Thursday, February 3, 2011

Obama Club Mediterranaen Coups

David Axelrod really needs to keep his mouth shut as in his parting interview with Jake Tapper, Little Hitler, confirmed what his blog has been exclusively exposing in Mr. Obama has been part of a cartel plan to topple numerous friendly Mediterranean Governments exactly as Brzezinski and Carter did to the Shah and his family, installing communist regimes.

See the Rothschild plan in South America in taking Reagan free latin states and installing Marxists all through the region.

What Axelrod noted was Obama has been pressuring President Mubarack for two years in order to topple him, in shades of Cairo speeches.
How about that Hosni in beware of Trojan Obama's you let within your gates.

As exclusive in this only found here, Hans Blix for screwing with America got nothing, but secular Islamist Muhamed el Baradei was promised the dictatorship of Egypt. It pays to have Islamocommunist oil Mafia money and Muslims named Obama looking out for you now doesn't it.

Dave Hitler also let slip that in the coming weeks. Children this is just the start of this, and President Mubarak better be able to go for broke or he will be broken, as the Egyptian military is being pressured by Obama to oust Mubarak now.

As if things have not gotten 'Drudge report bloody enough", dear children, the few Egyptian communists being paid to raise hell, so it is amplified in the Obama press, we now see that some bright Illuminati soul has revealed that the Egyptian thugs can not get job done.
How do we know this?

Why Obama has had with the cartels a get out of jail free pass for criminals. Yes, someone decided to let all the terrorists, murderers, robbers, arsonists and rapists out of prison to really stoke the fires in this.
Be aware of this, if they have gone to this measure, it means the rioters are getting tired of raising hell...........and we probably will see some sort of Obama run explosions to really bring about the pressure on President Mubarak.

Shhhh don't tell, but you do notice don't you that none of the western Europeans or eastern Europeans are calling for regime change really.........this is all coming from B. Hussein Obama.

Just another Obama coincidence miracle.

This is all part of a worldwide betrayal of American allies. The same dividing up American assets to Obama cronies including China, is now taking on a next two year approach from Obama, as the colonialist Barack starts putting in his criminal Caliph.
Iran was quite a disaster in this, as the Shah's youngest son was just assassinated in Boston this past January, with full cover up by the Obama regime.

Imagine worldwide Iranian murder squads prowling about.........and yes oh my, the same communists in Egypt backed by Obama are the place Dr. Zawahiri was spawned from.

So enjoy the continuing saga of David Hitler Axelrod as he chatters on about another Obama accomplishment, the abyss deepens and the world comes one more step closer to Eurasian World War.
