Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

The purpose of this thesis is to state the Truth, concerning a measure some of these United States are enacting in nullification of certain matters of federal laws enacted against the will of the People of these United States, namely the Democrat's mandated rationed health care which leads to rationed death.
IR/ The making of criminals of Americans who do not purchase what Mr. Obama orders in dictating the monetary participation in a federal health care scheme.

In 1798 and 1799, Thomas Jefferson in extension with James Madison published a public protest against the federal government passing the Alien and Sedition Acts, which were basically making criminals out of Americans who were against federal policy and gave authority to the President to order foreigners out of the States they were residing in.

Before I go into details in this, I have little respect for Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Madison. As Teddy Roosevelt noted, "These two geniuses at Constitutional theory and construction of a new experiment as a government of the people, were disasters as leaders who almost obliterated these United States".
Jefferson and Madison disarmed America of a standing military and instead relied upon militia of the armed Citizen and row boats as in gun boats with one cannon that upon firing, almost capsized the boat going against frigates and line ships of the British.

These two theoretical geniuses were almost the cause of the extermination of America in the War of 1812. If it had not been for the federalists constructing the American frigates, McDonnough on the inland waterways and Andrew Jackson in New Orleans, America would have ceased.

With that reality stated, I state I'm a federalist as John Adams was, and I detest Jefferson smearing President Adams and causing the murder of Alexander Hamilton by Aaron Burr. I also state through the clear prism of history though, that John Adams and Congress could not make criminals out of Americans for thinking and could not go into States and remove aliens who they did not like, just by passing a law in Congress.
Thomas Jefferson was correct in his Constitutional assessment, even if I suspect his reasoning had to do with being angered he might be made a political prisoner like Terry Lakin and was furious that friends of his who disliked Adams were being booted out of each state on new Congressional seized laws.

In Thomas Jefferson's writings there were two basic points. The first was that States by the 10th Amendment had authority over the protection of humans and property in their borders and not the federal government.
The second point was that States were the deciders of who was deported from their borders in equal protection under the law of Americans and aliens, along the Biblical lines of remembering the foreigner within you as you were once a foreigner in Egypt.

While states like Idaho have seized upon the nullification which the federal courts have time and again struck down in dictating federal will on States, the matter of the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions by the Inspired author of the Declaration of Independence and his equal in James Madison the creator of the Constitution of America, goes beyond what anyone has yet imagined in the 10th Amendment in what are indeed States rights and only those limited authorities granted to the Federal Government to carry out the protection of the Citizen and States.

The fact in this is Thomas Jefferson writing in 1799 judged Barack Hussein Obama, Eric Holder and Janet Napolitano as federal criminals, due to their attacks upon the State of Arizona in threatening her concerning the expulsion of border busters preying upon that Citizenry.
According to Thomas Jefferson, who indeed was an intimate of James Madison, privy to the Constitutional Convention and an officer of the Federal Government, stated bluntly that States decide who reside in their borders, guarantee their ability to speak out against the Federal system and that any executive, legislative or judiciary attempting to add to their power are unConstitutional and usurpers, therefore national criminals against these United States.

As an interesting progression of this, Jefferson is stating that the States control the Internet in content and all of this federal monitoring is criminal.

After astute examination, I have judged Jefferson and Madison as possessors of the worst type of feminine disgrace in scorn. It is what they were passioned by in destroying others by gossip or lie. They fought dirty with deadly results. They also though in the Resolutions expressed the simplest of tones in what is the 10th Amendment as it is America, Federalist America, as the 10th is reigns from keeping the Federal Government from becoming an Obama regime.

My forefather who signed the Declaration of Independence and served in Congress from New Jersey was a most interesting Yankee. I adore George Washington as the Father of this God blessed Nation, but my relative was already cautioning against the day of some Franklin Roosevelt refusing to leave the Oval Office and grabbing powers, in stating George Washington was a good man probably, but he was not to be trusted.

Extremely shocking words, but those are the understanding words of a person who like Washington risked life, property, family and all...........but yet knew that absolute power corrupts absolutely.

I have always believed that Washington sending in federal forces for the Whiskey Rebellion was the worst precedent as it set up a continual erosion of human rights in America where America is now a land where Reagan was blackmailing States with tax money, which was their money to begin with, if States didn't enact laws in line with federal laws aimed against Citizens concerning conduct in areas alike alcohol consumption or seat belts.
You betcha I love Ronald Reagan, but wrong is wrong, and once the State's Rights are trampled upon, the next thing you have is a dictator in Obama ordering Citizens to buy medical care and making them criminals if they do not bow to that rule.

That is the importance of the Resolutions. The federal government has time and again resorted to murderous force when States refused to submit to mandates. That is what the Civil War was about and not what federalist twisters grabbing for power have tried to make it into in slavery.

The Civil War was about States rejecting federal law taking rights away from them, and sending in federal occupational forces to make the States submit. In that, slavery was the law of the land, and if that Law was incorrect, it should have been compromised to eradicate slavery by Constitutional Amendment and not Congressional dictates treading upon the rights of the States and minority view.

The entire problem in America has always been the dictatorial powers of the federalist system from executive, legislative and judiciary, and when all three become conspirators against these United States, the conflict ensues again as John Kennedy noted in peaceful resolution is sought, but when denied revolution in violence is brought about.

For the reality, this is what Thomas Jefferson was espousing in States are the end check on federal power. It is the three branches of American government who are in conspiratorial high treason against the Union on the issue of aborticide, Obama rationed death and the undocumented Barack Hussein Obama who is documented enough being a triple citizen of three nations, that according to the Articles, Mr. Obama has no place in the White House.
Congress is in contempt of the Constitution in this fraud as is that gang of six led by John Roberts and the two Obamalings on the Supreme Court in giving ascent to fraud.

When the Federal Government becomes a federated conspiracy against the very States who birthed that Government, that offspring then is a homicidal criminal of parricide against these United States.

Jefferson's writings as well as all of the Founders are the legitimate interpretation of the Constitutional Laws of America, including the separation of Church and State, that the States would not implement a national religion forced upon the people to worship only there.

The feudal lords with moronic minions have for generations attempted to bastardize the Founders in twisting their words to fit dictatorial concentration of power, when the fragmentation of power shattering the absolute is what the summation of American Law is, in no monopoly of power.

The most powerful protector in America is not one person, but the County Sheriff elected in each State representing the Constitutional will of the People and not the resident of the White House.
In that, any State or county structure can indict by Grand Jury anyone in the federal system and petition for the extradition of that defendant from the federal district which is Columbia, and is thee only set apart federal territory in America, including military reservations or reservations.
The fact is the State maintains absolute control of the people, property and land within it's borders, whether it be federalized or not. A military base does not protect a rapist from State apprehension no more than a Federal Court House is an asylum from indictments handed down by the State.

Arizona can in fact under their Constitution indict Barack Hussein Obama for sedition against Arizona while the fact is the federal system can not arrest Arizona on sedition for rejecting federal mandates, as that authority was never granted in the Constitution to the federal system.

What are liberals going to do when their oft quoted heroes on Huffington Post in Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, Democrats handed down time and again the judge, jury, conviction and sentencing that Barack Hussein Obama, his regime and this nefarious lot of backers of treason to America are all criminals to be indicted and their dictates ignored as unConstitutional.

It is precedent in rule of law that the States are superior to the Federal System. As proof, the colonies were the 13 sovereign Nations who gave ascent to the Articles of Confederation, which meant 13 sovereign Nations were in equal association. This engagement then became the Constitutional marriage of granting limited authority to an offspring of these 13 sovereign Nations in the Government of These United States.
There are now 50 of these separate but equal Nations who still according to original contract are in absolute authority over this now problem child, which often rises up in blackmail over taxes and murder in federal police descending upon the populace as in Waco Texas.

The Federal Government does not have authority to usurp power from any one of fifty United States. The Federal Government has only two missions and that is first to raise a finite amount of taxes to fund the second mission in protecting the Citizens from that federal system or a foreign system.

Even John Adams would state that the government is always the first and last enemy of Americans, just as Ronald Reagan would state that government was the problem and not the solution.

Nullification is thee expressed right of the 10th Amendment. Nullification is the law of the American land and Justice Roberts, Leader Reid, Speaker Boehner and the occupant Mr. Obama can either agree with Thomas Jefferson or do as the federated conspirators have done all along in sending out troops or police to murder the Citizens by making them enemies of the State.

This entire upheaval started in Congress, the executive under Mr. Bush and the Supreme Court not nullifying Mr. Obama as the federated system pressured the 50 Secretaries of State into not demanding Mr. Obama's records as is require by law.
Once again this was Congress and the Bush White House in treachery passing unConstitutional laws based upon John McCain's birth status to give cover to Mr. Obama.
Congress can not make Citizens out of foreigners without Constitutional Authority. There never was that Authority granted.

This treachery is what is the cause of this and no matter the murders engaged in or instigated by this federated system, no matter the experts giving credence to this heinous shattering of the Constitution, the fact remains in that Constitution that Mr. Obama is unConstitional and all he has criminally implemented is unConstitutional, and his agents in government from appointments to party members are all guilty of crimes against the People of These United States.

In view of what the Obama regime instigated at Hutatree, the strange circumstances involving Gabrielle Giffords in the missing second gunman, to the direct threats against Sarah Palin, it seems obvious that Janet Napolitano would judge Thomas Jefferson a terrorist and he like other American women would be stopping lead with their brains as enemies of the Obama state.

nuff explained nuff said



Kentucky Resolutions