sandlin in the magic archives.

Amazing how the benefactors of these elite few are so interested in reading weeks before the readers do just what is going to be appearing here.

I wonder if I should require triple royalties now for the published the material here you read, the plagiarized material Limbaugh steals and the spying Obama does?

I wonder if the reason Muchelle Obama is becoming even more big butted is because she is glued to Lame Cherry's next installment and can't resist that extra cherry pie while her Barry is out with Reggie Love.

Inquiring minds desire to know.


PS: Wouldn't it be something if this blog ended up in Congressional hearings over the abuse of power in government as to how the patricians have taken over the leadership of the American government and media.

Suicide is Limbaugh

I hope you like Barack Obama in the White House. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid leading Democrats. Massive spending, the day by day implementation of Obamacare, Mexicans flooding into America, Americans losing jobs, homes, families and retirement............because my children in the first hour of Rush Limbaugh on October 18, 2010, the blovenous one made a colossal mistake in he happened to whisper into the golden EIB mic, "Gridlock is what we want. Gridlock is what the markets want".

What Limbaugh was lecturing on was the elections in 50 50 division of the Senate and the GOP taking the minimum of seats in the House as Karl Rove intends, so that everything would implode into a gridlock of Obama, the Democrats, the Clintons and Obama in a 4 way slug fest.

.........and you know who wants gridlock? Obama to run against the GOP, Clintons to blame Obama and the GOP, Democrats so they do not lose their Marxist Obama policies they passed, and Karl Rove with the market robber barons, so they can install Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush, all the way Rush Limbaugh intends as that is why this group defeated John McCain in 2008 and stuck Obama in there to keep screwing over Americans.

I hope Mark Levin wakes up from his soft tyranny. What in hell is "soft tyranny"? Ever heard of soft rape? How about a soft car crash? How about a soft knocking the snot out of you?
Tyranny is tyranny and I do not like bursting Mark Levin's bubble, but just as Limbaugh manipulates the audience in bringing in those "Marks" who fill in for him in being idiots to make Limbaugh sound better as they bash the Tea Party, Rush Limbaugh picked a very good person in Mark Levin to use as Mr. Levin brings in Jewish support and Mark Levin is true Reagan Conservatism compared to Limbaugh's Buckley big brother dictatorship.
Levin is but one of many tools Limbaugh uses from Clarence Thomas to hide behind in his Obamanism of the elite.

Last time I checked, Sean Hannity and Mark Levin were working their butts off to win a majority in both Houses of Congress to drive Obama back under his Stalin rock. That is what every Tea Party advocate is working for IN A VETO PROOF MAJORITY IN CONGRESS, and there was Rush Limbaugh telling listeners that what he desires is exactly what the RHINO Rovians are sabotaging Christine O'Donnell over, what the Clintons are after, what Pelosi, Sandlin and Reid are after and exactly what B. Hussein Obama is after so he can get elected again as Usurper II in 2012.

Rush Limbaugh is a fraud. He is Karl Rove with a blonde berry on his arm to hide his gayity. He is the absolute establishment and why he gets paid his graft from them.

His plagiarism is going to tell. He should have paid his debt as it is going to be cheap before this is over, because this blog doesn't focus on shallow fatness, but goes to the meat and it will chew on this until Limbaugh is exposed to his very base. He loses the coming 10% and it will be 75% just like Roseanne Barr went to oblivion.
People on the right do not like being lied to and Rush Limbaugh has been manipulating and lying to them.

Gridlock is what Rush Limbaugh wants and what he is working for as he like a snake recites "we of the Tea Party". Limbaugh is nothing but market share and his entire programs consist of him playing clips of his cronies on the left who mention him for publicity and he mentions them in kind.
This is the face of patricianism and the absolute enemy of America.

I watched Undercover Boss in a most wonderful head of Frontier Airlines who is a Christian, heads a very moral group of employees. Those employees gave up 10% of their income to save that airline and the Boss is working hard to restore this now to them over the next 3 years.
He wrote personal checks to his employees for homeless shelters where he is going to be handing out clothes in Oklahoma and putting one of his employees children through college.
All as a thank you for what wonderful Americans they are in working hard, giving all and behaving themselves.

Now compare that to Undercover Limbaugh paying 1 million dollars to Elton John for his blonde wedding.
1 million dollars is where Limbaugh's mind is to a sodomite who says Jesus was part of a penis sucking group. Quite disgusting and blasphemous.
Sure Limbaugh can do his marathons, his military sponsorship and his taking Mark Levin on his jet and giving Sean Hannity a nice trip to the Elton Blonde moment.

Therefore is Bill Clinton a good guy because he only rapes and assaults some women why doing good things as a black President?
Is Adolf Hitler a good guy because he made little flower cards for his good Jewish friend who was a little girl while hundreds of thousands of Jews in work to death camps?
Was Stalin a good guy because he was FDR's friend while he starved and froze 40 million Slavs to death?

Does paying 1 million dollars to a pervert who slandered thee most Precious Gift God ever gave still mean Limbaugh is a good guy in the other money he tosses about?

How about as you sit there wondering about your child in the military, your parent in a nursing home, your Social Security degrading, your lost home, your stresses on your family, your job in jeopardy, higher taxes coming, your being a criminal over Obamacare and your retirement gone............does gridlock, the grinding along of your life between Obama and the Limbaugh hard place sound like something you really want years more of?

How about it? Do you want things fixed now while there is an America, or do you want Limbaugh Obama gridlock as these millionaires light up enjoying life and flick the ashes of your life to their humor?

That is what Rush Limbaugh blurted out in his blovenous character.

Is Limbaugh what represents you or is he just Obama with an Apple teleprompter as Obama borrows 3 trillion more in federal debt?

Make up your minds children as it is deciding point and you decide wrong, you aren't going to have a life left.

Enjoy your suicide from Rush Limbaugh or your choice of B. Hussein Obama aborting you.


PS: As you can note, Rush Limbaugh and Matt Drudge both are now following Lame Cherry's cutting edge as this blog covered this before the experts.
and the term for how Mr. Obama appears is demoniac not demonic, Mr. Elton Blonde.

The Obama Pedophile Coddlers

The red lights, flares and rockets red glare went of in warning danger, danger, danger when this blog was data mining and happened upon a story at the Rapid City Journal, concerning one sentence by Obamite Stephanie Herseth Sandlin at the Crazy Horse Memorial.

This is a Congress woman who has been in public almost a decade and you simply can not find anything this woman said, unless one happens upon her bragging about bribing Indians to vote for Democrats.
That is why when I noticed an accompanying story about a child molester named Jerry Farlee in his being a Sioux Indian, that the napalm hit the forest.
One has to know Indians to comprehend they are Democrats, so that peaked my interest in why the entire Sandlin media from KSFY, KELO, KDLT and the Argus Leader, Aberdeen American News etc... were all so silent in not covering what should have been picked up as a national story, because Jerry Farlee was a Jimmy Carter globe hopping Habitat for Humanity as executive director in South Dakota and serves on the US council.

Farlee has a PDF blog in which he details a trip to Honduras and his fondness for children. He even mentions he wanted to stray from the group, but was warned against it as it was dangerous there without a US Embassy.
I have no idea what Farlee was doing in Honduras with children under the guise of Carter's Habitat for Humanity, but I do know these 3rd world countries starting in South Asia are crawling with child molesters.

I do have an idea about South Dakota which goes beyond Tom Daschle as I have watched this criminal Democratic enclave nurtured by the east coast patricians and watched over by Minnesota Democrats, that I knew something just stank in this entire story.
Instinct told me that Jerry Farlee being an Indian, would come under federal jurisdiction, and sure enough I knew who would be involved in this case, would be a Barack Obama appointee.

Now this appointee is not just any appointee, but he got this job in Sen. Tim Johnson (you remember the Democrat whose brain exploded like Joe Biden.) sold his South Dakota Senate seat to Barack Hussein Obama in exchange for Johnson voting for Obamacare.
The entire scenario here is Tim Johnson will one day retire as he is incapable of the job and his heir in Brendon Johnson will be ushered into the seat in this nefarious South Dakota criminal dynasty.
Johnson warned off everyone from applying for this job, so Sippy Cup Johnson would get the job with absolutely no experience.

So I just knew Brendan Johnson, US Attorney, appointed in corruption would be joined at the hip in this case which was deliberately covered up by South Dakota media, so the Drudge Report would not focus in on it like a laser.
Tim Johnson, Stephanie Hereseth, Al Franken, Earl Pomeroy, Kent Conrad and Byron Dorgan are all crooks in one form or another. They were protected by Karl Rove during the Bush years as these patricians implement the abortion, sodomite, bankrupting policies which Rove pushes as much as Obama.
It is these crooks by which Obama took over America and passed all his Marxism. Everyone knows this in the GOP leadership, knows how easy in these small Republican States it would be to always have Republicans serving from there, and forever there is nothing but Democrat crooks ruining America from this Midwest enclave.

The reason Sippy Cup Johnson matters is Jerry Farlee, a known world traveler, was not kept in prison during his trial over molesting little girls.
No Brendan Johnson had this pervert released and living at his ranch. There is no record of electronic monitoring nor concerning his contact with children.
So Brendan Johnson, son of Sen. Tim Johnson, associate of Stephanie Herseth Sandlin who is pushing for over a billion and a half HOUSING FEDERAL DOLLARS to be pumped into the very Indian housing pedophile Jerry Farlee was directing, exposed children to being raped for 8 months of 2010.

I found this most telling story about the Farlee ranch, as it was not a ranch at all, but a gathering magnet luring in children.


Report on "Okiciyapi Tipi" Mission Trip
June 13–21, 2009

Fifteen high school students and six adults travelled to represent UPC by working on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation in Northwestern South Dakota. This is the area which was filmed in Dances With Wolves, and we met people whose family members were in the movie. We worked with Okiciyapi Tipi Habitat for Humanity. Okiciyapi Tipi is a phrase in the Lakota (Sioux) language meaning “people building houses for people.” We were so blessed to be able to share God’s love with the people there, to enjoy the beauty of God’s creation, to learn about the Lakota culture, and to spend time together and have fun.

We helped with the final stages of a house, including carpeting and tiling the house, staining the windows, and laying the cement driveway, front, and back porches. We also painted the Habitat office and installed a wheelchair ramp for a veteran in need. The family who will be living in the house cooked us a traditional Lakota meal of Indian tacos and Wojapi, which is a berry pudding.

Also, Jerry Farlee, who is the executive director of Okiciyapi Tipi Habitat for Humanity and also serves on Habitat’s U.S. Council, took us to his ranch and drove us out to see the river and the buffalo. He then conducted a Inipi (sweat lodge) ceremony for us, which is one of the seven sacred ceremonies of the Lakota traditional religion and is the traditional Lakota way of praying. Jerry was impressed with our church members, whom he said exceeded his expectations and who were very interested in and respectful of his culture and people.

Ah red alert there, apparently high school children were half naked with adults, including pedophile Jerry Farlee, as that is what one is in a sweat lodge as it is a sauna.
So much is made of pedophiles invading the Catholic priesthood, but here we have pedophile Jerry Farlee luring in hosts of children getting them undressed and there is record he was going to Honduras mingling with children.

Yet in this child attraction, Brendan Johnson, son of Democrat Tim Johnson, did not think that a pedophile, who plead GUILTY, should not be in prison for the summer of 2010 while the court case was going on.
I mention Curling Iron Coakley from Massachusetts who Scott Brown defeated, in she allowed a pedophile to roam Massachusetts free. Sippy Cup Johnson did the same thing in South Dakota, while Al Franken and Stephanie Herseth were on the sister reservation at Pine Ridge promising over a billion dollars in housing if Indians would stuff ballot boxes for Democrats in the 2010 elections again.

Brendan Johnson should be fired over this, as his lack of experience or this incestuous Democratic coddling of pedophiles is a danger to children everywhere. There were no safeguards put into place. There was only Jerry Farlee "confined" to his ranch, and if you have ever been on the plains from Texas to Saskatchewan, you know very well that you can not keep track of anything out there, little alone roaming pedophiles.

This though is the continuing saga of the protected Democrats who should be named DEMONcrats in what is now turning into a Chicago sodomite drama as Franken and Sandlin are buying votes with housing dollars, Johnson and Johnson are selling Senate seats like Rod Blagojevich, and the younger Johnson just assisted a pedophile to prowl the plains of South Dakota for an entire summer.

Karl Rove sure as hell is not going to focus on this. Barack Obama is sure as hell not going to focus on this. So where are the front benchers, Matt Drudge and company in focusing on a sexy story which had Tom Brokaw pounding nails on these very reservations for Habitat as a doo gooder stunt when Jerry Farlee was assualting children, has Jimmy Carter's flagship doo gooder Habitat as a pedophile cover around the world, has Barack Obama in quid pro vote for Indian electioneering and none other than Al Franken swooping in with Stephanie the baby butcher Herseth Sandling in buying Indian electioneering in racketeering conspiracy.

That sounds like more than national and international news stories. That sounds like the stuff indictments are made of.

Democrats allowing pedophiles to roam free in our American communities, and that is why this pedophile was roaming free in Brendan Johnson's prosecution, because Jerry Farlee is a big name Democrat joined at the hip with all the big name Democrats.

Not one word of condemnation from any of these Democrats and the entire media will not follow this pedophile pervert story going directly into the White House via South Dakota's Democrats in Tim Johnson and Stephanie Herseth Sandlin.


United States Department of Justice
Office of the United States Attorney
District of South Dakota
Brendan V. Johnson
United States Attorney

337 Federal Building 225 S. Pierre St. Pierre, SD 57501




Brendan V. Johnson
United States Attorney

Eagle Butte Man Pleads to Sexual Contact with Children

October 12, 2010
Pierre, SD

United States Attorney Brendan V. Johnson announced that Jerry R. Farlee, age 58, of Eagle Butte, South Dakota, appeared before United States District Judge Roberto A. Lange on October 12, 2010, and pled guilty to a Superseding Information that charged him with Sexual Contact with a Child. The maximum penalty upon conviction is 20 years of imprisonment, a $250,000 fine, or both. Restitution may also be ordered. The charge relates to Farlee having sexual contact with three different female children, who were younger than 12 years of age, on different occasions from 1993 to 2006. The investigation was conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Law Enforcement Services. The case is being prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney Mikal Hanson. A presentence investigation was ordered, and a sentencing date was set for January 3, 2011. The defendant was remanded to the custody of the U.S. Marshal pending sentencing. # # #

I heard it through the Obamavine

The only reason this blog is investing the time to mention Dinesh D'Souza is to warn Americans that this fraud is no more than one of these Ann Coulter book whores who tap out the most worthless pulp pretending to be Conservatives or have a conception of the subject they are lecturing about as taking your money.

D'Souza is an Indian transplant who showed up in America, read about it in a book, became an instant lecturer as one of these affirmative action foreigners, became American and married the American girl to set the stage for his cash cow milking.

If you bother to insert B. Hussein Obama's name in the above story, you will start to have the light bulbs go off and comprehend what Mr. D'Souza is.

Oh and I do believe before it was fashionable to get your panties crusty over Obama in Pegs Noonan circles.............Ann Coulter dated him.
Ann has really plunged into the abyss as of late in being Geraldo's propaganda Birther bashing date, hooked up with Al Sharpton..........and well that pretty well exposes the absolute fraud this keyboard mob is.

D'Souza's book though which no one will read as it is a latrine looker book. What a book like that is, is a book that the idiotry purchases, looks at it in the crapper, frowns what chit it is, and then hauls it around in a their backpack and sits it on their desk, so others will think they have sh*t for brains, aka, I vote for Obama ethnic voting.

Ok to the D'Souza insight which is insane. D'Souza says Obama fashioned hisself on Bearick Sr. after Obama cried over his grave, and it was Mama Stan who always told Barry how great the polygamist was.........guess D'Souza missed that Stanley Ann listed Sr. as a wife abuser.

Little details like that escape D'Souza as he concludes Obama is not a product chiefly of Saul Alinsky, but of the missing sperm donor.
D'Souza even states the new one that Mama Stan sent Barry packing, because Lolo Soetoro was pro American and she wanted to get Obama away from him.

Ah, Bombay to D'Souza, "Your analysis is you send someone away from YOU THE MOTHER who has the greatest influence in the world in rocking the cradle, and in order to keep Obama hating America, Mama Stan sends him to America, around Americans who love Americans, teaching pro American history, and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance............sure Dinesh D'Souza that makes perfect 3rd world sense, you send someone to America to teach him to hate America".

For the record Dimbulb D'Souza, the biggest problem with mole terrorists or Marxist agents is they in a short time start loving America and championing America.
So unless like Faisal Shazad or whatever that fizzler's name is, gets a brainwashing like Obama did in college, America actually normalizes even Marxist lunatics.
Is why the 9 11 bombers were getting lap dances and dating strippers.

So in that dear children, one starts seeing how much the idiot this D'Souza is who has been hiding in your Conservative world, making a great living like Ann Coulter, and then doing all they can to put Marxist Obama into office.

Now granted D'Souza did better than Obama in getting a blonde Catholic with jungle fever from Louisana, to Obama getting that Mrs. Ed, but that hardly affords him any more leeway in being a moron to follow into the abyss than Obama as the Pied Piper.

Overlooking Obama's urine stained poetry, getting drunk with child molestor Frank Marshall Davis who was sexing Gramps and Grams Dunham, apparently has no inkling of a teenage mentor affecting Obama for D'Souza.

Where did Obama learn his sodomite behavior? Perhaps he read about as was exposed here by Obama biographer David Remnick, that Obama learned to be black from reading about it in a book.
As this blog exposed with facts, it was Nancy Pelosi and Stephanie Sandlin voting on health and Gulf oil laws, are what B. Hussein Obama is implementing, and it was not tears of the father's grave.

D'Souza is a waste of time and money. Just as Coulter and this endless parade of patricians who are Obamites. Our American think tanks, institutes and political parties are full of these Barack Obama foreigner affirmative action paid for slots out of the Muslim Mafia, Indian cash and Russian bribes.

This is what is passing now for "intellectual analysis". Where is one Richard Nixon who knows what he or her is talking about?

Thank God for Sarah Palin, as she at least with that "how's that hopey changey thing turning out for you", says more in one line than these keyboard hacks do in these endless books.


Michael Carl needs to stop sniffing the glue