Friday, February 18, 2011

Special Advisor to Barack

Do you find it odd that Robert Gibbs is being replaced by Jay Carney in if you look at both of them, the term MANLY is not something which comes to mind, but instead you think of fruity drinks.

Carney is wed to the manly Claire Shipman though, who kept her name ShipMAN though, when it seems it would have been better if she had given it to Jay, so he could be Jay ShipMAN as it seems in this White House overturning of so many at the repository that.........well they all seem less men than Muchelle.

I did find two black folks though who Obama is working on his fear of black people in he hired, Mike Strautmanis and Rob Nabors. Trust me in while they do not have names like Mustaffa and Jamaal, they are black even if they have white sounding names.

I got the list of the Obama bed hoppers coming in to cuddle up in the floss covered beds being vacated, and it was see if you can see what seems strange.

* Ron Bloom, Assistant to the President for Manufacturing Policy (National Economic Council)
* Jay Carney, Assistant to the President and Press Secretary
* Stephanie Cutter, Assistant to the President and Deputy Senior Advisor
* Nancy-Ann DeParle, Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy
* David Lane, Assistant to the President and Counselor to the Chief of Staff
* Alyssa Mastromonaco, Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations
* Rob Nabors, Assistant to the President and Director of Legislative Affairs
* Emmett Beliveau, Deputy Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff to the Chief of Staff
* Jon Carson, Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of the Office of Public Engagement
* Danielle Crutchfield, Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Scheduling and Advance
* David Cusack, Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Advance
* Mike Strautmanis, Deputy Assistant to the President and Counselor for Strategic Engagement to the Senior Advisor
* Jessica Wright, Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Scheduling
* Brian Deese, Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Director of the National Economic Council

Obama sure does seem to require a great deal of assisting now doesn't he?

I was wondering just what the black guy in Strautmanis, who looks like Muslim Keith Ellison, does for a living really as what is a Counselor for Strategic Engagement to the Senior Advisor?

In taking that title apart, counselor is someone who gives advice about problems, strategic is a plan of action, engagement is a meeting, and Mike does all this for a Senior Advisor as he is also Deputy Assistant to Obama.
So if that is translated while Mike is in a room with Obama and someone, he gives advice on an activity which Obama and his associate are engaged in. There are sure allot of ASSistants and ASSociates in this Obama interaction.

It almost makes one opine that Obama has people hired to help him put on a condom while lubing up the other guy in the newly remodled gay parlour.

Seriously what in the hell is a Chief of Staff to the Chief of Staff? Isn't that like best prostitute to the best whore? Best moron to the best idiot? Best treachery to the best treason?

With all these asses running about the joint, no wonder Obama never works as he gets in the way of all of these teleprompters doing the thinking for him. Apparently food taster, penis blotter and ass wiper jobs are really prime as those assistants have not left to be replaced, nor has official tampon inserter in Muchelle.

It is troubling that out of 14 jobs, that only 2 blacks were hired into the Obama White House making it whiter as Tavis Smiley would note. As this blog championed black hiring in 2008, there should have been at least a 30% hiring by Obama in blacks, which would mean almost 5 jobs.
Blacks though again were hired into the recluse jobs as Obama searched so hard for replacement for Robert Gibbs, but somehow couldn't find Tavis Smiley who would have been perfect for the job as White House Press Secretary.
Instead Obama picks Joe Biden's hireling in Mrs. Jay Shipman. Tavis Smiley, Clarence Page or even obnoxious Julianne Malveaux were all immensely more qualified than Carney and more deserving in the regime due to race.

What the hell is wrong with having the face of the White House spokesperson being black with tan Obama to even it all out?

Why does Obama keep hiding blacks down in the downstairs quarters and only allow the white servants to answer the front door?

The most troubling thing in this is blacks have just taken this booted off the bus and ushered into the shanty out back for going on three years, acting like being the dog in the kennel is great if they can sniff Obama's crotch.

Obama gets into trouble and throws off Malcolm X and picks up Ronald Reagan's life. That certainly will help blacks a great deal more in policy, but what is wrong with Thomas Sowell or Walt Williams to read about, as they are even more Reagan than Reagan?

Oh and if I were black, I wouldn't be expecting my application with Joe Biden to replace Carney finding any employment as this blog has been thee only source for going on three years now exposing the Obama and Biden phobia in hiring minorities into high profile positions.

Is a Senior Advisor the one who has sex with Obama and the Assistant is the one who cleans up the mess? I'm not familiar with all the regime's sexual jargon, only their institutionalized racism.

These are the same folks who Stephanie Sandlin said she didn't have to hire a chronically sick Jew, as they were not "minorities with priorities" in this Age of Obama.

Neither are blacks. Sort of a drought on latinos too doncha know.

Obama has to have all these people there for something as work sure has not been being done.
