Saturday, February 5, 2011

Chute Me

I must announce that my feelings are hurt. Nay, it is more like a piercing, yes my heart has been pierced. Nay, my heart is pierced severely and deeply.
Yes that is the diagnosis, as my heart has been, nay is, pierced severely and deeply by Barack Hussein Obama and his dwindling hordes by stealing my plan for American rejuvenation by building high speed trains.

Intellectual theft is a serious crime, made more serious by the fact that I did not even get a cherry pie, or some other monetary royalty for this God Inspired solution.

I'm just sitting here saddened that the State of Obama speech was one of plagiarism, nay I say, yes I say it, even if it is creepy in Barack Hussein Obama, the chameleon, the idea stealer, became Lame Kipling Cherry to save hisself.

It is not so much the theft of the idea, but the idea of the knowledge that these incompetents are going to make a shambles of this as that is their intent, and the deeply heart piercing wound which I must bear, as I type this, bleeding of anxious crimson clear hurts........and yet I carry on.

Oh well, on to happier things.

The nice thing about being an Inspired child of God is God always comes up with something new for me, because the Holy Ghost showed me in Psalm 139 this morning that God is before me and behind me always on this path and His hand is upon me empowering me.
I even read that He knows what is on my tongue before spoken. It must be why the weather is getting better, praise God.

Ok, I have been afforded a new idea from my Master, as God loves me loads, not because of me, but because God has loads of love to pour out endlessly.

Our new project is not just saving America, but my God Inspired vocation that America needs playmates to trade with, be secure with and just have picnics with. I like England and Japan, because they are two nice non floating aircraft carriers, ports of call and just nice neighbors to keep those Eurasian world war bastards from getting to close to God's Virgin Daughter.

So here is the proposal. I say to my Japanese and English brothers and sisters, let's build us a train that runs under water.
(That will stump Obama as he will think it is a submarine.)

No this my children is a different kind of train, as what we do is build from Juneau to Hachinohe, Japan in the west, and from New York to Greenland, Iceland and Bristol, England.........picked Bristol in honor of Sarah Palin.

Picture 4 tubes, suspended by neutral buoyancy, and anchored by anchors of course, and two running toward the outside world and two running into America.
Unlike the bullet trains, the Chute as I term it, is actually run on air pressure. Most people do not know that America used to have battleships which fired shells using air. Pneumatic firing of large objects could launch payloads into outer space also.
Air is much safer and it does not have the G forces of rockets or engines, as one can through a series of increased air pressures literally make a train in a chute travel just below sonic levels as in 500 mph trains.
With work it could be several thousand mile an hour trains using air pressure, and engineering to deal with sonic disturbance in the chutes.

Braking of course is air pressure.

I would mix this with Japanese, English and American industry, along with the airlines to run the ticket management. This way everyone gets wealthy and nice jobs are created for all three nations.

Am thinking here, searching for any more Spiritual zip file information to include.

Oh yes, no more Obama stealing my ideas, as he only got the idea, after the Chicoms stole my ideas and then these Obama dolts figured out this was a great idea.
How this theft stops is hauling Obama into court or electing Sarah Palin President.

I tried putting this stuff to that John McCain and that Mormon Romney who Sean Hannity can't get on his knees fast enough for. They were dumb as posts in not getting it, so no Chute for the either as they do not deserve it, and I'm not in a generous mood for the Bush clique as their cute twin said something stupid, Rove is running around assaulting women and putting Sarah Palin in danger, and that Barbara Bush just has that Nazi bad attitude now of saying Sarah Palin doesn't belong with people down here.
I do not get into bed with people who stink and these stinkers are putrid, so this is Sarah Palin's international outreach between friends and with uncapping oil to pump for America, England and Japan, this is a start in all of our security.

So that is the new version of saving America, as Darrell Issa is not indicting Obama and I don't trust these rapscallions...........odd isn't it that rap and scallions are a knock and an onion apart and together just nasty people. I suppose Obama and Rove fit this in one is a wooden head knocking about and the other a stinker.

I did all the work now in this, so just run with it Mrs. Palin.
