Thursday, February 10, 2011

I'll take the fool's bet

During Monday night's edition of "The O'Reilly Factor," the host read an e-mail from Ed Harris, a viewer from Youngsville, N.C.

The letter stated, "Bill, thanks for winning me $100. I bet a friend you would not ask Obama about his birth certificate, and you didn't."

O'Reilly responded to Harris by saying with a grin, "Let me get this straight, Ed. You found someone who bet you a hundred bucks that I would ask the president about the nutty birth-certificate stuff. Can you please send me that person's name? I would like to do business with this guy."

Perhaps we require a little poetic interlude before the main event begins.

Silly little Obamite
Showing who you are
Monkey in your short pants
Wish upon his star
Bah bah little sheep
Ca you pull any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir
Over the eyes so full.
Once for my master
Full of Murdoch disdane
Once for my bank account
Selling my soul for reign
Once for my Obama
The tan sheep in the game

Now for the main event Mr. Peabody, was it really worth your sister's treasure for a lark or a robin upon vulture lane in your Ohio of an ICQ whore.........

I have not bothered a great deal for the court fool known as Bill O'Reilly as several million FOX viewers being as deluded by him as 60 million closeted Obama voters are two and the same.
Well almost the same, as it is extremely difficult to find normal people who will admit in public they voted for B. Hussein, while Bill O'Reilly continues to prance about pretending in that stage act that he and David Letterman are at odds, or that bizarre menge et tois on The View of Whoopie Goldberg and Joy Behar, acting like these three do not all floss in the same bed.

Am trying not to picture naked O'Reilly, Behar and Goldberg in bed............but then again something that ghastly is comedic as one starts laughing.

In any boudua,when the sheets flap in the breeze, Mr. O'Reilly in his above statements marking Constitutional loving Americans in the Birthers as "nuts" is really something which must be addressed as Bill O'Reilly revealed a bit too much or too Muchelle.

The first thing Mr. O'Reilly reveals is, he admitted that he was never going to ask B. Hussein any questions to challenge him.
Sean Hannity made apologies for FOX in stating this was a 'fluff' interview in no one asks hard questions on Super Bowl Sunday as it is all meant to be light.

So FOX amitted that O'Reilly engaged in fraud in a puff piece. This is telling in O'Reilly found it funny that Americans would BET on how big of a fraud O'Reilly is in never asking Obama about the most valid question of the regime, one Chris Matthews has even noted is one which Obama is committing fraud in, in Obama does not have a COLB.
Understand that point completely in Ed Harris bet O'Reilly was in the tank for Obama against a FOX deluded groupie who actually thought O'Reilly would ask an impeachment question.

If you understand that, you understand now that Bill O'Reilly revealed he is an Obama voter, a liar to his audience, a whore for the Obama regime while defrauding viewers, and Bill O'Reilly is not intelligent enough to know a letter was mocking him in reality as an Obamaling.

To put it this way, there are few situations in life when Barack Hussein Obama is the most intelligent person in the room........when Bill O'Reilly is there, Barry Soetoro apparently is the intelligent one, as impossible as that seems.
Sort of like choosing between a rock and brick in the higher IQ.

The second revelation is.............

Let me explain psychology.

If someone desires to shut you up in intimidation, they always attempt as is done to this blog by singling you out like you are the lone person in the world, compared to their FOX mob. It is a simple tactic used by cowards and control freaks. Isolate the person like, I WON and you lost, in Obama rhetoric.

In continuing this, whenever a accuser is beaten, they rely on a simple slur to define. Liberals rely on racism, homo erotica, antisemtism, the you're no Jack Kennedy assertion and the "you're crazy" nattering.

When Bill O'Reilly resorted to this, it revealed what a pathetic little Ann Coulterite he is, in he has no evidence to back up Obama being American, and all he can do for Rupert Murdoch is attempt to smear Americans who are demanding proof.

As was noted at World Net Daily which featured the letter with O'Reilly, Mr. O'Reilly was challenged by Joseph Farah to debate this and O'Reilly has been running scared ever since for two years.
With that aside, Bill O'Reilly as this blog has now exclusively exposed has revealed what a really base little half brain he is like Rush Limbaugh in the tank for Obama and Rove.

Bill O'Reilly featured a letter which exposed him as a fraud, in Freudian terms, it might have been O'Reilly's catharsis in his "father confessor" in he wants the world to know he is a fraud as it is too much for him.
It is that or Bill O'Reilly is a base little half brain. It is either or and not neither nor.

Psychologically, O'Reilly links this to money in wanting to do business on a sucker deal. Revealing again in the thing on O'Reilly's mind in his taking money for suckering viewers in what he is really up to.

So in that, too much information, Bill O'Reilly in profile analysis really confessed to a whole lot of things he never intended, but like the serial murderer just can not help talking about the things on his mind which are making him unconfortable as a sociopath.

As a note to the Limbaugh and O'Reilly patrons, who get so upset in not being able to deal with their icons being exposed for what they are. Do you really want to mirror B. Hussein Obama's maniacs in following blindly those who are leading you into the abyss?
You really as an American should be more secure intellectually and emotionally than to need multi million dollar frauds to hide behind. Ronald Reagan trusted your grandparents, parents and you as rugged have it in you to stand your ground and to hold these frauds accountable.

I promise you that if you hold these frauds to the exposure they deserve, they will go off for the bullies they are and for the cowards they are, before they go off and probably join the Obama regime as the new Peggy Noonan crusty sheets launderess.
They are hiding behind mics people, because they are too afraid to engage anyone in manly pursuits.

Just so you know, Bill O'Reilly is either mentally unstable by what he just did in exposing all he did about hisself or Bill O'Reilly is dumber than Obama.

Take your pick, but in profile I would conclude that O'Reilly is a soulless shill for highest bidder like all at FOX are. The millions, the Letterman con games, the doing Murdochs dirty work, the being in bed with Obama are causing an upheaval in his miserable soul.

He confessed.

I will confess that I do not watch Bill O'Reilly or FOX, not because of Rush Limbaugh fashion in trying to act superior in he does not watch Charlie Rose, as I do observe Charlie Rose for intelligence analysis, but because I know what an Obama cast that is operating there, and if it is not Obama it is Karl Rove political rape, in we are all great Americans here Sean Hannity.

It is all sort of amusing when you have explained these monkeys in Obama's pants in what they are revealing about themselves when they chatter, and what they are revealing about Rupert Murdoch.

This is why intelligence services filter all coming out of the need to know group as these monkeys are always showing their banana off telling the world too much as they peal away the skin.

nuff said.....

Oh yeah, you're a great American there Bill O'Reilly, perhaps you can next time use Sean Hannity's priest in Catholicism to confess behind closed doors as your boss would appreciate not being exposed in public for the teleprompter employer he is paying millions to.
