Thursday, March 31, 2011

Daily Caller in on Political Rape

I see the Daily Caller was busy smearing Sarah Palin for Karl Rove.

Gov. Palin explains about her utilizing a legal tax deduction and I explain all these frauds do the same thing every day in the CINO, Conservatives In Name Only cocktail crowd.

Is that David Letterman I see?

Setting the Record Straight on State’s Film Production Tax Credit
by Sarah Palin on Wednesday, March 30, 2011 at 11:22am

Goodness, cleaning up the sloppiness of reporters could be a full time job. In response to The Daily Caller’s online inquiry, I gave them a statement that the writer buried on his story’s second page (which most people won’t even notice – I didn’t even notice it) after he spent the first page completely spinning a situation to give the impression that Alaska’s film production tax credit legislation was somehow solely my idea hatched up to benefit the Palins years before I was ever involved in a documentary series on TLC/Discovery Channel. Here’s setting the record straight: As Governor, I signed into law a popular bipartisan bill that was crafted and passed by others and has resulted in numerous Alaska-based productions that are airing today. The only alternative to signing the legislature’s work product would have been for me to veto their legislation, which would have been useless. Besides all that, their legislation worked.

This bill was not some secret big government agenda. These Alaskan legislators just wanted Alaska to be able to compete with the many other states that offer similar incentives. As I noted in my statement (which was curiously buried by The Daily Caller – whose editor-in-chief was recently called on the carpet for publicly using a degrading term to describe women. C’mon Daily Caller, we can’t afford you slipping up like this. America is counting on more professionalism than that.), I can’t speak for the film tax credit programs in other states, but the program in Alaska has been effective. The bipartisan legislation I signed into law in 2008 was borne out of elected lawmakers’ frustration with the fact that shows and films about Alaska were mostly filmed elsewhere. They wanted to incentivize production companies to film in Alaska instead of Canada, Washington state, or Maine. Their bill worked, and as the legislation’s supporters will testify, the state’s economy enjoys the benefits of having this production money circulating right here at home. It was so successful that state lawmakers now want to renew the film production tax credits for another ten years. Keep in mind that we don’t have a state income tax, state sales tax, or state property tax in Alaska. Our state government is predominately funded by oil and gas revenue. Essentially we are using revenue generated from the development of Alaska’s natural resources in order to diversify our economy and create jobs beyond just resource development. Not only does this help promote a new film industry in Alaska, it obviously also has the added benefit of encouraging our tourism industry. These shows and films about Alaska act as perfect tourist advertisements for our state. People come here to experience what they see on the shows filmed here. The dramatic increase in Alaska-based television shows and films are testament to the fact that this legislation worked, and it’s exciting to see our state showcased and appreciated. There has been more film productions here than ever before, and the economic benefit of filming here exceeds the tax credit.

And another point missed by this reporter: apparently The Daily Caller’s conspiracy theory must be that I did all of this not even to benefit myself but Mark Burnett Productions. As I tried to explain to the writer at The Daily Caller, if you believe in this bizarre scenario then why not ask the sponsors, drafters, and supporters of this legislation that would boost job creation if they crafted this bill years ago in order to benefit Sarah Palin. Any suggestion that I somehow did something wrong by signing this legislation is ridiculous. The accusation hinges on the notion that I signed the legislation into law knowing that it would personally benefit me. That’s totally absurd. It wasn’t even my bill, and obviously I had no intention of benefiting from it when I signed it into law in 2008 because I had no idea I would be involved in a documentary series years later. If you’re going to accuse me of benefiting from legislation I signed into law, why stop there? Go ahead and accuse me of “benefiting” from the legislation my administration actually did craft – like for example, our oil and gas evaluation legislation (ACES). You could say I “benefited” from it in the sense that due to ACES the state where I live (Alaska) now enjoys a $12 billion surplus. In fact, you could say that as an Alaskan, I benefited from all of the legislation I championed or signed as governor – just as every Alaskan benefited.

As I also tried to tell the reporter, it’s also a false accusation to suggest that signing this bipartisan bill somehow goes against my position on the proper role of government. I’ve said many times that government can play an appropriate role in incentivizing business, creating infrastructure, and leveling the playing field to foster competition so the market picks winners and losers, instead of bureaucrats burdening businesses and picking winners and losers. Again, I can’t speak for what other states do, but Alaska’s film production tax credit program was an effective way to incentivize a new industry that would diversify our economy. It worked. The lawmakers’ successful legislation fit Alaska’s economy, as our economy is quite unique from other states’ due to our oil and gas revenue. Perhaps it would behoove people to learn much more about the 49th state’s young economy before making broad accusations about the efficacy of business programs. People who live in ivory towers don’t understand the real world where governors and lawmakers actually have to fight to attract business and jobs to their states.

One final thought: having to set the record straight on my Facebook page yet again is further proof that the media can’t be trusted even to print a statement in a manner that people can read.

- Sarah Palin

Lame Cherry~

Let’s get a few facts straight here that the Daily Caller is covering up like the “conservatives” or Conservatives In Name Only, the CINO, neglect to point out.

Jim Geraghty of National Review takes the same type of tax breaks Sarah Palin did, as does the Daily Caller. It is called BUSINESS DEDUCTIONS, and the only reason they exist is taxes are too damn high!

These frauds hammering Sarah Palin, say nothing about Rush Limbaugh whose corporate jet is the same type of deduction that everyone here is paying for.
No one has yet at Daily Caller inquired if the million dollar payment to Elton John was a business tax deduction by Limbaugh, as Sir Elton was an employee and the gathering after the wedding was attended by business associates.

See all these things are tax code related and the Obamites finding fault in Gov. Palin are looking for any excuse to continue the Karl Rove political rape of Gov. Palin.
I have news for you children in the GOP Rovians have no intention of winning in 2012 the Presidency. No they have set this up a decade ago to elect Jeb Bush to the Senate in 2012, and then have him spring into the White House.
Mitt Romney is being groomed now to lose this just like John McCain was set up to lose by Steve Schmidt and Nicole Wallace, both Rove operatives with Mr. Sandlin, husband of liberal Stephanie Herseth Sandlin of South Dakota.

This incestuous lot is who is behind the blaming of Gov. Palin in the Giffords assassination attempt which a second gunman who delayed ambulances has mysteriously disappeared, but like Hutatree’s federal mole, the message like OKC has been sent to Sarah Palin, the exact same way Bill Clinton blamed Rush Limbaugh after OKC.

None of this is as stretch as it is all known facts within this clique of the DC insiders for the Bush dynasty.

I frankly would be more upset if Sarah Palin was not savvy enough to use the legal tax code to her benefit. Her knowledge in COMPREHENDING what all Americans in business deal with in this repressive tax system only proves she knows what to do to fix this when in the White House for all Americans.

Sarah Palin scares these little weak souls to Reagan status. It is the same type of attacks Mr. Reagan endured all through the 70’s.

You go girl, run hard, keep to the economics and I see Marco Rubio says he might like to be Vice President. That spells certain victory for real Conservatives in 2012, because America has had enough of these frauds led by Blood on his hands Obama and Plugs Biden.

You damn betcha Sarah Palin is America’s Future.
