Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Obama Crimes

I'm posting this as a forever legacy record of the crimes of Barack Hussein Obama in how his regime uses harassment, stalking and terrorism to inflict retribution on those enemies of the regime.

This is one page of my private email which very few people have. As you can see it has been jammed with a host of DSN mails. I get these deluges from time to time when things appear in my blog which upsets the brown recluse spinning her web in the White House basement.

For the record, this is a felony crime committed by the regime and their minions. For the record CISCO and the NSA know very well who is behind this in their ISP number. For the record, Bill Gates knows at Microsoft who is conducting this operation as it is coming from inside the servers at his corporation.
It is though Club Med harassment of Americans who are bring to light all of the Obama crimes and the absolute fraud of this age.

It means this blog is absolutely correct in God's Inspiration in what is posted here. It means that when certain folks show up connected with certain Obama issues or connected to the "right wing" attempting to enlist me by playing friends, that they are part of the patrician mob testing what part of the soul of this blog they can hijack.
There is no difference in this from source whether it is Rush Limbaugh, Karl Rove, Val-erie Jarrett or Barack Hussein Obama, as they all are the gatekeepers working for the power elite as Dennis Cuddy coined the phrase long ago. Each of these shills is in place to keep certain information from their right or left wing groupies and then to steer them over the Obama abyss.

This criminal intimidation has been taking place now for years. It surfaced in the summer of 2008 when Obama unleashed his autotron army of nerdophiles. The direction of this was the Rockefeller Rotshchild machinations which manifested during the Clinton years in stalking and intimidation during their tenure, but has been handed over to Obama as his tool of the state.
For the record as was exclusively reported here, the Clinton surveillance shut down on 9 11. The mainframe working in the World Trade Center was taken out then in the Towers being pulled, and with the Bush people turning loose the investigatory arms, the Jamie Gorelick separations were fused again in protecting America and not Clinton crimes.
In short, the patricians shut down their operations for 7 years in hiding them, not using their back up shadow internet, until it was unleashed for Obama from disappearing 10 million GOP votes which would have given McCain Palin the victory to the money laundering fact that the Rovians knew Obama imported 300 million in terror funds illegally to his campaign, but those red flags were muted, and instead the entire operational structure was turned against Americans.
Hence one manifestation is plugged email accounts no one has the address to.

This being recorded, it shows to the myriad of others suffering under the Obama patricians that they are not alone, and their unique experiences of intimidation by the regime, all mount up to not crimes against individuals, but Obama crimes against humanity.

The day can arrive when all these voices of Terry Lakin, Rod Blagojevich, Lawrence Sinclair, Donald Young etc.... will have a sympathetic ear in Congress and Justice to bring this entire mob to answer for their crimes.

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