Thursday, January 13, 2011

....except to Christians

It is no secret that this blog has been one of the leading proponents of Sarah Palin. I will not delve into the historic mysteries of this association, but of recent times the writing here has warned Gov. Palin of the immense blunder she engaged in, in becoming a friend to the community as lesbian Tammy Bruce pleaded with sodomites and soddenites for Mrs. Palin.

It was at this point in the wilderness this blog issued a Nathan warning to Mrs. Palin to not become involved in this as abomination is abomination, and this is about God in His working, and not about Sarah Palin.
Either she does the job like Esther in making the right choices every time or as Uncle Mordecai told his niece, God will find someone else who will enact His will.

I have been blessed to wear many hats in life and still do. My blessing on completing my Christian training was from Ephesians to walk worthy of the vocation you are called. It should have been vocations as God has done a great deal of diverse work through me which I have no talent for, and yet with His guiding hand, I do alright as He makes things look easy.

I know Spiritual things, because of hard lessons which have been fired in me. God's Spirit has allowed me to experience terrifying things. I have sat by the fires of hell in puzzlement over demonic and demoniac attacks. I comprehend this world of the matrix in ways I believe most humans never will understand this.
It is in that, that I'm moved on this Palin association with gays, as any one who is defining themselves by overt sex actions in choices is under the influence of the incubus class of demons. Whenever you are like Saul in engaging witches or like David with Bathsheba in thinking it is about you and you can get away with associations in sin, you have stepped out of God's protecting Light and are alone in a devil's world where you become the target to be ravaged.

By instinct I knew this was bad news in what Sarah Palin had engaged in in being a friend to the community. She had opened up an entire streaming iniquitous horde which was just looking in hatred to sweep her away like a tidal wave.
The first smashing waves of this tsunami were the Gabrielle Gifford staged attacks on Sarah Palin and have now been followed by the manifestations in gay San Francisco with the above Nazi holocaust like fires posters attacking her.

This feels immensely different to me in Spiritual scope as the Governor is off her game in this, because God is not fighting the battle this time as she is a friend to the community. This is as when David fled and the relative of Saul was throwing stones at him like a dog as he plodded along cursing him.
Things happen when the protection is off, because you in arrogance thought you could handle this and went down to Sodom like Lot for a financially good time.

This is major and this is not going to stop in the repercussions on Gov. Palin. There is a disturbance in the God realm and that realm is not pleased with what she initiated.

This can be rectified and she still in Jesus can be provided the victory in 2012, but for the end game of all the stakes which Americans face, God does not intend to bring in a woman to the Oval Office with demonic baggage, for Jesus and the Angels to deal with as this festering sore will compound and grow. A little demon seed when amplified by these latter day empowerment of the principalities and powers turns into an oak of a major problem.

That is why I was warning the Governor off on this, but the first waves of this have started. She definitely needs to repent, at least in private before God with a right heart, and plead for God to shield her from this turmoil as she let this dam burst and the waters are going to run dry before this is over.

I'm personally upset over this, as Sarah Palin by God's direction had made every move correctly and God was making this so easy for her, and she like a child stepped out and thought she could handle things. This is not about her, this is about God, as it is with every one of us.

I do not know where this stops for Sarah Palin and I care not to know. I can relate in historical terms that David after his sexual sins, had this manifest for years in chaos around him, and it eventually had the kingdom God entrusted to him, almost ripped from him before all was said and done in balancing the scales.

I put a great deal of effort into this and am wounded by this. This could have all gone so miraculously, but now is going to be a harder way.

Can this be a chastening of Sarah Palin so she grows up Spiritually and never makes a "this is me" stupid decision again, yes it certainly can in God's Grace, and here am I hopeful that this will become a teaching moment from the Father and Christ for Mrs. Palin.
She is though at a juncture as this Spiritual and spiritual onslaught rushes on in this is moving so fast, that she is at the point she will be left in the past, as God will choose another for the mission.

This is now up to God's Mercy and Grace and what Sarah Palin's heart is moved to.

She did this and like David, God is now being mocked in GOD BLESS AMERICA by the satanic forces. She took on God's Christian Name and God would not hold anything back from her in His Goodness, but she desired Sodom when she should have desired Jerusalem.

I Kings 1:22: And, lo, while she yet talked with the king, Nathan the prophet also came in.

None of this will make any sense except to Christians.

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