Saturday, October 23, 2010

Just a little Pregnant with a Cold Sore War

Trying to find a sensual photo of A. J. Cook is like trying to find an honest assessment of the found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, or an honest Democrat aka liar Stephanie Sandlin of South Dakota.
(Her crimes make her a lethal weapon to Americans.)

Now that A. J. the mormon who dressed more like a school marm are no longer CBS property, it is back to digressing to the subject of just how much mustard gas is a quantity that matters.

Take for example if at a Tea Party event across from the White House that a drop of mustard gas, encased in a glass cartridge around some gals neck, how long do you think it would be before the Secret Service jumped on this female and CNN had banner headlines of "Tea Party has mustard gas endangering Halo Head".

In that, for all those types who dismiss one WMD, 10 WMD's, hundreds of WMD's found, I wonder which of these Bush bashers would put one drop of this stuff on ther Cheerios in the it really is nothing of consequence when proving Saddam Hussein had WMD's.

Amazing isn't it, if the Tea Party were carting around all the arsenal which America discovered in Iraq, they would be judged Janet Napolitano terrorists and yet when that same WMD is in Iraq, it is just "old stuff" that doesn't matter.
Amazing in this, is either Saddam Hussein had so much WMD that he lost track of it when disposing it, which proves he had an immense stockpile or it means Saddam Hussein was deliberately hiding quantities of WMD's to use them.

For Bush basher reasons, WMD components on Dutch ships were not WMD's when found in a scrap heap. Missiles located in Iraq which violated UN sanctions as they were WMD's did not matter. Chemical weapons found did not matter. Piles of Yellow Cake, refined uranium and I still believe weapons grade uranium was in Iraq, along with the one SS warhead which Putin smuggled back out to Moscow, along with sworn testimony that 2 jet loads of biological agents were flown out to Lebanon and Syria, along with DOD reports of the Russian offloaded 2 shiploads of chemical weapons in the Indian Ocean........just does not matter.

Saddam's own records revealing he was using West Nile to attack America, and West Nile appeared in America along the US interstate corridor system.......just does not matter.

Yet it all does matter, and it matters that President Bush covered this all up and took a beating on it, because he deemed the coalition on the war on terror was more important than toppling those Saddam bribed old European nations like France and Germany or starting a new Cold War with Putin's Russia over all the assisted attacks the Russian FSB has developed via terrorists in murdering Americans.

The evidence keeps piling up, and one day it will come out what Saddam had, when it is used by Syria or Iran against Jews and Americans, but with a nuclear response these Bush bashers will all just say it doesn't matter now as nukes are going off.

So I ask again, just how much WMD will it take for these Bush bashers to admit Saddam had WMD's, was using WMD's in Sudan on Christians, and was building more WMD's of the most lethal variety.
If none of this found stockpile matters, then put it in the basement of all these Obamites who deny Iraq has WMD's as apparently it requires WMD to be dripping from the faucets of an entire nation before George W. Bush will be given some leeway in this.

In knowing the reality of WMD's, I know for certain there are methods which I would never reveal here which could distribute anything Saddam Hussein had to produce mass causalities from the industrial sprays to his refined uranium.
None of this is difficult to accomplish, and the reason Saddam did not use his arsenal is he was informed he would be vaporized by nuclear weapons. This same Bush Doctrine was made known to this entire Muslim lot in Mecca would be vaporized also.

Ah do you comprehend now why Obama told the world he will not use nuclear weapons now? It was telling Islamic terrorists the Bush Doctrine was reversed.

So in that, maybe some of these Bush bashers will get to sample some of Saddam's brew yet, as Mr. Obama says his folks can absorb mass casualty terror attacks, but will it really matter as America has found piles of Saddam's WMD in Iraq and it doesn't matter, isn't lethal or dangerous........but you know when it shows up in America, it will all of a sudden take on epic proportions.

Of course if it isn't covered up like the constant WMD botulism attacks on America in human and pet food sources.

I wonder if A. J. Cook would still be on Criminal Americans (they seem to always blame Christians, gun owners, hunters and white people in every episode so it is not criminal minds) if she had flashed some leg, some boobies and maybe got herself kidnapped every few episodes, after a rain storm which showed off her body, and she had to wrestle some tall, tan, Obama guy in the mud trying to escape..........
It must have pissed CBS off when she made a mormon baby and they had to write that into the script...........I know it pissed Stephanie Sandlin off as A. J. should have aborted the tissue, because the only good baby is a dead one making profits for Planned Parenthood who just love Stephie.

Amazing how B. Hussein Obama has invaded Yemen and Pakistan without WMD's, and only condom bombers.
Maybe that is it, in Saddam's WMD's wear condoms or were for aborting babies.

Maybe if A. J., I have had it with the initials as women shouldn't have initials, so am naming her Audra if A. J. had worn a condom, CBS might still be pregnant with her, but CBS still apologizing for B. Hussein's criminal minds and the WMD's he has been using named al Qaeda in those piles of dead US Soldiers in his Cold Sore Wars.


Want some whiskey in your water
Some sugar in your tea
What's all these crazy questions
People asking me

Mama told me not to come
That ain't the way to have fun son........


This blog sent a clarion call to the lying leftists before Obama stole the United States Presidency, that all of this breaking any law to win an election was going to pull America apart at it's fabric and destroy her, as elections have no meaning when Al Franken ballot boxes are stolen, Stephanie Herseth Sandlin illegally uses a Congressional office to overturn an election or when B. Hussein Obama with the maniacs subvert the Constitution and allow an undocumented Indonesian Kenyan to usurp the office of President of these United States.

What has happened in America is beyond treachery, treason or traitors. It is defined by a new term in Traitwhores, the literal prostitution of one's loyalty against their nation and countrymen for mammon.

is defined in Christ's terms as the absolute rejection of God for the world system which satan has so warped it is insane.

Barack Hussein Obama has been defined by this blog before anyone else noticed as being sociopathic, insane and demon infused. The persona which America is beholding is exactly the obtuse of a satanic mind functioning.

What I will to remind readers of is something which appeared online in the late 90's in a dream by C. Alan Martin, an individual who has proven that human insight into dreams is chronically flawed, even when the dream is functioning as it was given.

Mr. Martin saw 12 houses on a street from his youth in 1971, and had to wait until 1995 to receive the keystone in what these houses meant.
Each house signified from Truman in the first house, the literal list of Presidents who would come to be in the White House.

As the block turned, Reagan was elected and America set on the course of her last days according to the dream.

The Clinton house was shadowed by a dark cloud and Mr. Martin thought the administration would fall. It almost did as Clinton was impeached.

The Bush 43 house had a weeping willow on the lawn with children playing under it. It seemed a fitting sorrow for the Bush years, which I have always stated was America's last best hope to avert what was coming.

The last house in 12 had only a dirt path after it, and what Mr. Martin thought were boulders arranged in a semi circle, where he thought trial and judgment would be rendered.

I will add this Mr. Martin quote on house 12 and the boulders.

In another dream which took place during the millennial age, I was standing among these rock looking at the ruins of a world rocked by the tribulation. In the ruins of these boulders I found a witch doll. I ;knew immediately that on of the reasons that the USA was judged was because she had gone after the occult and witchcraft.

One can ask if it was not so much witchcraft, but the a blasphemous Obama with demonic charms he wishes on in his pants in which the American majority wed themselves to in a fraudulent election.

I can not vouch for Mr. Martin's dream as I do not have the answers to them, but this was brought to my memory tonight and it disturbingly is fitting the destruction which Barack Hussein Obama and his lying minions are shattering America over and plunging her into the abyss.

I have stated that there might not be an America to put together again, as America does not have the time as Mr. Obama and his Rovian clique of patricians have raped America of every ounce of ability to turn this around.

Mr. Obama has ruined the United States into a nation of debtor slaves. Even if he is checked by a new Congress, it will be two years of stalemate, and what good will it do to impeach this usurper with a traitor like Aaron Burr Biden or a globalist like Hillary Clinton as the Clintons were doing the same things Mr. Obama has accomplished.
There will still be far too many treacherous Olympia Snowes and Stephanie Herseth Sandlin's whoring themselves and looking for a Karl Rove tampon to insert into them with a new world order applicator with the string attached to the cartels they are turning tricks for.

If what follows this C. Alan Martin dream is the prophetic dream of President George Washington, America is facing invasion and world war which she only survives by the intervention of Jesus the Christ.

That is the end of Mr. Martin's dream in across from house #12 was a row of new houses stretching off into the distance. These I believe are the rulers of the land which Jesus will set up during the millennium.

General Washington was shown a like renewal after America becomes a scorched earth.

Time will tell, but this blog has been completely correct in how vile B. Hussein Obama is for America, and it has not even started yet in what his laws will inflict on the Virgin Daughter of God.


For America

Far too many Congress people have vacations homes in the States they are supposed to represent and have million dollar mansions in Washington, DC.

As no one in the front bench media has sought to focus on the crucial elections in the Marxist Dakotas, this blog alone has. I do not get to have a great deal of fun in this Age of Obama as most of my writing now is dealing with thee most horrid of Obamite bent on destroying America and exterminating Americans.

One of those Americans being targeted is Kristi Noem of South Dakota who will unseat thee Obama prostitute and Karl Rove pixie in Stephanie Herseth Sandlin.
Mrs. Sandlin has played typical patrician dirty politics in crimes and lying. That is why it is so refreshing to be able to actually write about someone who is genuine in Kristi Noem.

Mrs. Noem is literally Theodore Roosevelt, Libby Custer, Annie Oakley and Ronald Reagan in being true blue American.
Few people know that when gun rights were mandated by the United States Citizens, that that right was also discussed along with the right to hunt and trap. That entire lifestyle as Teddy Roosevelt noted was concerned with self sufficiency and the honing of military skills so the Citizens would always be based in the ability to defend themselves.

Kristi Noem is a hunter. That means she is someone who actually has shot a bow and has shot a gun. She is the growing trend in American Ladies who after seeing the unabsorbable 9 11 terror murders on Americans, who said, "No more! I will protect myself, my babies, my husband and my nation if needed."
This is the most wonderful of trends as there is nothing more interesting than having an American Lady armed with weapons she is proficient in. The hand which rocks the cradle rules the world, but the hand which holds the gun governs a free people.

That is the fraud in Stephie Sandlin in parading around with hunters who look like they just bought their clothes out of Cabelas and will return them for a refund. Sandlin is Harry Reid in bed with the NRA elite using bribes to get backing while Sharon Angle of Nevada is the clear choice for freedom loving Nevadans.

There is a liberation in being at home in the American wilds as Teddy Roosevelt taught. When one is linked to the land as Thomas Jefferson schooled, the entire populace is moral, self governing and at peace.
That is the difference between Kristi Noem and Stephie Sandlin. Mrs. Noem lives on the land, actually rides horses instead of posing with palomino ponies like Sandlin and has a home in South Dakota, instead of a vacation address in Brookings as Sandlin does.

Ask yourself if your representative actually lives in your state or are they like Rahm Emanuel only having a renter address in fraud.
Who in the heck knows where Sandlin lives really. She is Washington based. Her Karl Rove paid for husband is Texan like Rove, and there sits that Brookings house which probably has starving rodents in it, as the mice can't find a crumb to chew on as Herseth Sandlin is never home.

This is thee immense problem in Congressional patricians in they have no tie to their states. Do your Democrats ever show up in their state after being defeated, or do they live in New York or DC like Tom Daschle?
Daschle after being booted out of Congress, never set foot as a resident in South Dakota again. I can wager an elk steak that Herseth Sandlin like Harry Reid, like Barney Frank, like whoever you want to pick out, will never go back to their states, but will whore around DC for a million dollar job like George McGovern still does.

Kristi Noem is like many of thee American Ladies running as they actually live in their State. Christine O'Donnell actually served Americans in DC, but when she was done, she came home to Delaware to live.
That is the difference in Ronald Reagan Conservatives, President Reagan actually loved living in California on his ranch. He didn't leave Arkansas for New York like Bill Clinton, and the Bush family lives in Texas as their state where they were elected from.

You get an American view when you elect Americans. Kristi Noem is American. Max Sandlin tried to smear her as the Sarah Palin of South Dakota, but that is thee greatest honor any Lady could have bestowed upon her.
It certainly is different from the Michelle Obama of South Dakota as Herseth Sandlin is in liberalism.

So if you can assist Kristi Noem, the please do as she will be representing you, because she is just like you in having 3 children, a family, a husband, a business and took up the charge to shatter the glass ceiling put up by the Marxists who only want women barefoot and Obama.

This has been a most enjoyable blog. Your prayers for the Noem family will always help.

Much appreciation.

Kristi Noem is the real deal.


My bro Juan Williams

I was not the least interested in Juan Williams stepping into it with liberals, because I have never seen one of these establishment patricians coming to my aid when I have repeatedly stolen from, assaulted, attacked, smeared and banned from speaking out.

To digress, did you see Pegs Noonan has learned a new word in "establishment" and she was chirping about the Tea Party trying to crawl up their rectum like Rush Limbaugh, when these folks are the folks who helped install the catastrophe of B. Hussein Obama.

Odd is that not, in Peggy Noonan, Cynthia McFadden, Gwen Ifill have done their absolute worst in political rape of Sarah Palin. Rape in any form is a crime. We see now that hounding people on websites is a crime, and yet, there is the Letterman cocktail crowd assaulting Sarah Palin.
Like Dana Perino and Karl Rove raped the character of Christine O'Donnell.

So Juan Williams, the liberal, gets fired for saying Muslims being zealots first bother him.

BIGOT: A prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own.

I have a problem in comprehending the problem of being a bigot. I know for a fact that God in heaven is a bigot under that definition as His Way is Life and those who violate that die mortally and eternally.
Bigotry which is righteous is what God intends.

Juan Williams is not God, unlike the Obama he voted for and supports blindly who does blaspheme God and His Son.

That is bizarre in this that the defense of Juan Williams on the right by Sean Hannity is admirable, but once again the lone Prophet here experiences far worse than what Juan Williams has ever gone through.

Daniel Pipes plagiarized my thoughts and took them, and was championed on World Net Daily, as this blog noted.
I was booted from Front Page for explaining that not all Jews who died in World War II were innocents which the Rothschilds have tallied. There were people hiding in Jewry who were communist thugs who the local Slavic peoples cheered the Nazi's when they came in and shot these scoundrels, just like Iraqi's cheered about another communist in Saddam Hussein was hung like a dog.
Huffington Post banned me for pointing out that an ABC anchor's wife in stating that sexual perverts should be offered Playboy and Penthouse was an enabling crime.
I have been yelled at by Dinesh D'Souza who is a strange little fraud like Obama, and then, there is Noel Sheppard who slandered this blog, attacked this blog and ran a devious little scheme to make sure I didn't return to Newsbusters.

Those are but a few of the major examples I have gone public with, and amazingly in this, no one from the elite gave one word of support. I certainly never had the big Roger of FOX, which is now Obama and unbalanced, bring me in and sign me to a $2 million dollar contract.

I apparently am still waiting for my $10 million royalty check from Rush Limbaugh in educating him and for what he has stolen from my comments. I have millions coming from me and apparently a contract waiting at FOX to make up for all the assaults I have endured in serving the Lord.

In this, Juan Williams is stated to have a lawsuit he could file in my closing thought is what lawsuits are available for Sarah Palin, Christine O'Donnell, Kristi Noem and the entire Tea Party Ladies for the 24 hour a day 365 day a year assaults they have endured?

Juan Williams got 2 million bucks for one sentence and was banned from NPR. I have been banned from the right and left patricians, and Roger Ahles, Rupert Murdoch or FOX could have cared less, like all of this group could care less about real Americans.

Juan Williams should have gotten instead the treatment Clarence Thomas is still enduring with his wife.........Mrs. Thomas just had Anita Hill call the police on her for demanding an apology.

Then Mr. Williams would have learned a lesson in the Letterman cocktail crowd, because rewarding him 2 million dollars is nothing but affirmative action welfare for the elite of the Letterman cocktail crowd, because that is who Mr. Williams is, an elitist now receiving corporate welfare to promote B. Hussein Obama policy.

I will state that again so it soaks in, 2 million dollars from FOX to promote Barack Hussein Obama while Mrs. Thomas has the cops called on her and the New York Times investigates her to stop her Free Speech Rights.

Oh that is is a matter of free speech when it involves a real Conservative and a matter of bought and paid for speech when it comes to Juan Williams.

nuff said
