Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Let's just RIP Charlie Sheen as our soup is getting cold

After having been proven correctly in the gang attack on Charlie Sheen's career being over, I address the facts as I'm quite upset about a World Tribune posting by a shortsighted "female of the right" known as Nancy Morgan who advocates Charlie Sheen to be RIP, or dead.

In response;

The ignorance of Ms.Morgan is astounding consdering her place as judge, jury and executioner for Mr. Estevez or Charlie Sheen by his Anglo name.

For the record of fact, not all durnks and dopers are equally lumped into one nice fit all category.
Some are what she stumbles about in arrested development of the sociopath status. Some are chemical based euphoric vampires as in Corey Haim. Some though like Charlie Sheen fit into a unique category in something most do not comprehend in being empaths, a matter of the soul, as in Charlie Sheen "feels too much".

Everyone has felt the presence of others walking into a room. Some people are more in tune to others in the emotional sense. One does not "hear" other people's thoughts, but one feels their emotions and they translate into words of explanation.

Charlie Sheen feels people, and the majority of people in this Age of Obama are miserable, sharp edged, mean, self hating, cold as ice souls. These folks are in terror from them moment of their birth from darkness being dumped into the cold reality of a world of light.
They never get over the shock and in majority they can not hate themselves sufficiently, so need to vent that hatred onto others.

Charlie Sheen has been feeling this immense hatred all of his life, because he can feel other people's emotions twenty four hours a day. He is sensitive and from his early youth he turned to masturbation to deal with the outside world to deaden that feeling.
This is why he stole his dad's credit card and paid for a prostitute to sacrifice his virginity. He was desperate to try to unite in an intimate way to not feel like his soul was being gang raped by the California liberal mob he was attending school with daily and living at the residence of Martin Sheen, the liberal activist.

Charlie Sheen has tried it all. He has denied being an Estevez by being a Sheen to fit into a world outside of his home which it was non stop feeling the turmoil generated there. He has taken in massive doses of alcohol to narcotics which would have killed a horse, and just like possessed individuals can lift a half dozen people off them trying to restrain them, the drugs are not effective in killing Mr. Sheen, because he is a soulful creature.

This is why he does not sleep. This is why he has abilities to carry on the way he does. He is generating a life force most people can not comprehend, because they are so regressed they can not feel anything, but they do need an Obama in demonic spiritual injection to give them that euphoric feeling of "life" and "catharsis".

Charlie Sheen did not need Obama to make him feel, but he uses sex, drugs and a select other sedatives souls to make him not feel the world he has problems shutting out.
I know this world, and I know the trap in it, for once you start feeling it, you become more aware of it, so you start focusing in more, and then the emotional din becomes louder, so you tune in more deeply and there comes a time when all that matrix of emotion is fueling your soul, or Spirit, like a radio signal on a one hundred thousand volt amplifier.
You can not shut it off unless you know now and it starts driving you as an energy force. It is a torment like none other and most do not survive it.

The way to turn it off for people like Charlie Sheen is to turn the focus onto Jesus the Christ, the real empath, Who if one focuses upon that Peace of God in generating from within by the Holy Ghost, one can gain a semblance of dealing with the effects of this world.

Otherwise in time the effects as Charlie Sheen is manifesting in memory loss to aging prematurely will self destruct the body, because the body can be made to endure by mental will, but it can not endure the constant overload before breaking down. The mind loses ability and the body soon then does not have the will to continue.
That is what is the underlying factor in Alzheimers.

So I do not agree in the least with the Charlie Sheen bashers who seem to be the same ravenous orgy who got off on the political gang rape of Sarah Palin and other American women. Charlie Sheen like numbers of spiritual creatures have an ability to feel others which is quite a gift, but this "Denying God" society of secular America mocks the ability and then installs a messiah Obama to heal their self inflicted wounds.

I have advocated that Charlie Sheen find the Spiritual Christ as that is the cure he requires. The rest of the world seem to be only gleefully handing him another dose of hate, so Charlie Sheen will have more to deal with, and they can come to the Hotel California and stab him with their steely eyes, but this time kill the beast.

I would say God rest Charlie Sheen, because an RIP Charlie Sheen is sending this unique person to hell unsaved.

Some might call that Christian compassion.

Charlie Sheen let in a number of pleasure demons of the incubus class with his first whore purchase in trading his soul. He requires Jesus the Christ to set him free, and teach him how to manage his God given gifts for the betterment of this world and his Spiritual growth.

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