Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Obama Prayer

I wonder in this Age of Obama in now Biblical Verses are being referred to as an "Obama Prayer" when it's intent is "Let his days be few - and let another take his office."

Such is
Such is the case in Florida where Sgt. Matthew Neu, noted Pslam 109 in a Bible which was picked up by an Obama voter, Sgt. Martha Nash, and as Nash reported:
"She felt whoever left the note wanted the president dead and that the supporting verses after that verse support that."

There are several vanity problems in this as Sgt. Neu does not support B. Hussein, and knows B. Hussein is triple birthed in being American illegal, British subject and Indonesian adopted, therefore Nash playing the part of Pegs Noonan wet panties for Obama, is incorrect in calling Obama president of anything.

Why on earth are Obama supporters so upset at this, as is not Obama a messiah, a god by media standards, so is not their Obama messiah an equal match for Jesus?
After all, is not Obama's teleprompter a match for the Psalms of David Inspired by the Holy Ghost?

Furthermore, Obama as messiah certainly like Christ could raise hisself from the dead, so what is an Obama prayer of any worth?

In that, there is the wiping out of the Obama kin in not remembered. Does not Obama have an Ipod collection of his suff which he gave to the Queen of England, so what worry is there for supporters in the memory of Obama going vapour?

Unless of course in this, all of these Obamites know there is a real God, know full well God does not appreciate the blasphemy nor destruction intitiated by B. Hussein against God's Americans, and, that Prayers to a Just God are heard, no matter what Barney Frank and Democrats mock in trying to remove God from America.

So now another American like Lt. Col. Terry Lakin in Sgt. Matthew Neu is being persecuted as an enemy of the state. Lakin gets toasted for asking a question about Obama's birth certificate and Neu gets scorched earth of praying.

Odd is it not that a military officer and a police officer are the worst criminals in America and Eric Holder and Janet Napolitano give American protection to terrorists.

Just as odd that silly Christians praying to a mocked God are somehow of grave standing as a threat to Obama when Bill Maher and David Letterman laugh their asses off at them.

Unless of course..........

"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."

Maybe that is what all those Obama worshippers are worried about in their Bowbama messiah.

The real God, real Judgment, real Christians and real Prayers. Allot to worry about when you are on the wrong side of Grace and on the left side of a community organizer.


PS: What about the real threats to Americans engaged in by Mr. Obama in his Gulf oil well sabotage, his harm to American Soldiers and his rationed death to all Americans of a Greater God.