Sunday, January 2, 2011

Obama the Muslim hearted

Good King Richard, the Lion Heart

The direct responsibility for the Christmas slaughter of Christians in Iraq and Egypt, and those sniped at not making the news, by the Islamists is on the bloody hands of B. Hussein Obama, the Secular Islamist.

There is not doubt in this, in B. Hussein from his Egyptian speech which was filled with lies giving Muslims credit like Al Gore for inventing the internet, fed a carte blanche that in the Obama regime, Muslims were the master race just like Obama's nasty German speech at Hitler's monument conveyed.

This is has been a long history of murdering the Christian sheep and stealing what is their life. It though is not limited to Muslims.
If one bothered to check, Matt Drudge in his secular Jewish aura, failed to note any of these mass murder attacks on Christians around the world. The same Christophobe wink and nod is carried on continuously by the Israeli state government, even against Jews for Jesus.

This brothel of secular religion is from London Queenery to Peking Maoism to Putin Bolshevism to Vatican Catholicism, as each have a hand in silent ascension to the murder of the Church of Christ.

You will not hear B. Hussein Obama on vacation come out and denounce this. You will not hear one Muslim in America denounce this. You will not hear Muslim Keith Ellison raise one cry against the murder of Egyptian Coptics.

Why? They all agree with this murder and they promote it against their Christian enemy.

This blog wholeheartedly supports the rising up the Coptic Christians in not being sheep for the slaughter in blaming exactly what is behind this is state sponsored terrorism by the Egyptian government in it's Islamist mysts of Hitler and Stalin Muslim Brotherhood.
It was a fine reaction of an eye for an eye in Coptics raiding a mosque and scattering their propaganda to be tread on in the street.

Such things now are terror watch list actions by Janet Napolitano, but the fact is if there was not King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, with the legend, King Richard the Lionhearted, there would not be a western civilization as it would now all be backward Islam of turban headed males and fury thighed females stinking up the world in wool from head to toe.

The Crusades are the liberation of the world for they defeated the heinous cult of Islam in it's stranglehold on the world.
This blog promoted the feminist movement of the Islam, but Isalmic women in their sub rule want no reformation, as Islam is a sickness of power control of the weak. It shackles and by koran thumping beats people into submission so the few rule the many.

For that reason it is past time that a modern crusade is enjoined, that this United States Government once shed of the Obama regime Isalmic heart, fully engage in the moral support of all Christians in the Middle East and the world.
It must be put to an end the Hindu butchering Christians with real strikes upon India. The same goes for Peking in controlling the Christian Churches there. This is a religious war from Jerusalem, to Paris, to Washington DC, to Rio, to Alexandria and it is all the sword of Islam murdering innocent Christians.

Whatever choice these Coptics make in standing for themselves, it must be fully supported by Americans as this is the front line Mr. Obama is now moved to the American States in his open borders of imported Islamist terrorism.
As Christ told the Disciples to be armed and that their arsenal of swords was enough, the same protection from AK 47 must be afforded Christians in their legal right of defense and retribution with America leading the moral authority as Ronald Reagan did against communism.

Islam is not going to respect any rights of any one. B. Hussein has sodomized hisself for Islam, and the net result are Christians murdered in bomb blasts in their Churches. This is a fight now against the Islamist heart by every Christian around this globe as much as Christopher Columbus sailed to the new world as his logs indicated for the expressed purpose of funding the Crusade to destroy Islam, free Jerusalem and build the 3rd Temple of Ezekiel so Jesus would return.

Just read the above over again, and picture those ghastly lesbian eyes of Janet Napolitano going wild in what she and Eric Holder would do to Christopher Columbus for his mandate that the fortunes discovered in the west were to be utilized for war against Islam, the Christian acquisition of Jerusalem, the building the 3rd Temple all so the prophecies would be complete so Christ would return.
This Obama regime would arrest the founder of the west and imprison him for life.

I have spoken of the Heroes previously in Janette du Arc or as the English named her, Joan of Arc. How Joan literally contacted the English and said, "Let us not fight each other, but let us instead join our armies and wage a Holy War in liberating Jerusalem from Islam".

This is the field of quest in Richard the Lionhearted, a Christian Angle Saxon King, who waged war against Islam in epic battles were Saladin stopped to chemical warfare in poisoning water which murdered Christians and their war horses.
America and the west is in a battle for it's life. Either it defangs Islam or Islam will gut the west and have Caliph.

Make not mistake in hanging this all on B. Hussein as it was B. Hussein who sabotage the Gulf oil drilling, polluted that region and then shut down American energy independence, with all that money now flowing to the Muslim oil mafia.
5 dollar a gallon gasoline, and it's price was set in 2010 by the Isalmic heart of Barack Hussein Obama.

These are crimes against Christendom. They are not just terrorists, but the regimes from Obama to bin Laden who coordinate policy from running drugs out of South America to murdering Christians in Egypt.
None of this could be happening without it being sanctioned by the Islamic hearted regimes.

The literal American government did not have one outcry over the Christmas slaughter from Congress, the Obama regime or from the Courts. None was heard from officials in Europe or Asia. It is carte blanche open season on Christianity across the world and if Christians dare to rise up, you can bet that Janet Napolitano will be arresting them depriving them of rights like Terry Lakin, while Eric Holder can not stoop fast enough to give condom bombers American Rights.

It is time that the Richards, Christophers and Joans stand up in the west and demand full support for Christians worldwide. The Pope had no problem taking credit like Ronald Reagan for the work of Christians in bringing down the Soviet Union. Yes, this blog has been the only informational source which repeats that the BERLIN WALL CAME DOWN FROM LUTHERAN PROTESTANTS PROTESTING and the puppy press and Bush clique suppressed that information to this day.

It was Christians in their Christ who freed the eastern Europeans, not the Catholics in Poland, not Saudi money and not Pope John Paul.

This must be the Tea Party who rallies on this, because if this stand of Christ does not occur now, this Islamic hearted whore ruling America while Matt Drudge in secular Jewish rites remains silent, it is going to just like Krystal Nacht in Germany, come for Christians, exactly as the Coptics are being murdered by this Rothschild state sponsored terrorism against people of faith around the world.

It is reprehensible the Bush clique was silent on this, as much as Bill Clinton championed Muslims in Kosovo over Christian Serbs.

It is time for Jews for Jesus, Arabs for Christ and the Christian Soldier unite in the body of Christ to defend itself against this murderous rampage.

NOT ONE WORD from the Obama regime.

Who is really sponsoring the murder of Christians by silence to Christians and speeches to Muslims.

*Additional note: Matt Drudge did finally cover this story almost half a day later. What though of the mass murder of other Christians who have happened since B. Hussein has come on the scene not featured.


Coptic Heroes